SPOTS ABOUT TOWN---NO. 3.—The Golden Rule Institute.We very much doubt whether more than half of the citizens of this place are aware of the existence of an Institution bearing the above title in their midst, so quiet and unobtrusive has been its rise from obscurity, into the three story brick mansion it now occupies, on the corner of Market and Ann streets [115th Street and Sixth Avenue]. Its worthy founder—one of the family of Smiths, but not John—still presides over its destinies, and it must afford him much satisfaction to witness its present flourishing condition.—Although originally designed as a home for the orphan and destitute, and to furnish a retreat for those who having seen the evil of their way were anxious to be led in virtue's path, we believe its general features have been changed, and it might now be classed as a boarding school of the first order, where parents can send their daughters at a cheap rate, and unlike most schools, have their morals as well as their intellects cared for, and have them fitted for the active duties of life. We visited the Institute a few weeks since, and found some 40 or 50 boarding pupils, under the charge of two accomplished teachers, and were highly pleased with their display of high literary attainment. We do not know when we have seen so fine a bevy of young ladies assembled, whose countenances bore such sure tokens of fine intellect, needing but the touch of the master's chisel to develop it in all its native loveliness. Here we found vivacity devoid of rudeness, wit and repartee without personality, application without restraint, study without over-taxing the physical system, industry without impairing the mental.—Equality is practised in all its length and breadth; we were much pleased to see the tawney child of nature from her forest home, enjoying the same advantages with the daughter of civilization and opulence. A portion of the time of each scholar is daily applied to the acquiring a knowledge of the domestic arts, so that when they leave the institution, they may be something more than mere gilded butterflies, unfit for the sober realities of life. The Golden Rule Institute enjoys a large share of the public confidence abroad, and we wish its merits were better appreciated by our citizens. R. J. SMITH and his amiable lady, are the general superintendents of the institution.A literary periodical called "
The Golden Rule," emanates from this establishment, containing choice gems of literature, and much valuable instruction, calculated for the domestic fireside.
Lansingburgh Democrat. November 27, 1847: 2 col 1.