Frisby Way (abt 1785-1872) State Convention of Colored Citizens activist & A. M. E. Zion Church of Lansingburgh co-founder

LANSINGBURGH.—Yesterday morning Frisby Way, a colored man aged ninety years, and one of the first settlers of the village, expired after a short illness. Mr. Way has been a hard working and industrious man. Notwithstanding his advanced age he worked every day until six months ago. He was an earnest Christian, being one of the foremost men in the colored M. E. Church.Troy Daily Whig. March 18, 1872: 3 col 4.

The obituary would put his year of birth in about 1785. Estimated year of birth for him from censuses varied from 1780 to 1800. He was certainly an early resident of Lansingburgh; the 1820 U.S. Census recorded him in the Town of Troy (Lansingburgh existing only as a Village at that time and not yet a Town as well) with a woman, unnamed, of approximately the same age - probably his wife.
—Mr. Horatio Seymour Hubbard, the ancient and dignified pedagogue—and cousin German to Ichabod Crane—left the Garden yesterday at sharp 3 P. M., and started for the bosom of his family in the State of Massachusetts, where he has two sons, both over 50 years of age. His wife is 86, and he also has a sister residing in an adjoining State, 94 years old and still in the market. Mr. H. has not seen his wife or children for the little matter of thirty-nine years, and as love is supposed to be cumulative, the meeting in prospect bids [?] to be full tender, as was his affecting adieu from his friends at Frisby Way's (colored) Hotel, a fashionable summer resort on the bank of the Hudson where he has occupied a suit of rooms with his whilom friend, Peter Anthony, a celebrated "tinker" from Africa, and now employed as "foreman" in the shop of E. Filley & Son. Mr. Hubbard's traveling expenses were met by contributions from numerous benevolent citizens, and be it said to the praise of the old gentleman that in going away he did not leave with a single debt remaining uncancelled.Troy Daily Press. July 21, 1869: 3 col 3.
The 1869 City Directory gives Frisby Way's address as 22 River Street. The 1872 map of Lansingburgh puts that address at the northeast corner of 101st Street (then called Cemetery Avenue) and River Street/Second Avenue.
OUR COLORED CITIZENS PREPARING FOR THE COMING ELECTION.—A Mass Meeting of the Colored people of this city and Lansingburgh was held in the Liberty street Methodist Episcopal Church.Mr. James H. Davis read the call of the meeting, whereupon Mr. John B. Clark, was called to the chair and Mr. James H. Davis chosen Secretary.The object of the meeting was stated by the Chairman, viz: to consult upon the best method of action by the colored people with regard to their future, political and social well being.The Rev. Mr. [Henry L.] Simpson of Schenectady was called upon and delivered a very able address, encouraging and urging the people onward in the good work. Mr. Simpson believing events transpiring in the political world all predicted the good coming of the colored man's release from the unjust political thraldom in which they are held in this State. His address was well received by the meeting.The first resolution was in favor of appointing a committee of seven to ascertain the number of colored voters in Troy, Lansingburgh and vicinity.The second resolution is in favor of the same committee of seven calling a District Convention, to meet in the city of Troy, Oct. 25, 1854. The committee appointed were as follows:—Rev. Mr. Thompson, William S. Baltimore, James H. Davis of Troy, James Hall, Abram Stanley, and Frisby Way of Lansingburgh.The third resolution urged the colored citizens to vote for men known as advocates of Liberty and Equal Rights for all men, without regard to party names, having for their watchword "God and Liberty."The fourth resolution which was upon Colonization, will be the subject of a meeting on Monday evening text.On motion the meeting adjourned to meet on Monday evening next at 7 1/2 o'clock, in the Presbyterian church on Liberty street.Troy Daily Whig. October 11, 1854: 2 col 3.
The Committee on the Roll reported the following list, as the names of those who came to participate in the doings of the Convention.The roll here given, stands as the one subsequently completed and used by the Convention.
ROLL.LANSINGBURGH.Andrew Grant,Frisby Way,John Jamieson,George Baker,Charles Sherman,Charles Shim,Augustus Gifford,Thomas Van Brankes,George Lansen,John Johnson,Daniel Oliver.Minutes of the State Convention of Colored Citizens, Held at Albany, on the 18th, 19th, and 20th of August, 1840, for the Purpose of Considering Their Political Condition. NY: Piercy & Reed, 1840. 10. Way and others with him had held meetings in their houses from time to time, for some years previous to 1841.Wright, Jacob P. A History of the A. M. E. Zion Church, of Lansingburgh, N.Y., From 1841 to 1888. [Lansingburgh, NY]: Jacob P. Wright, 1868. 3.