Batestown was part of the Town of Lansingburgh from 1807 to 1836. However, the Batestown School seems to have been part of the Lansingburgh School District well beyond the date that the City of Troy annexed Batestown.
Board of Education.TROY, Aug. 26, 1851. [...]Commissioner Randall presented the report of the Trustees of the School at Batestown, placed under the charge of the Board of Education, by act of June 30, 1851.
Troy Daily Times. August 21, 1851: 2 col 2.FIRE THIS MORNING.—At about 2 1/2 o'clock this morning, the brush factory of Wilson & Eaton, in Batestown, was discovered to be on fire. It was a long wooden building, formerly used as the Tenth Ward school house. The location and rapid progress of the fire were such that before the Rankin, (which was the only steamer on the ground) arrived and could be got to work, the whole of the interior was in flames, and all efforts to save the building were unavailable. The loss of Messrs. Wilson & Eaton on stock, &c., is from $13,000 to $14,000. They were insured for about $9,000 in the Atlantic, Home and another company. There were about sixty operatives employed by the firm, all of whom are of course thrown out of work by the catastrophe. The origin of the fire is unknown, but is supposed to have taken from the stove, as the flames were first discovered in its vicinity. Messrs. Wilson & Eaton are a young firm, having commenced operations only a few months since, and the loss above the insurance is a severe blow to them.
Troy Daily Times. March 21, 1866: 3 col 5.LANSINGBURGH—SCHOOL MEETING LAST EVENING [...]The large and interested assemblage of the inhabitants of this school district, at the old school house last evening augured at once the emphatic reiteration of their decision last year, of their satisfaction at the management of our school affairs, and the result but another rebuke to the opposition which savors solely of one object and purpose, the displacement of the present Superintendent of the schools. [...]The Trustees were also empowered to use the library fund for the purchase of apparatus for the Academic department, and also to provide drive wells for the Batestown and the Market street school.
Troy Daily Times. October 9, 1872: 3 col 2.
LANSINGBURGH.MEETING OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES—The inhabitants of this school district held their annual meeting, last evening. Robert Dickson acting as Chairman, E. Hyatt, District clerk was present, in a flourishing condition and that they The trustees reported the schools had expended during the past year the sum of $12,494.51, of which $6,363.51 was paid towards the building of the Batestown school house, leaving $6,131 as the school expenses proper for the year. [...] A resolution was also adopted directing the trustees to raise the salary of the Principal of Schools $200; also that two wells be made, one for the Market street school and one for Batestown school. It was decided that the library money be expended to procuring apparatus for the Grammar school Department. The trustees were directed to sell the African school house in John street, and use the proceeds in enlarging the Power's department of the Market street school house, and to raise a sum not exceeding $4,000 to pay the balance, the tax to be levied June 1, 1873.
Troy Daily Whig. October 9, 1872: 4 col 4.SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS.—The annual examinations of the public schools began yesterday. In the morning the examination of the primary department of School No. 1 too place, and in the afternoon that of the Batestown school. The exercises passed off in a very pleasant and satisfactory manner. The examinations of the other departments will be continued during the week."Lansingburgh."
Troy Daily Whig. March 14, 1873: 4 col 3.