Caroline Gilkey Rogers, presidential elector for Belva Ann Lockwood (1888)

Caroline Gilkey Rogers was a suffragist who lived in Lansingburgh; for some more information about her beyond the below, see "A New Historical Marker for Lansingburgh!" The Courier. March 2017. 4.

A Man for Her Lieutenant—Three Blush Roses Made of Tissue Paper Appear to Be the Party Badge—The Candidates.For President—Belva A. Lockwood, 619 F street, N. W., Washington, D. C.For Vice-President—Alfred H. Love, 219 Chestnut street, Philadelphia.For Governor—Linda Gilbert, 1,218 Tenth avenue, New YorkFor Lietenant-Governor—Charles Deyo, Oxford.For Electors at Large—Edward W. Chamberlain, 111 West Forty-second street, New York; Cynthia Leonard, [?] West Twenty-third street, New YorkFor District Electors—Mary S. Pell, Flushing, L. I.; Robert Hume, Long Island City; Emma Beckwith, 29 Willow street, Brooklyn; Mr. — [Elweil?], Brooklyn; Mary C. Andrews, Clark street, Brooklyn; Daniel Walford, Christopher street, New York; Eliza B. Burns, Clinton place, New York; Michael Burnstein, Broome street, New York; Amelia Selag, 116 Fifth street, New York; Mary A. Winslow, 237 West Forty-third street, New York; David Smith, Seventeenth street and Seventh avenue, New York; Charlotte A. Van Cort, 839 East [?] street, New York; Lydia S. Hasbrouck, Middletown, N. Y.; Le Vergne J. Gardner, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.; Evelyn Carman, Andes, N. Y.; Caroline Gilkie [sic] Rogers, 282 Lansingburgh street, Troy; Kate Stoneman, Albany; Charles Bowen, Fort Plain; H. M. Barron, Mahone; L. M. Hurd, Harrisville; Frances A. Willard, Booneville; William Bowen, Rochester; Lucy Coleman, Syracuse; Amanda Deyo, Oxford; Eliza M. Stowell, Naples; Amelia V. Pettit, Ithaca; M. J. Carroll, Danville; W. J. Covert, Spencerport; Solomon F. Dunham, Albion; C. M. Lyman, Buffalo; W. G. Richardson, Royalton Niagara Co.; Lucy Sweet Barker, Chautauqua.The Equal Rights’ party of the State of New York held its State Convention at 156 West Twenty-third street last night, and nominated a full State ticket, with the exception of a candidate for Judge of the Supreme Court, that place being left vacant. The candidate of the party for President was on hand, and spoke a few encouraging words. […]New York Sun. October 14, 1888: 2 col 7. [Emphasis added]
EQUAL RIGHTS PARTY PLATFORM.—National Control of Railroads, Telegraphs and Ferries Demanded.
[…]Whereas, the greater portion of all the proceeds of industry, genius and machinery are now swallowed up by monopoly, therefore be it resolved that we institute a commonwealth system of enterprise through which the industrial masses will reap the benefit of their own labors instead of giving it over to the capitalist, and, as a beginning of the national co-operation, we demand that the railroads, telegraphs and ferries shall be placed under government control and carried on in a manner similar to the management of our post office, public schools, etc., which benefit the people at large without breeding and nourishing monopoly.Whereas, We consider it a burlesque on political economy, as well as an outrage against humanity, to allow $600,000,000 of the people’s money, $135,000,000 of which is purely surplus, to be locked up in the United States Treasury, while the people are suffering a money famine, and while 2,000,000 of unemployed men are tramping the country vainly seeking for work. Therefore, be itResolved, That the $135,000,000 be put into circulation by being invested in commonwealth industries.Whereas, It has proven a well nigh fatal mistake to allow the industry by which the people gain a livelihood to be limited and controlled by the financial interests of capitalists; therefore, be itResolved, That the people begin to create and control employment for themselves by placing an export duty on cotton, then by expending a portion of their $135,000,000 in purchasing the cotton crop of the country, and erecting and running commonwealth cotton mills and factories as one branch of national industry.Whereas, Under the speculative control of the necessities of life (especially fuel) the people are put to the greatest straits through the schemes of coal barons, who induce coal strikes and disturbances so as to have a trumped up excuse for limiting the supply and inflating the price of coal in the dead of winter; therefore be itResolved, That no coal yielding land now belonging to the government shall henceforth be disposed of to individuals or corporations, but shall be held as national property upon which Commonwealth measures shall be immediately taken to develop the mines to any extent necessary for the supplying at cost of all the demands of the people.Whereas, The toilers of the nation are either directly or indirectly compelled to bear the burden of all taxation; therefore be itResolved, That all direct taxation be lifted from the struggling small farmer, the economical homestead winner, etc., and be placed directly upon the foreign and domestic land speculators who are waiting for the industry and enterprise of the common people to make their land valuable for them; andWhereas, There are 20,000,000 acres of soil owned by English syndicates, and other immense tracts held for speculation by domestic land gamblers; therefore be itResolved, That all homesteads, small farms and business plots of less than $10,000 valuation to be exempted from assessment; that a gradual tax be assessed upon all fortunes exceeding $10,000, and that a double rate of taxation be imposed upon all alien landholders.We demand the establishment of the Australian system of balloting.We demand equal political rights for men and women.We demand a direct vote instead of the electoral ticket in the election of a President.As all purification should begin at the fountainhead, therefore, we demand sobriety and temperance of the Legislative heads of the nation into whose hands are intrusted the vital interests of 60,000,000 of people, and in order to secure these essential virtues we have nominated for President Belva Lockwood, for Vice President, Alfred Love.New York Evening Telegram. October 16, 1888: 3 col 1.New York Press. October 17, 1888: 3 col 4.New York Press. October 18, 1888: 1 col 3.
EQUAL RIGHTS PARTY.—C. S. Welles Will Be Belva’s Running Mate at the Coming Election.
CHARLES STEWART [sic—Stuart] WELLES, of New York, who was nominated for Vice President by the Equal Rights party in place of A. H. Love, has written a letter of acceptance. His platform contains twelve planks, the principal one of which, of course, is suffrage for both men and women. He wants to stop the adulteration of food, to reform the marriage and divorce laws, and favors a pro rata tax, Government ownership of all public improvements, and several other things. The ticket is now Lockwood and Welles.Sterling Standard [IL]. November 1, 1888: 2 col 1.SCHENECTADY, N. Y., Nov. 15.—Schenectady county, official: Harrison 3,633, Cleveland 3,329, Fisk [Prohibition Party] 158, Belva Lockwood 1, Miller 3,640, Hill 3,305, Jones 147, scattering 7. Cruger 3,635, Jones 3,315, Powell 150, Blakeney 3, scattering 2. Court of appeals—Ramsey 3,637, Gray 3,280, Stevens 169, McPharlain 2, scattering 4.“Election News.” Buffalo Courier. November 16, 1888: 1 col 2.1888. OFFICIAL CANVASS---ELECTORAL. 1888.—STATE OF NEW YORK, ss.:Statement of the whole number of votes given for Electors of President and Vice-President, at a General Election held in the said State, on the sixth day of November, in the year 1888, wherein the several Counties in which the said votes were given are distinguished. […]
Helen M. Densmore received one vote; Edward W. Chamberlain, one vote; Mary S. Pell, one vote; Robert Hume, one vote; Emma Beckwith, one vote; Laura C. Holloway, one vote; Mary C. Andrews, one vote; Daniel Walford, one vote; Sidney Welton, one vote; Michael Burnstein, one vote; Amelia Schlay, one vote; Mary A. Winslow, one vote; David Smith, one vote; Mary Frost Ormsby, one vote; Grace Devide, one vote; [Dr.] Charlotte A. Van Cort, one vote; William Van Namee, one vote; La Vergue J. Gardner, one vote; Evylyn Carman, one vote; Caroline Gilke [sic] Rogers, one vote; Kate Stoneman, one vote; Charles Bowen, one vote; Hiram M. Farron, one vote; Edward McAmber, one vote; Francis A. Willard, one vote; John T. Bowen, one vote; Lucy Coleman, one vote; [Rev.] Amanda Deyo, one vote; Eliza M. Atwell, one vote; Amelia V. Pettit, one vote; Martha S. Somner, one vote; William J. Covert, one vote; Watson Clark McNall, one vote; C. Mortimer Lyman, one vote; William G. Richardson, one vote; Lucy Sweet Barber, one vote. […]Dated at ALBANY, November 23, 1888.FREDERICK COOK,Secretary of State.EDWARD WEMPLE,Comptroller.CHAS. F. TABOR,Attorney-General.JOHN BOGART,State Engineer and Surveyor.Seneca County News [Waterloo, NY]. January 29, 1889: 4. [emphasis added]