—The opening services of the Hedding Methodist church yesterday were very largely attended and unusually interesting. Owing to the illness of Rev. Dr. George W. Brown of Troy, who was to have preached in the morning, his place was ably filled by Rev. Dr. Henry Graham of this village. In the afternoon the pulpit was occupied by Rev. John H. Coleman of Troy, who preached an eloquent sermon to a large congregation. In the evening the speakers were Rev. O. J. Squires, H. C. Curtis, H. Clay Bascom and Mr. Ford. Other laymen who were to have spoken were unable to be present owing to illness. Rev. Dr. Hughes, the presiding elder, was also ill and unable to be present, but, nevertheless, all three services were very successful. The congregations were composed of many members of the Troy and Lansingburgh churches. Over $850 was raised during the day by subscription and collection, which sum will be applied toward the completion of the new chapel. Tuesday evening another service will be held, when Rev. I. D. Van Valkenburgh will preach, and Thursday the chapel will be formally dedicated, Rev. W. H. Hughes having charge of the exercises."Lansingburgh." Troy Daily Times. January 6, 1890: 3 col 3.
By 1929, the site was taken by the Hedding Apartments, a two-story, six family brick building..