Early automobile history (1900-1918)

—Last evening a horse driven by Bedford Perry became frightened by an automobile and ran away. At [One Hundred] Twentieth Street and Fifth Avenue the carriage was overturned and the occupant thrown out without being injured. The horse was captured at [One Hundred] Twenty-fifth Street without doing much damage.Troy Daily Times. August 18, 1906: 4 col 5.

Bicycles and Automobiles.
A number of entries have been received for the bicycle and automobiles races, which will be run off at 10 o’clock on Fifth Avenue, Upper Troy, and Sixth Avenue, above North Street. […] The first bicycle race will start from North Street up Sixth Avenue, to Fifth Avenue, to [One Hundred] Thirteenth Street, to Fourth Avenue, to [One Hundred] Twelfth Street, to Fifth Avenue, and return to Middleburgh Street. An automobile race between local chauffeurs will be run over the same course.Troy Daily Times. July 3, 1901: 3 col 2.
The "Auto" Race."
Much interest was manifested in the automobile race. James Lucey operated one of the machines, and was accompanied by Mr. Brown. Dr. Herrick operated the other, with Dr. Silcocks of Green Island as company. The Lucey machine jumped ahead at the start and was disabled near Cemetery Lane. The Herrick "auto" broke down at Eighth Street, Upper Troy, and the doctor withdrew. Mr. Lucey's machine was repaired and covered the course. The committee will announce its decision later."Troy's Celebration." Troy Daily Times. July 5, 1901: 3 col 3.S. S. Drumm, Miss Iona Drumm, Miss Bessie Loffler and Mr and Mrs Le Roy Drumm have returned from a pleasure trip to Lansingburgh, where they went in an automobile."Stuyvesant Falls." Columbia Republican [Hudson, NY]. July 17, 1908: 5 col 2.The Fire Chief's Automobile.Fire Chief Byron's new automobile has been exploring Lansingburgh this week. The driver of the machine is familiarizing himself with the Lansingburgh streets in order that the Fire Chief may more readily assist the local firefighters when occasion requires. The new automobile makes possible the Fire Chief's personal attendance at any fires of importance in Lansingburgh. Chief Wike and local firemen enjoyed a spin in the car yesterday morning."Lansingburgh." Troy Times. August 19, 1913: 6 col 2.—Dr. and Mrs. James H. Flynn and children, of Lansingburgh, are on an automobile tour through the Adirondacks, with Montreal as their objective point. They will remain in the Canadian city two or three days and will return by way of Plattsburgh, stopping for an inspection of Clinton Prison at Dannemora. They will be absent about ten days.Troy Times. September 1, 1915: 5 col 5.Runaway Automobile That Skidded Pulled Off a Movie Stunt That Would Have Thrilled Thousands in the Theatres—Nobody Hurt—The Machine Wrecked.Stunts that thrill thousands in "reel" life are sometimes tried in real life, and an automobile man from Albany named Brownell yesterday afternoon was cast for the daredevil role in a "real" comedy. Sailing up Fourth Avenue at a speed of nearly forty miles an hour, Mr. Brownell lost control of his car, which skidded at the exact moment and headed for a barn at the corner of Fourth Avenue and [One Hundred] Twenty-third Street, owned by H. F. Inskip of 810 Fourth Avenue. The barn is a well-built one, but when the nose of the car pushed into the side, the wall quivered and gave way with a crash. Into the barn the car rushed and stopped against the farther wall, amid the wreckage. Alden Crandall, who was in the barn at the time, was struck by the falling wall, but fortunately was uninjured. The driver was also unharmed, but the car was so badly wrecked that it could not be removed from the barn."Lansingburgh." Troy Times. June 17, 1918: 2 col 2.