"Incendiary Fires in Lansingburgh" (1869)

☞ INCENDIARY FIRES IN LANSINGBURGH—DARING ATTEMPT TO BURN THE VILLAGE—NINE ATTEMPTS AT INCENDIARISM.—Last evening at about a quarter to twelve o'clock, the barns and sheds of Chas. Baxter, in Baxterville, on the outskirts of the Burgh, were discovered to be on fire. An alarm was sounded, but despite the efforts of the firemen, the buildings with their contents were consumed. There were four valuable horses in the barn at the time, all of which were destroyed. The loss was about $5,000; insured for about $1,000. As the firemen were returning from Baxter's they discovered flames issuing from the rear of Newton Adams' rope-walk. It came from a quantity of rope, which was getting nicely in flames, but the timely arrival of the firemen soon stopped its progress. About half-past twelve o'clock, and just after the steamers had got home, and their engine fires extinguished, flames were discovered issuing from the barn of J. H. Campbell, Union Hall, on Jay street. The fire companies were promptly on hand, but despite their efforts, the flames made speedy progress, and the Hall and barns were soon destroyed. A horse valued at $600 and two velocipedes valued at $170, were also burned up. Several other velocipedes that were in the Hall at the time were gotten out in a damaged condition. The hotel was saved, but was badly damaged, as was also the furniture. The bakery of Mr. Lockwood, just south, was also badly damaged.—At 3 o'clock another fire was set in a barn in the alley between the avenue and Ann street, and in the rear of Walton Eddy's residence. It was discovered by officer Brady and extinguished without serious injury. The fire was built in a barrel containing hay and a lot of staves had been piled on. Again, at about 4 ½ o'clock this morning, an alarm was sounded and the firemen turned out. The fire proved to be in the stables on the grounds of the Rensselaer Park. The companies went down and succeeded in saving a portion of the structure. Fourteen out of the twenty-one stalls were burned as was also a fine calf belonging to Mr. James Dougrey, jr. The loss was about $500; supposed to be fully insured.—These fires were all the works of incendiaries, and manifest clearly an organized movement to burn down the village. There were in all nine attempts made during the night to fire buildings, but those not included above were extinguished without damage. The object of the gang is unknown, unless their motto be—aut Troja, aut nullus—"either Troy or nothing." The village authorities and the police should leave no stone unturned to discover the perpetrators of this most diabolical undertaking.The fire companies of the village are entitled to the thanks of its citizens for the noble efforts put forth by them during the night. Though the fires were far apart, they displayed the utmost promptness and worked like beavers.Troy Daily Press. May 24, 1869: 3 col 5.