The Glen Theatre, one of a few theaters within the bounds of the former Town of Lansingburgh was in Batestown at 3280 Fifth Avenue between Glen Avenue and Douw Street, and seems to have operated from about 1915 to 1922. The address is currently occupied by Troy Bike Rescue.

St. Patrick's Theatre Benefit.
By means of an agreement between members of the Ladies' Auxiliary of St. Patrick's Church and the management of the Glen Theatre on Sixth Avenue a portion of the theatre's receupts on Saturday afternoon and night was contributed to the church building fund. The ladies sold special tickets to residents of the parish and the enterprise nettted the fund about $30.Troy Times. November 22, 1915: 9 col 3.
FOR SALEGlen Theatre3280 SIXTH AVE., TROY, N. Y.
Modern building, with equipment, including seats, motion picture machines, lights, screen, piano, etc. Capacity 400. Splendid opportunity for good moving picture business.Apply toROY H. PALMER,202 Cannon Place, Troy N. Y.Or to Timothy J. Quillinan,National State Bank Bldg.Troy Times. May 27, 1918: 5 col 6.LOST—In or between Glen Theatre and First St., North, small black-beaded purse containing bills and change. Finder call N. 609-J.Troy Times. February 18, 1920: 9 col 7.
To Form Club.
A meeting has been called for Friday evening at 8 o'clock, corner Sixth and Glen Avenues, for the purpose of organizing a rod and gun club. All who are interested have been invited to attend.Troy Times. June 8, 1921: 14 col 5.
Addressed New Gun Club.
At a mass-meeting of sportsmen at the Glen Theatre last evening called by the Trojan Rod and Gun Club Dr. Henry B. Ward, a zoologist of the University of Illinois, a former Trojan and member of the old Troy Rifle Club, presented the new organization with a cut of the emblem of the Rifle Club. He gave a talk on "The Pollution of Streams." Motion pictures of conservation activities and wild animal life were shown. One scene showed Troy Boy Scouts feeding deer near this city in the winter time in co-operation with members of the Conservation Commission. Among other speakers were Henry Teal, who told of game life and its protection, and John C. Norak, who spoke on the Boy Scout movement as an aid to conservation.The officers of this club are: President George D. Founks; Vice President, Warren B. Iler; Secretary, Henry Nelson; Trustees, Bert Falle, William Stufflebein and Henry A. Teal.Troy Times. July 22, 1921: 8 col 5.
Another Theatre Closed.
The Glen Theatre at the corner of Glen and Sixth Avenues was to-day ordered closed by Superintendent of Buildings Haynes, making the third moving-picture house to come under the ban within a week. The place will remain closed until alterations suggested by the Superintendent are made.Superintendent Haynes also stopped construction on the new Campbell garage on Fifth Avenue and One Hundred and Eighth Streets. Failure to comply with building regulations in connection with the fire laws was the reason for the official's action.Troy Times. February 21, 1922: 5 col 5.
General Mention.
—A special motion picture exhibition will be given at the Glen Theatre Monday night for the benefit of St. Patrick's Church."Northern Wards." Troy Times. June 1, 1922: 16 col 3.
It was the Glen Theatre and not the Bijou which was sold at the Court House yesterday in foreclosure proceedings brought by Blanche G. Van Every against Frank N Barhydt.Troy Times. December 16, 1922: 5 col 6.
THE Glen Moving Picture Theatre; fine place for auto repair shop or show room. Rent reasonable. Inquire W. M. Groom. 'Phone Troy 2331.Troy Times. December 22, 1922: 18 col 3.