Hawkins' Rocking-Chair Velocipede

☞ VELOCOPEDISTICAL. — Mr. J. E. Hawkins, of Lansingburgh, inventor of the new butter cracker machine, has invented a velocipede, for which he has just secured a patent.—A Mr. Manchester will open a velocipede rink at Rand's Concert Hall, in this city, on Thursday afternoon next, commencing at two o'clock, and continuing until further notice, where at all hours of the day our citizens may have an opportunity of witnessing the velocipede in motion, the method of its management, &c.Troy Daily Whig. February 10, 1869: 3 col 2.—The latest thing in the velocipede line is the invention of J. E. Hawkins, of Lansingburgh. The seat of the machine is a rocking-chair, and the oscillation of the chair by the occupant is the source of the motion which moves the velocipede. It is designed especially for ladies."Briefs." Troy Daily Whig. March 19, 1869: 2 col 3."Gleanings." Evening Courier& Republic [Buffalo, NY]. March 17, 1869: 1 col 7."The State." Syracuse Daily Standard. February 24, 1869. 2 col 4.☞ LANSINGBURGH. [...] Mr. Geo. Sully, Jr., created quite a sensation yesterday afternoon with Hawkins' rocking-chair velocipede.Troy Daily Whig. April 16, 1869: 3 col 1.