Green Island

Green Island, formerly Tibbits Island, one of the neighbors of Lansingburgh was never part of the Village of Lansingburgh or Town of Lansingburgh.However, George Tibbits (1763-1849) purchased the north half of the island in 1796 at a time he was a resident of the Village of Lansingburgh and one of the first trustees of the Lansingburgh Academy; his first son George Mortimer Tibbits (1796-1878) was born in Lansingburgh later the same year.The southern half of Green Island was briefly owned by Daniel Cady - but this was not the Daniel Cady (abt 1805-aft 1870) who lived in Lansingburgh but rather Daniel Cady (1773-1859) of Johnstown, Fulton County - father of suffragist Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Whether the two Daniel Cadys were related is yet to be established. (Do you know, reader?)Green Island was also of some importance to the Junction Canal Company, led by prominent Burghers.Burghers likewise sometimes enjoyed visits to Powers Grove and the Mohawk Pines and Zoo, places of resort once on Green Island.

To Contractors.SEALED proposals will be received until the 16th instant, at 1 o'clock P.M., for excavating the Erie Canal to the Mohawk river, and a point in the White Sprout above its Dam, to be build in said sprout to the entrance of the Canal into the Pond of the State Dam across the Hudson,—also, for excavating two Lock Pits,—also, for constructing two wooden Locks, in such manner as to serve the purpose of Lift Locks and Guard Locks,—also, for constructing one Dam from Green Island to the state land, about 370 feet long, about five feet above the level of the water,—also, a Dam from Van Schaick's Island to Green Island, about 424 feet long, about six and a half feet above the present level of the water—the Dams to the warranted for three years. All the above works to be executed according to plans to be furnished by the Engineer. The proposals for excavation must state the price per yard for earth and the price per yard for rock excavation. The Locks and excavation to be completed by the 1st of September, the Dams by the 1st of October.The Executive Committee will meet at J. C. Lansing's office in Lansingburgh on the 16th inst., at 1 P.M. to open and decide on the proposals offered. June 12th, 1832.J. M. CASWELL, Superintendent.Lansingburgh Gazette. June 12, 1832: 2 col 6.☞ A party of about twenty Indians have pitched their tents on Green Island, and are doing a wholesale business in baskets, trinkets &c.—Troy Times.Lansingburgh Democrat. September 4, 1851: 2 col 4.Green Island, bounded on the north by the second branch and on the west and south by the first branch of the Mohawk River, and on the east by the Hudson, lies west of the northern part of the city. It was early known as Tibbits' Island. It is about two miles long and, a half mile wide. Purchased with the other land contiguous to it from the Indians by the agents of Kiliaen Van Rensselaer, on July 27, 1630, it was leased on May 4, 1708, to Colonel Peter Schuyler for one-tenth of its yearly productions. From Colonel Peter Schuyler, it passed to Hendrick Oothout, June 8, 1713, and on his death in 1738, to his son, Jonas, who, in 1769, willed it to his two sons, Hendrick and Volkert. By partition deeds, Hendrick obtained the north part of the island, and his brother, the south part. The former, on March 1, 1796, conveyed the north part to George and Benjamin Tibbits. The executors of the will of Volkert Oothout, on September 28, 1833, sold the south part, containing 125 acres, to Daniel Cady, who, on June 20, 1834, conveyed it to Elisha Tibbits, who, on September 15, that year, obtained for $750, a release of the annual rent from Stephen Van Rensselaer, the patroon. On October 22, 1834, Elisha Tibbits made a declaration that the land had been purchased for George Tibbits, George Griswold, and himself; each being entitled to one-third part of the 125 acres. In the spring of 1835, Le Grand Cannon became associated with the purchasers; one-half of George Griswold's interest in the property having been conveyed to him. The owners then projected a great improvement of the property by laying out a number of mill and factory sites along the west bank of the Hudson, south of the state dam, from which water was to be conducted by a canal. In 1838, after a long litigation relating to the use of the water from the Hudson, the suit was ended and the proposed improvements abandoned. The property was then subdivided and conveyed to parties claiming ownership. Many of the lots laid out on S. A. Beers' map of April 20, 1838, were subsequently conveyed to different persons, who erected on them dwellings, factories, and manufacturing works.Weise, Arthur James. The City of Troy and Its Vicinity. Troy, NY: E. Green, 1886. 154-155.