Books published in Lansingburgh or for Lansingburgh booksellers have included:Franklin, Benjamin. The Way to Wealth, As Clearly Shewn in the Preface of an Old Pennsylvania Almanack, Entitled, Poor Richard Improved. Lansingburgh: Re-printed by Babcock & Hickok, 1789.Whitefield, George. A Letter from the Reverend Mr. George Whitefield to the Reverend Mr. John Wesley: In Answer to His Sermon, Intitled Free Grace. Lansingburgh, NY: Printed by Babcock & Hickok, 1789.Watts, Isaac. The Psalms of David: Imitated in the Language of the New Testament, and Applied to the Christian State and Worship. Lansingburgh, N.Y.: Babcock & Hickok, 1790.Sweeting, Whiting. The Narrative of Whiting Sweeting: Containing an Account of His Trial Before the Supreme Court of Judicature of the State of New-York at the July Term, 1791, for the Murder of Darius Quimby ... an Address to the Public &c. Lansingburg, N.Y: Tiffany, 1791.Tiffany, Silvester, and Henry Spencer. An Easy Method of Working by the Plain and Sliding Rules. Lansingburgh, N.Y.: Printed by Silvester Tiffany, and sold at his office, and at Spencer's book-store, Albany. Never before published in Amerrica [sic, 1793.A New History of the Grecian States, From Their Earliest Period to Their Extinction by the Ottomans. Containing an Account of Their Most Memorable Sieges and Battles ; and the Character and Exploits of Their Most Celebrated Heroes, Orators, and Philosophers. : Embellished with Copper-Plate Cuts. : Designed for the Use of Young Ladies and Gentlemen. Lansingburgh, N.Y.: London, printed, 1794., Joseph. A Brief Illustration of Infant Baptism, in Two Parts. Lansingburgh, N.Y.: Printed [by Silvester Tiffany] for the author, 1794.Louis, , Antoinette Marie, Abner Reed, Silvester Tiffany, and Thomas Spencer. The Trial, &c. of Louis Xvi. Late King of France, and Marie Antoinette, His Queen: Embellished with Copper-Plate Engravings. Lansingburgh, N.Y.: Printed by Silvester Tiffany, for, and sold by, Thomas Spencer, at his book-store, in Market-Street, Albany, 1794.Billings, Nathaniel. The Republican Harmony: --- Containing: --- the Rudiments of Music, in a Concise Manner; Together with a Collection of Sacred Music, Both Ancient and Modern: Some of the Latter Are Original. Designed for the Use of Singing Schools and Worshiping Societies. Lansingburgh, (New-York: Printed by Silvester Tiffany, for the publisher, 1795.Atwill, Thomas H. The New-York Collection of Sacred Harmony: Containing the Necessary Rules of Music, with a Variety of Psalm & Hymn Tunes, Set Pieces, & Anthems, Many of Which Are Original. Lansingburg, N.Y: Engraved for the editor by Abner Reed, 1795.Tiffany, Silvester, Howard Moulton, and Josiah Moulton. The Shorter Catechism. Composed by the Assembly of Divines, at Westminster: Containing, the Principles of the Christian Religion with Scripture-Proofs. : to Which Is Added, a Form of Prayer, in Scripture Expressions, on a New Plan; Designed As a Guide to Youth in Their First Attempts in This Important Duty. Lansingburgh, N.Y.: Printed by Silvester Tiffany, and sold at his book-store; also by H. & J. Moulton, in Troy, 1795.Washington, George, Luther Pratt, and Daniel Curtiss. The Address, and Resignation of His Excellency Geo. Washington Esq. President of the United States of America. Lansingburgh, N.Y.: Printed by Luther Pratt, & Co, 1796.The Gamut ; Or, Scale of Music, for the Use of Schools. Lansingburgh, N.Y.: Printed and sold, by Luther Pratt, & Co. King-Street, directly opposite the Coty-Hotel, 1796.The Grateful Return: An Entertaining Story for Children. Lansingburgh, N.Y.: Printed by Luther Pratt, & Co, 1796.Richardson, Samuel. The History of Pamela Or, Virtue Rewarded. Lansingburgh, N.Y.: Printed by Luther Pratt, & Co. Sold wholesale and retail, at their printing-office, King-Street, 1796.Lee, Chauncey, and Abner Reed. The American Accomptant: Being a Plain, Practical and Systematic Compendium of Federal Arithmetic. Lansingburgh, N.Y.: Printed by William W. Wands, 1797., Chauncey. An Oration, Delivered at Lansingburgh, on the Fourth of July, A.d. 1797: In Celebration of the Twenty-First Anniversary of American Independence. Lansingburgh, N.Y.: Printed by R. Moffitt & Co, 1797.Lansing, Levinus, Shubael Gorham, Levi Coley, and Gardiner Tracy. The Honest Landlord, Truth Swearing Judge, and the Real Genuine Patent Republican; Or, the Patriot of '75, Whig of '76, and Soldier of '77. Lansingburgh, N.Y.?: Printed by Gardiner Tracy?, 1799.Coe, Jonas. [a Sermon Preached at Lansingburgh, Dec. 29, 1800, Upon the Death of Washington. Place of publication not identified: publisher not identified, 1800.Close, John. A Discourse, on Federal and Relative Holiness: By Which, Persons Have a Standing in the Visible Church, with Its Consequent Blessings, and in Which Is Pointed Out the Sure Foundation of Infant Baptism. Lansingburgh. N.Y.: Printed by Francis Adancourt, 1803.Sketch of a Plan for Promoting Christian Knowledge, Brotherly Love and Friendship. Lansingburgh, N.Y.: Printed by F. Adancourt, 1803.Proudfit, Alexander. The Spiritual Steward: A Sermon Preached at the Meeting of the Associate Reformed Synod, in the City of New York, Oct. 21, 1802. Lansingburgh: Printed by Gardiner Tracy, 1803., Alex. The Power And Sovereignty of Divine Grace, Displayed, In The Conversion of Jacob Bicks, At The Age of Six Years : Of Mrs. Tooly, A Young Lady Of Eminent Rank; And Of John, Earl Of Rochester. Lansingburgh, NY: Gardiner Tracy, 1803.Covell, Lemuel. An Oration, Delivered at Pittstown, State of New-York, on the Fourth of July, 1804: The Twenty Eighth Anniversary of American Independence. Lansingburgh, N.Y.: Printed by F. Adancourt, 1804The Merry Medley, Or, Pocket Companion: Being a Collection of the Best Sentimental, Convivial, Humorous, Patriotic, Pastoral, Hunting, Sea and Masonic Songs : Among This Collection Is the Celebrated New Song Called Lady Washington's Lamentation : and a Number of Other New Songs Never Before Published in Any Collection. Lansingburgh, N.Y.: Printed by Francis Adancourt for himself and Samuel Shaw, 1804.Watts, Isaac, 1674-1748. Horæ Lyricæ: Poems, Chiefly of the Lyric Kind In Three Books : Sacred I. To Devotion And Piety : II. To Virtue, Honour, And Friendship : III. To the Memory of the Dead. Troy: Printed and sold by O. Penniman and Co., sold also by M. Harrison, Lansingburgh, G. Richards, Utica, and Pomeroy & Williams, Middlebury, 1804., W D. The History of North America: Containing a Review of the Customs and Manners of the Original Inhabitants; the First Settlement of the British Colonies; and Their Rise and Progress, from the Earliest Period to the Time of Their Becoming United, Free and Independent States. Lansingburgh: Printed For Samuel Shaw, Bookbinder, by Charles R. & George Webster, Albany, 1805. [Contains list of subscribers from Lansingburgh.]Knigge, Adolph, and Peter Will. Practical Philosophy of Social Life; Or, the Art of Conversing with Men. Lansingburgh, NY: Penniman & Bliss, 1805., Ralph. Gospel Sonnets, Or, Spiritual Songs: Concerning Creation and Redemption, Law and Gospel, Justification and Sanctification, Faith and Sense, Heaven and Earth. Lansingburgh, N.Y.: Penniman & Bliss, 1806. of the Officers and Students of Williams College. Lansingburgh, N.Y.: Tracy & Bliss, printers, Lansingburgh, 1806.Friend to Mankind. The Mercuriad, Or, Spanish Practice of Physic: A Tragi-Comedy, in Five Acts, in Prose: Being a Burlesque on the Excessive Use, and an Exposition of the Malignant Effects of Merucury Introduced into the Practice of Physic. Lansingburgh, N.Y: Francis Adancourt, 1807.Allen, David. An Oration Delivered in the Brick Church in Lansingburgh, July 4th, 1809. Lansingburgh, N.Y.: Printed for Tracy & Bliss, 1809.A Catalogue of the Students of Granville Academy, 1810: Salem Town, A.m. Preceptor. Lansingburgh, N.Y.: Tracy & Bliss, printers, 1810Minutes of the Shaftsbury Baptist Association, Held at Nassau, U.m. June ... 1813: Together with Their Circular and Corresponding Letter. Lansingburgh, N.Y.: Printed by Tracy & Bliss, 1813.Pope, Alexander. An Essay on Man. Lansingburgh, N.Y.: Printed by Tract & Bliss, at the Lansingburgh Bookstore, 1813.Tracy, Gardiner, and Luther Bliss. The First Report of the Saratoga County Bible Society: Read Before the Society July 10th, 1816. : to Which Is Prefixed, the Names of the Officers, the Constitution, a List of the Departments Formed in the County, with the Number of Their Members, and the Resolution of the Society, Declaring Themselves Auxiliary to the American Bible Society. Lansingburgh, N.Y.: Printed by Tracy & Bliss, 1816.Shakespeare, William, and William Dodd. The Beauties of Shakspeare: Regularly Selected from Each Play, with a General Index, Digesting Them Under Proper Heads. Lansingburgh: W. Disturnell, 1821.Fisk, Allen, and Lindley Murray. Murray's English Grammar Simplified: Designed to Abridge and Facilitate the Study of the English Language by Enabling the Instructor to Teach Without the Aid of His Birch, and the Student to Learn Without the Drudgery of Committing to Memory What He Does Not Understand. on a New Plan. Lansingburgh, N.Y: J.C. Young, 1821.Sampson, Ezra. Beauties of the Bible: Being a Selection from the Old and New Testaments, with Various Remarks and Brief Dissertations, Designed for the Use of Christians in General ; and Particularly for the Use of Schools, and the Improvement of Youth. Lansingburgh, N.Y.: Published by Tracy & Bliss, 1822.Voltaire. The History of Charles XII. King of Sweden. Lansingburg, N.Y.: Published by Wm. Disturnell, Lansingburgh, and W. and J. Disturnell, booksellers, Troy. E. & E. Hosford, printers, Albany, 1822., Samuel. Dictionary of the English Language in Miniature: To Which Are Added an Alphabetical Account of the Heathen Deities, [etc.]. Lansingburgh, N.Y.: W. Disturnell, 1823., Benjamin, and Cleve E. J. Van. A Sermon Preached in Grace Church, Waterford, and Trinity Church, Lansingburgh, February 17, 1828: Being the Sunday After the Death of His Excellency De Witt Clinton, Governor of the State of New-York. Lansingburgh, N.Y.: Printed by Edward J. Van Cleve, 1828.Webb, Isaac. An Essay in Vindication of the Doctrine of Election. Lansingburgh, N.Y: Printed by W.S. Fairfield, 1833.Gordon, David. Catechetical Exercises upon the Testimony of the Associate Church. Lansingburgh, NY: WJ Lamb, 1838.An Address on Education, by the Troy Annual Conference, to the Members and Friends of the Methodist Episcopal Church Within Its Bounds. Lansingburgh, N.Y.: W.H. Gray, printer, 1838.Priest, Josiah. A True Narrative of the Capture of David Ogden: Among the Indians, in the Time of the Revolution, and of the Slavery and Sufferings He Endured, with an Account of His Almost Miraculous Escape After Several Years' Bondage ; with Eight Other Highly Interesting Stories of the Revolution, and Tales of Hunters. Lansingburgh, N.Y.: Printed by W.B. Harkness, 1840., John. The Science of Double-Entry Book-Keeping, Simplified: To Which Is Added Important Rules, Tables and Supplementary Matter to Aid the Accountant in Every Emergency. Lansingburgh, N.Y.: Printed by W.B. Harkness, 1840., William H. The Lansingburgh Philanthropic Total-Abstinence Association, Organized July 7, 1841. Lansingburgh?, N.Y.: William J. Lamb, printer, 1841.Maltbie, Ebenezer D, and Wilberforce Eames. A Discourse Delivered in the First Presbyterian Church in Lansingburgh, Sabbath Morning, August 1st, 1841, As a Tribute to the Memory of the Rev. Philo Fuller Phelps, Former Pastor of Said Church. Lansingburgh, N.Y.: Printed by William H. Gray, 1841.Maltbie, E D. The Obligations and Inducements to Mental Improvement: An Address, Delivered Before the Lansingburgh Young Mens Association, February 15, 1841. Lansingburgh, N.Y.: W.H. Gray, 1841.Priest, Josiah, and Freegift Patchin. A True Story of the Extraordinary Feats, Adventures and Sufferings of Matthew Calkins, Chenango Co., N.y: In the War of the Revolution-Never Before Published. : Also, the Deeply Interesting Story of the Captivity of General Patchin, of Schoharie Co., N.y., When a Lad: by Brant and His Indians. in the Same War: Written from the Lips of the Respective Heroes Above-Named. the Spirit of Evil and the Spirit of Good: a Saginaw Tale ; from Schoolcraft's Researches. : and the Story of Conrad Mayer, the Hunter. : [four Lines of Quotation]. Lansingburgh, N.Y.: Printed by W. Harkness, 1841., Marvin. The Apostolic Platform; Or, a Vindication of the Baptist from the Charge of Close Communion, It Being the Substance of a Sermon Preached by Marvin Eastwood, Pastor of the Baptist Church, Waterford, N.Y. Lansingburgh: W.J. Lamb, 1842.Jones, John. An Authentic Narrative of the Life and Adventures, Capture and Confession, of Antonio Barbonne: The Greatest Pirate, That Ever Sailed Upon the South Seas. Captured by Captain Lansing, of the Ship Orum, After a Desperate Engagement December 25, 1841. Lansingburgh, N.Y.: W.J. Lamb, printer, 1842.Sprague, William B. A Sermon Delivered April 22, 1845, At The Opening Of The New Church, Erected By The First Presbyterian Congregation, Lansingburgh. Lansingburgh, NY: Pelatiah Bliss, 1845.Mitchell, Thomas. A Course of Lectures: Delivered in the City of Albany, on the Newly Discovered Science of Electrical Psychology. Lansingburgh: W.J. Lamb, 1849., Lorenzo D. A Journal of the Overland Route to California! and the Gold Mines. Lansingburgh, N.Y: A. Kirkpatrick, Printer, 1851., William, and Lewis Livingston. Truth Stranger Than Fiction: Report of the Examinations of Wm. May, Alias Wm. Avery, and Lewis Livingston, Upon Charges of Rape and Conspiracy. Lansingburgh, N.Y: W.J. Lamb, 1851.Third Anniversary of the Hudson River Baptist Association North, Held in the Meeting-House of the Baptist Church in Cohoes, June 14 & 15, 1853. Lansingburgh, NY: WJ Lamb, 1853.Bryson, John. A Collection of Miscellaneous Poems: Dedicated to and Published at the Request of His Friends. Lansingburgh: A. Kirkpatrick, 1854Mitchell, Thomas, and George C. Richards. The Maine-Law Songster. Lansingburgh, N.Y: Pub. by Thomas Mitchell, and Richards & Hatch, 1854. Musical score.Ritual for Subordinate Lodges of Knights of Jericho. Lansingburgh, NY: publisher not identified, 1854Spicer, Tobias. The Way from Sin to Sanctification, Holiness, and Heaven. Lansingburgh, N.Y: Alexander Kirkpatrick, Printer, 1854.Mitchell, Thomas. Short-hand: Phonography for the Million. a New System, of Kyriological Phonography. Lansingburgh, N.Y: A. Kirkpatrick, Printer, 1858., Jerome B. Moral Science: A New Theology Deduced from the Bible. Lansingburgh, N.Y: J.B. Holgate, 1875.Constitution, By-Laws, Rules, Officers and Members of Riverside Club. Lansingburgh, N.Y: J.W. Gemmill, 1893.Jones, Edward W. The Silent Instructor and 300 Secrets Worth Knowing. Lansingburgh, NY: n.p., 1899.Lord, Jane S, and Frances D. Broderick. Lansingburgh, New York, 1771-1971. Lansingburgh, NY: Lansingburgh Historical Society, 1971.Waite, John G. The Architecture of Lansingburgh, New York. Lansingburgh, NY: Lansingburgh Historical Society, 1976.[Above citations primarily obtained via WorldCat]