Halloween in the 1890s

City Notes. [...]
—A beautiful bird’s-eye view of Lansingburgh has been completed by the Burleigh lithographic company of this city. The map is in three sections, and every house in the village is shown. It is a well-executed piece of work.—Look out for “tick-tacks” fastened to your windows to-night. Such annoyances are licensed on Halloween, as firecrackers are on the Fourth of July. Tubs will be in demand this evening, as Halloween is the night of all nights for that most exciting of games known to our youth as “ducking for apples.” But Halloween games are almost innumerable. If the young people are not well acquainted with them they should refer to the foot-notes found in Burns’s poems, and all desired information can there be obtained.Troy Daily Times. October 31, 1891: 3 col 2. [A "tick-tack" noisemaker, probably ill-advised to make and use back then and even moreso now, involved a notched wooden spool and thread.]Lansingburgh bird's eye view of third ward (northernmost ward) by Burleigh.Lansingburgh bird's eye view of first and second wards by Burleigh.Lansingburgh bird's eye view of fourth ward (southernmost ward) by Burleigh.For Robert Burns' poem, and related commentary, see e.g.:Burns, Robert. “Halloween.” The Poetical Works of Robert Burns. London, T. Cadell, 1822. https://books.google.com/books?id=7dKA9ZJuKZIC&pg=PA89Andrews, Corey E. "Footnoted Folklore: Robert Burns's Halloween."Robert Burns and Friends: Essays by W. Ormiston Roy Fellows Presented to G. Ross Roy. Patrick Scott and Kenneth Simpson, eds. Columbia, SC: U. SC Libraries, 2012. 24. http://scholarcommons.sc.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1000&context=burns_friends
Halloween Parties.
[...]—Lansingburgh Council, Knights of Columbus, last evening held a Halloween social at its rooms. Progressive euchre was played. The prizes were awarded to Miss Nolan and Frank Munyon. In a potato race between Edward Connelly and Miss Nolan the latter won. Mrs. Gendon won the prize in the ladies’ nail driving contest. Other interesting games and contests were held. […]—Miss Amelia Link of Fourth avenue entertained friends at her residence last evening with a Halloween party. […]—Miss Ina Penfield of Second avenue pleasantly entertained friends at her residence last evening. A musical program was rendered and Halloween games indulged in. […]—An enjoyable Halloween party was last evening given by Miss Grace Roberts at her residence on Twenty-fourth street, there being about thirty young people present. Members of the Troy Banjo Club were present and rendered several selections.—Miss Anna Baker, 547 Second avenue, entertained friends last evening at her residence. The time was spent playing Halloween games, telling fortunes and other appropriate amusements. Among those present were Misses Harriet Davis, Florence Wise, Jessie Davis, Mary Moak, Jessie Woods and Minnie Van Deusen, of Troy, and Miss Sarah Holbrook of Lansingburgh.—Miss Carrie and Helen Derrick entertained in delightful manner last evening the members of a social club which is to meet during the winter at the residences of members. Time-honored festivities of Halloween, with other enjoyable features, combined to turning an evening of rare pleasure. The club will be entertained by Miss Gertrude Boughton Thursday evening, November 16, at her home on Fifth avenue.Troy Daily Times. November 1, 1899: 4 col 2.