Houses of Ill Fame

THE TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE of Lansingburgh do enact and ordain as follows:All persons who shall keep a house of prostitution, or a house for the resort of prostitutes.All persons who shall keep a house or let the same or part or building or lot for the use of any instrument, art or device for gambling, or permit it to be used for the same.All persons who shall expose any instrument, art or device to be used for the purpose of gaming in any part of said village.All persons who shall keep any disorderly house, or houses for the resort of disorderly persons, or any disorderly house whatever shall forfeit and pay the sum of twenty-five dollars for every such offense.JOSEPH FOX, President.B.G. HATHAWAY, Clerk.Lansingburgh Democrat. January 4, 1855: 3 col 1.☞ A "MORAL" VILLAGE.—The Capitol Police of Lansingburgh report that there is not a single house of ill-fame in the village, and there are only thirty places where liquor is sold. This speaks well for the "morals" of the 'burgh.Troy Daily Times. January 29, 1866: 3 col 5.

Raiding a Miscegenation Brothel.
For some time past the police have had under surveillance a miscegenation brothel situated in the alley between Whipple [Fifth] avenue and Ann street [Sixth Avenue], south of Lansing [112th] street. The establishment was kept by Warren Johnson, a burly African, but the presiding genius of the vile resort, which had become the rendezvous of dissolute characters of both sexes, white and black, was Johnson's white wife. Monday night, Captain King learning that there was a seance in progress dispatched Officers Gillespie and Van Arnum to pull the house. The officers accompanied by Special Officer Wall of the London force, succeeded in capturing Ellen Johnson the proprietress of the place, Mary Larkins, and Mary Woodruff, the latter colored. Several other inmates escaped through one of the unguarded back windows. Later in the night Officers Longstaff, and Gillespie accompanied by Wall arrested at the residence of William Anthony, two of the escaping party, Abram Vanderheyden, white, and Alonzo Woodruff, colored. Officer Groat made an effort Tuesday morning to capture Johnson, but the latter having been notified fled across Rensselaer Park to the Troy and Boston railroad where he succeeded in boarding a freight train and making his escape. Justice Hawkins sentenced the five prisoners to six months each in the Albany penitentiary.Lansingburgh Courier. October 21, 1882: 2 col 4. [Miscegenation was never a crime in New York, though prostitution always has been.]—Ada Livingston was indicted Monday for keeping a disorderly house near Rensselaer park. She was arrested on a bench warrant Thursday and held in $1,000. Several young men in the 'burgh still tremble at the prospect of being forced to take the witness stand."Village Notes." Lansingburgh Courier. May 30, 1885: 4 col 2.Charles McDonald was held for the grand jury yesterday afternoon on the charge of keeping a disorderly house at the corner of Sixth Avenue and [One hundred] Twelfth street."Lansingburgh." Troy Daily Times. March 18, 1886: 3 col 5.The inmates of a house of ill repute on Fifth avenue were arrested by Officer Knapp yesterday and taken to jail. Examination this morning."Notes About Town." Lansingburgh Courier. April 17, 1886: 3 col 2.
Police Items.
Charles McDonald, a low-lived fellow who kept a bawdy house in Lansingburgh and has a bad reputation generally, was sentenced to one year in jail and fined $250. In default of payment of fine he is to serve one day for each dollar.—Troy Press.Lansingburgh Courier. June 19, 1886: 7 col 5.The Excise Commissioners held a meeting Monday night and by a unanimous vote revoked the license granted to Charles R. McDonald. McDonald is and has been for a long time in jail serving out his sentence of one year and in default of payment of $250, 250 days additional for keeping a disorderly house.Lansingburgh Courier. October 9, 1886: 3 col 2.—A disorderly house on Fifth avenue was raised last Friday night and the proprietor and three female inmates taken into custody. The case is before Justice Smith to-day, Friday."Village Notes." Lansingburgh Courier August 10, 1889: 3 col 1.