Annexation to the City of Troy
The Village of Lansingburgh became part of the City of Troy by a bill that had been signed by New York State Governor Theodore Roosevelt on April 25, 1900 that took effect January 1, 1901. The law followed multiple attempts at or proposals for annexation that reached back to at least 1856 (further, if the annexation of Batestown in 1836 is included, still further if Vermont's attempt in 1781 is), and multiple attempts to stave off annexation by the City of Troy including an 1899 attempt to incorporate a City of Lansingburgh. Related to this topic, there had also been at least three attempts to create a new town from parts of Lansingburgh.
Proposed town from parts of Lansingburgh, Pittstown, and Schaghticoke (1850)
ANNEXATION.—We go in, decidedly, for the annexation of Lansingburgh to Troy. It is the only thing that can breathe life into the Garden. Our neighbors can be somebody, if they will consent to become our adopted children. Otherwise, they will go to grass; or if they don’t, their streets will. Annexation saved Texas, and brought forth riches from the bowels of California. It may do as much for the ‘burgh.
Troy Daily Times. June 22, 1853: 2 col 3.
☞ The Troy Times goes in strongly for annexation, and speaks flippantly about the fatherly care that city is ready to extend to our village. Well, really, that is cool. Tut mon, Lansingburgh is old enough to be a great grandfather to Troy. Before Troy had a habitation or a name, our merchants were on the high road to wealth and fame. But then, this is not the first time the child has swelled up and tried to fill his daddy’s old shad-bellied coat. Go it, little breeches.
Lansingburgh Democrat. June 23, 1853: 2 col 4.
A Brief Glance at the ‘Suburbs.’
It affords us high gratification to witness the evidences of prosperity as well in the adjacent villages as in our beautiful city. WEST TROY has taken a new start in enterprize. During the past two years, more has been done in building there than for many years previously. Many fine dwelling-houses have been erected, and the village is rapidly extending on all sides. This indicates an increase of business as well as population. LANSINGBURGH, too, appears to be rousing somewhat from its Rip Van Winkle slumbers, and we observe signs of progress and improvement in the Garden. Several new and handsome edifices have been erected, or are now in the course of construction in different parts of the village. Annexed to Troy, as it must be in time, “the Garden” will flourish, and [William J.] Lamb will rejoice. […]It is a pleasure for us to note all these pleasant signs among our neighbors. While we are prospering, it is a satisfaction to know that they also enjoy a fair measure of prosperity.
Troy Daily Times. July 1, 1853: 2 col 3.
THE editor of the Troy Times talks about letting Lamb of the Democrat into the “editorial fold.” Just as though he was armed with a Shepherd’s crook and had the right to close or open the gate to whomsoever seemeth him good. He somehow connected the idea of annexation as a prerequisite to full communion. If he means by that a consummation of “the bans” between “the garden” and Illium, that is one thing; but if he means a consolidation of the interests of a Democrat with those of the Times, we think it exceedingly doubtful whether we could ever consent to such a union. As the old lady said of her boy, we are exceedingly partial to the prodigy of our own raising; and rather incline to the opinion that it would not gain very much by such an alliance. With sentiments of the “highest consideration” we must decline the proposition.
Lansingburgh Democrat. July 14, 1853: 2 col 3.
LANSINGBURGH ‘SPLINTERS.’—We copy the following from the Democrat of this week:—There are but few places that can compare with Lansingburgh, either in beauty of location or as a desirable place of residence.But ‘the Garden’ is stone dead! Even Lamb, with all his untiring industry, can’t give it life.—The only remedy for this state of things is annexation. Come to the arms of Troy, my dearly beloved, and we will nurse you into strength and activity.Its beautiful streets, laid out at right angles, are well shaded, the trees with which they are bordered on either side giving to the landscape an air of quiet loveliness. Most too ‘quiet’ for live people. Monotony produces ennui. The beautiful loses its attraction by remaining forever stationary. Change is required to satisfy the mind. We get tired of one thing continually. Annexation would afford that change, and impart ‘newness of life.’ Come, my fair one, let us marry. Lamb, sound the ‘hugaw’ for the wedding. We will proclaim the ‘bans.’As a place of residence for the man of leisure it is unsurpassed, and many such are availing themselves of its peculiar advantages.If the prospect of annexation is doing so much, what might we not expect with the act consummated? Then we would give you some live business men, as well as “men of leisure.” Come in, Lamb!Our markets are at all times supplied with all the seasonable luxuries of life, inasmuch as both city and country combine to keep us well supplied therewith.That’s a rich note, worthy the genius of the editor of the Democrat. We knew ‘the Garden’ produced some pretty posies and bright flowers; but as to having any thing to eat up there, that was a question of some doubt until our cotemporary thus enlightened us.The manufacturer may here enjoy advantages superior to those found in most places. That this is so, is amply attested by the fact that men of this class are daily locating themselves among us. On every side may be seen evidence of this fact. New factories are being opened, old ones are enlarged, and those that have been abandoned in days gone-by, are now being driven to the extent of their power.But even “driven to the extent of their power,” they can’t manufacture life up there. It’s the same sixpence, galvanize it as you may. A hundred years’ friction hasn’t made it a bit brighter. It must be melted in the crucible of annexation to become a portion of the real dollar, so as to make it pass current.We are glad to chronicle these evidences of the prosperity of our village. May we continue thus to prosper.Your “village” thus metamorphosed into “part and parcel” of a great city, you might with reason descant upon “evidence of prosperity;” but up there in the Garden, shut out from the “rest of mankind” by a toll-gate, to speak of “prosperity” is very like talking of the zephyrs of Greenland—dreamed of, perhaps, but never felt. But “the Garden”—we revere it for its ancient character. Like Wiswall’s horse-boats, it reminds us of the days of Noah. However much we might desire it to remain in its “quietloveliness,” as a relic of a past age and generation, respect and pity for the living, as well as sympathy for Lamb in his struggles to throw off the ennui, so much outweigh our reverence for antiquity, that we will consent to its annexation to Troy. The matrimonial alliance once formed, we will join Lamb in the celebration of the honeymoon, and the sound of merriment shall awaken Rip Van Winkle from his slumbers, and induce him to join the ranks of Young America.
Troy Daily Times. July 20, 1853: 2 col 4.
☞ We cannot bring Lamb to the point. He won’t commit himself. He plays all “round Robin Hood’s barn.” He runs one way, then t’other. he even stops to give us a “lick” sometimes. he sings the glories of that magnificent railroad depot at the ‘burgh; his imagination soars to Mount Olympus heights, and then, like a tailess kite, falls to the dead level of “the Garden.” Various antics does Lamb play in the columns of his unapproachable Democrat; but Lamb does not answer the question whether or not he is in favor of the annexation of “the Garden” to Troy. Is he afraid of the “old fogies” up there? Dare he not speak, as is his wont, in fearless utterance?—What’s the matter, Lamb? We almost fear that you are opposed this time; for the sake of manifest destiny,” speak out!—Troy Times.
The man who can discover no more beauty in “the Garden,” than he can in “Wiswal’s old hoss boat,” we content is not the proper person to make such a proposition. Are you answered, Mr. Times man?
Lansingburgh Democrat. August 11, 1853: 2 col 5.
—The Democrat says the Company has been duly organized under the General Railroad Law, with a capital of $40,000, subscribed by men of means, residing in that village, and that the Articles of Association have been filed at the Secretary of State’s Office, Albany. The money is now ready to be used in this enterprise as soon as the citizens of Troy will remove the obstacles they have interposed in its way. All the Company ask for, is the privilege of laying their rails as far into the city as the Railroad Bridge, there to connect with the track running into the Union Railroad Depot. The Democrat remarks:So far as we are concerned, we would have no objection to having our village styled a suburb of Troy, if by so doing the “wall of partition” might be broken down, which has so long intervened between the two places. We do not believe our citizens would be any worse off by a little closer connection with the Trojan Pharisees, and if they claim to be more enterprising and holier than we are, we acknowledge “the corn,” if our so doing will advance in the most remote degree, or expedite the construction of the Troy & Lansingburgh Railroad.We believed Lamb would come round finally for annexation. He does so now—over a Railroad. Well, our City Fathers should seriously consider whether it is not best for them to do something in the way of consummating the bans between Troy and the blooming northern Beauty.
Troy Daily Times. June 16, 1854: 2 col 5.
Proposed Town of Lincoln (1866)
Annexation of Lansingburgh-A Spirited Report (March 18, 1869)
The Eleventh Ward (April 28, 1869)
Defeat of Lansingburgh Annexation (May 18, 1869)
Proposed Town of North Lansingburgh (1879)
“Annexation or no Annexation” (February 28, 1879)
To Include Lansingburgh and a Part of Brunswick and North Greenbush.
In response to a request from Mont. G. Curtis of the Citizens' association, City Engineer Sherrerd has prepared a map of the proposed Greater Troy.The map shows all at present included within the boundaries of Troy, and takes in the present village of Lansingburgh and a considerable portion of the town of Lansingburgh, the limit of the proposed Greater Troy on the north being at a point about 1,000 feet north from the Waterford bridge. On the south the enlarged city will extend far enough to take in the little settlement in North Greenbush just south of the Iron Works, and on the east a goodly portion of the town of Brunswick has been represented in the map as belonging to Troy. No provision for including West Troy and Green Island has been made in the map. One of the advantages to be derived from the annexation plan, should it be adopted, it is argued would be the straightening of the irregular boundaries of the towns of Lansingburgh, Schaghticoke and Brunswick. The portion of the town of Lansingburgh which is not included in the "Greater Troy" it is contemplated could become a part of Schaghticoke.The enlarged city would contain thirteen and one-tenth square miles of territory, divided as follows: The original Troy, five square miles; taken from Lansingburgh, two and seven-tenths square miles; from Brunswick, four and four-tenths square miles and from North Greenbush one square mile. The map is an interesting picture and worthy of study.The committee's report will be made at the next regular meeting of the association.The committee has already caused to be prepared a bill for presentation to the legislature this session, which shall provide for the creation of the Greater Troy. The bill will authorize the annexation of the territory in Lansingburgh, Brunswick and North Greenbush, mentioned as being included in the map described above, and will also provide for the adding of West Troy and Green Island to Troy. The corporate limits of West Troy and Green Island are definitely known, and should the bill become a law no change in the boundaries of these villages will be made. The committee will present the bill before the association Monday evening, and it is probable that the matter will be before the legislature in a short time. The municipal authorities of Troy, Lansingburgh, West Troy and Green Island will be invited to attend the meeting and take part in the discussion on the proposed measure.
Troy Daily Times. February 5, 1895: col 4.
The Village Trustees.
When the President Magee called the meeting of the Board of Trustees to order last evening there was a full attendance, not only of trustees within the rail, but of interested parties outside, and the hall was crowded with men unable to gain attendance. [...]The following resolutions, presented by Trustees Rochester, were adopted by a vote of 6 to 2, Messrs. Waterman and Spall voting against the resolutions:Whereas, a bill has been introduced by Hon. LeGrand C. Tibbits, senator from this county, in the senate, which provides for the annexation of this village to the city of Troy; andWhereas, Said bill has been presented against the protest of the citizens of Lansingburgh and is not desired by them; andWhereas, Hon. Edward McGraw, member of Assembly from the first Assembly district, refused to present said bill in the Assembly, because of the opposition of the people, thereby proving himself loyal to the interests of our citizens; therefore be itResolved, That this board, representing the people of the village of Lansingburgh, hereby approve the course pursued by Assemblyman McGraw in refusing to present said bill, which was against the interests of the people of the village, which action places our citizens under great obligations to him.Resolved, That the village attorney be and he hereby is directed to oppose the passage of said bill, and to attend the hearing before the committee for that purpose.Resolved, That the village clerk be and he is hereby directed to present a copy of these resolutions, certified by the president and clerk, with the village seal attached, to Hon. Edward McGraw, member of Assembly from the first district of this county.Whereas, A bill for the annexation of Lansingburgh to Troy has been introduced in the Senate of this state by Hon. LeGrand C. Tibbits, the representative of Rensselaer county; andWhereas, Said bill is against the interests of our people and not desired by them, which fact was clearly demonstrated at an election held for the purpose of securing an expression of our citizens on said question of annexation, the result of which was an overwhelming majority against the same; andWhereas, We, as trustees of the village of Lansingburgh, representing all sections, knowing said bill to be disapproved by our citizens, have felt it our duty to protest against its passage; therefore be itResolved, That the annexation bill introduced by Senator Tibbits is condemned by this board, it being against the interests of our citizens and presented against the protest of a very large majority of them.Resolved, That we respectfully request the senator and assemblymen from this county to do all in their power to prevent the passage of said annexation bill in their respective branches of the state government and by so doing secure the lasting friendship of our citizens.Resolved, That we most respectfully request the president of the Senate and the speaker of the Assembly to unite with our representatives in their efforts to defeat this bill.Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions, signed by the president and clerk, with the seal attached, be sent to President Saxton of the Senate, Speaker Fish of the Assembly and Senator Tibbits and Assemblymen McGraw, Norton and Anderson.Trustee Rochester presented this resolution, which was unanimously adopted:Resolved, That the president of the village be and he hereby is requested to call a public meeting of our citizens to consider the bill now pending in the Legislature to annex the village to the city of Troy, and that he be empowered to secure Powers opera house for said meeting; also to have a suitable number of notices of said meeting printed and posted throughout the village.
Troy Daily Times. March 11, 1896: 4 cols 2-3.
Suddenly Called After the Congressional Convention—To Protest Against a Greater Troy.
Joseph A. Powers, water commissioner of Lansingburgh, presided at Germania hall in this city yesterday afternoon at the meeting called by him to follow the Republican congressional convention. The purpose was to arrange for a formal protest on the part of the towns and villages of the county against the Greater Troy measure. Charles S. Holmes of Lansingburgh was secretary. About twenty participated in the meeting.Remarks opposing the Greater Troy bill were made by Mr. Powers, J. J. Hagen of Lansingburgh and Hon. Levi E. Worden of Hoosick Falls.Charles E. Hartwell of Lansingburgh asked why it was that Buffalo, Rochester and Syracuse had adopted annexation as a means for securing the population that rightfully belonged to these cities. He also said that it had been stated that Lansingburgh had among other modern city conveniences "good water." He wished to ask the chairman if he liked Lansingburgh water. Mr. Hartwell said that he did not like it at all.Fred. Taplin of Troy made a few remarks favoring the bill.It was decided by the meeting to appoint a committee of three to protest in a memorial to the Senate, the Assembly and the governor against the enactment of the measure.
Troy Daily Times. March 19, 1896: 2 col 3.
[Buffalo annexed the Village of Black Rock
1853-1854; Rochester annexed parts of the towns of Irondequoit, Brighton, Gates, and Greece; Rochester would annex the Village of Brighton in 1905 and the Village of Charlotte in 1916 (after failed 19th Century attempts); Syracuse annexed the Village of Geddes in 1886 and the Village of Elmwood in 1899. Aside from that, they annexed parts of other towns and made attempts at annexing other villages as well.]It is true that there are always advantages in villages contiguous to cities not enjoyed by those isolated by intervening territory. If Schaghticoke should shrewdly secure annexation to Lansingburgh, and Lansingburgh to Troy, all of us might be happy yet—you bet!—Troy Press.
Schaghticoke has no desire of becoming part of Troy by annexation and we join with Green Island and Lansingburgh in an emphatic NO.
Schaghticoke Sun. December 31, 1897: 2 col 3.
The City of Lansingburgh (1899)
For Greater Cities (February 16, 1900)
Republican First Assembly District convention resolution on Greater Troy (April 7, 1900)
The Opponents of Annexation (April 10, 1900)
Annexation remained controversial to the last, the decision ultimately being made by the State Legislature and the Governor rather than by the people of Lansingburgh and Troy or by the councils of the Village and Town of Lansingburgh and of the City of Troy.
"AN Act to annex to the city of Troy certain portions of the towns of North Greenbush, Brunswick and Lansingburgh, including the village of Lansingburgh, and to increase the number of wards in said city, and to make certain provisions incident thereto" became law on April 25, 1900 as Law 1900, chapter 665, taking effect January 1, 1901. The Town of Lansingburgh endeavored to go out with something of a bang.
To Celebrate the Fourth.
This year will be the last opportunity the people will have of celebrating the Fourth in the town of Lansingburgh. The town can boast of having patriotic celebrations for more than a century, and as this will be the last it should be of a rousing nature. The Oolah Club has decided to hold a street parade and all the village organizations are requested to co-operate in making the day a success.
Troy Daily Times. June 7, 1900: 4 col 3.
Image of front cover of "The Obituary," a program for Lansingburgh's final Fourth of July parade.
A Farewell Celebration.
The Fourth of July celebration and parade was a success in every way. Beginning at midnight, the fire and church bells were enthusiastically rung for half an hour, and a number of cannon and various other forms of firearms fired a general salute.
This form of celebrating was continued until the parade started at 3:30 o'clock. Headed by Grand Marshal Crumby Bolton and Doring's Band, the procession proceeded over the line of march, and many laughable make-ups gave citizens much amusement. Among the most elaborate exhibitions was the one given by the members of the Oolah Club, who presented an imitation of an old-time coach, showing the mode of travel 100 years ago, and a circus band. The best horsemen in the club were attired in the dress and armor of ancient days and were mounted on horses. Two members of the club, Augustus O'Brien and William Higgins, drove chariots, and when the parade arrived on the macadamized road these riders attempted a chariot race for the amusement of the people.
The Majestic Club caricatured the homecoming of the Astor battery. Charles Keene and Cyrus Demers gave a good illustration of an automobile. It consisted of an ordinary flat wagon with the horse concealed in the rear. Robert Davry had an original make-up, and James Sanderson drove a wagon with a number of ludicrous signs on it.
The program of the day, entitled "Lansingburgh's Obituary" was full of local jokes and was edited by W. B. Kirkpatrick, William Higgins and Fred L. Winchell.
Doring's Band arrived at headquarters about 3 o'clock. The musicians played a dirge, and a concert followed.
Troy Daily Times. July 5, 1900: 4 col 4.