Grave blankets
Requiescat in PaceBY K.D.S.Written For The Troy Times.These lines were suggested by the myrtle covered graves, protected with boughs of evergreen from the cold of winter,To-day as I wandered through Oakwood,Where we lay our loved ones to rest,The graves that were evergreen coveredWere the ones that to me were the best.They seemed so like dear little childrenTucked warm in their trundle bed,And all of them His little children,This host of the blessed dead.His child! What a sense of protectionDescends to us from aboveAs He covers us o'er with His mercyAnd binds us down with His love.Just as the myrtle is coveredBy the bough of the evergreen,So we are held close and protectedIn our sleep that comes between.Waterford, November 16.Troy Times. November 28, 1912: 13 col 1.Seeds, Plants & Flowers. 56—LARGEST variety wreaths and bouquets for cemetery decoration. Evergreen grave blankets, all kinds of porch and window decorations. Hewitt's, Fourth Ave., at 121st St., North 461.Troy Times. December 1, 1931: 15 col 8.WREATHS. $1.50; grave blankets, $2.50; cemetery pieces placed on grave. Last all winter. Order from A. H. Kirchner, Oakwood Ave, Troy 1704."Dinner and Decorations." Times Record. November 26, 1941: 22 col 4.
FloristsFREAR PARK FLORISTAnna L. Ward, Prop.Original ArrangementsCut Flowers and Grave Blankets177 Oakwood Ave., Troy BR 1-8688Times Record. January 9, 1965: 13 col 5.