Lansingburgh Historical Society
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History is Here

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Finding Us

The Herman Melville House is the headquarters of the Lansingburgh Historical Society. The first floor contains two connected parlors which are used for meeting and display. They are furnished with pieces from local historic homes. There is a doll house, a box which once held letters exchanged between the Melville and Gansevoort family members, a book collection, and items (photos, art works, models, tin ware, etc.) related to Lansingburgh people and industries. The third floor has a collection of artifacts from the brick, brush, and rope making industries along with street signs, toys, tools, and various other items from Lansingburgh’s past. Across First Avenue is Melville Park, once the site of ship building and a carpenter shop. (Detailed Directions HERE)


The "Old House"


(see below for a brief history of this Lansingburgh gem)

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Welcome to our new website. All Historical Society Events will be posted in the Events section, in the top menu bar. Please note that all the archival content of the old website can be accessed HERE. We are in the process of bringing all of our archives onto this new site. That material will appear in the “About Us” and “LHS Archives” dropdown at the top of this page. This is a work in progress, so not all the archive links have been made. We are looking at nearly 600 files that are richly cross-linked.

The Old House (pictured above) Michael Barrett provides this bit of history. “580 First Avenue. Identified as “the old house” on Lansing’s original map, this c. 1720 building is the oldest known building in Lansingburgh. Noted for it’s Dutch gambrel roof over 1 1/2 stories, rather than the 2 1/2 story style of the later 18th century."


Become a Member


this photo is of One of our neighbors on 114th street

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Who is Who at the Society


President – John Ward
Vice President – Mary Ellen Ward
Treasurer – Beth Roy
Assistant Treasurer – Sue Busta
Recording Secretary – Linda Segreto
Corresponding Secretary – Kathy Fomuk


Elected 2015
Michael Barrett
Sue Busta
Pat Dorow
Byron Moak
John Ward
Mary Ellen Ward

Elected 2016
Kathy Fomuk
Linda Segretto
Elected 2017
Heidi Klinowski
Elected 2018
Toni Dickinson
Mary Ellen Kelleher
Elected 2019
Beth Roy