Lansingburgh and World War I honor rolls

Flag With Eleven Stars Dedicated at First Methodist Church—Addresses by Former Pastor and District Attorney—Other News of the Section.The First Methodist Church at 5 o’clock yesterday afternoon contained a large audience at the service flag presentation, which with an elaborate program, was made a memorable occasion in the history of the church. […] The stars pinned upon the flag were handed to some member of the family by Henry Smith. This was a most impressive proceeding, mothers, brothers and sisters of the soldiers in most cases advancing from the audience and placing the stars in their proper places. For Gregorio Porral, a Filipino, his star was placed by his teacher, C. Ellsworth Bornt. The flag was then raised to a position in front of the organ. A letter, read by Superintendent George F. Sawyer, will be sent to each of the eleven young soldiers, informing them that near relatives placed the stars on the flag that were to represent them. It expressed the wish that they would be permitted to return to their homes and church. The names of the young men who were honored in the service and their service addresses were: Douglas B. Barry, Signal Corps, Aviation, Morrison, Va.; Fred V. Enfield, Camp Dix, Wrightstown, N. J.; George A. Giles, First Veterinary, Corps Detachment, Depot Brigade, Camp Devens, Ayer, Mass.; John G. Golden, Company D, One Hundred and Fifth United States Infantry, Spartanburg, S. C.; Clifford B. Golden, Fifty-Seventh United States Artillery, Fort Hancock, N. J.; Valentine R. Gray, Eighty-Second United States Aero Service Squadron, Fort Worth, Tex.; Clarence D. Hanyan, Medical Training Corps, Camp Sevier, Greeneville, S. C.; Delos B. Norton, Lieutenant, Cape Haitien, Haiti; Loyal C. Norton, Sergeant, Battery D, Fourth Field Artillery, Brownville, Tex.; Omer H. Norton, United States Marines, Somewhere in France; Gregorio Porral, Camp Dix, Wrightstown, N. J. Honorable mention was made of Edward W. Chase, who served in Company A, One Hundred and Fifth Infantry, until he was honorably discharged. Henry R. Leffingwell sang “Keep the Home Fires Burning,” the audience joining in the refrain. The benediction was pronounced by Rev. Mr. Simmons.Troy Times. April 15, 1918: 2 col 1.
The Annual Commencement Exercises of the High School—An Address By the Pastor of the First Baptist Church—Odd Fellows Elect Officers—Prominent Resident Injured in Europe.Commencement exercises for the graduating class of the Lansingburgh High School were held this morning in the auditorium of the school, which was prettily decorated with palms and the national colors, which are also the class colors. The stage was decorated with palms and flowers, and around in semicircle were arranged American flags, flanked on both sides by the flags of our Allies in the present world war. […]
Service Flag Presented.
A feature of the program was the presentation by the Alumni to the school of a fifty-star service flag. Thomas C. Rankin, ’11, President of the Alumni, presented the flag and spoke concerning it. The honor due the former school boys who are giving their all for the country was spoken of by Mr. Rankin. Prof. Neil K. White, Principal of the school, accepted the flag on behalf of the school, and thanked the Alumni for it.
On the Flag.
The former pupils represented on the flag are: Ensign Howard E. Millington, ’04, Navy; First Lieut. Walter Clayton Fox, ’05, Medical Corps; First Lieut. George Earl May, ’08, Engineering Department; Valentine Gray, ’09, Aviation Corps; Willard Spear, ’09, Medical Reserve; First Lieut. Paul W. Loudon, ’10, Aviation Corps; Second Lieut. Richard E. Pritchard, ’10, Ordnance; Second Lieut. Walter Snyder, jr., ’10, Engineers; Ray Shinnaman, ’10, Officers Training Camp, Coast Artillery; George Warren Walker, ’10, infantry; Second Lieut. John D. Carroll, ’11, Medical Corps; Louis E. Doring, ’11, Medical Corps; Dr. Howard B. Swan, ’11, Medical Corps. Class of 1912—Sergeant Charles Leslie Campbell, Supply Company; Sergeant Earl Goodrich, infantry; Truman Earl Ives, Radio Division, Signal Corps; Second Lieut. Cornelius R. Johnson, John A. Magee, Medical Corps; John A. Pelletier, Quartermaster’s Corps; Dr. George Ransley, veterinary; Frank V. Whitehouse. Class of 1913—Second Lieut. Mott D. Brown, jr., Charles Herbert Lee, Walter Macauley, First Lieut. Thomas C. Nial, First Lieut. Eldorus Palmer, Eugene A. Wiseman, Class of 1914—Herbert C. Blake, Alfred E. Deuschner, Stuart Duffield, Omer Norton, Gregorio O. Porral, Clifford A. Read, Ensign Ralph E. Weed. Class of 1915—Douglas Barry, William Demers, Howard Dormandy, Allen Horton, George McIntosh, James S. Pelletier, Sergeant Thomas C. Plumb, Theron LeG. Reynolds. Class of 1916—Leland Ives, Wendell King, Kenneth H. Lavin, Kingsley Romer. Class of 1917—Sidney W. Campbell, Kenneth W. Palmer, Sergeant William E. Robbins, jr., and Griffith R. Wood. Of the fifty in service over two-thirds of them are either in France or England.Troy Times. June 26, 1918: 2 cols 3-5.
LANSINGBURGH.—[…] Honor Roll of Students of High School Who Served in World War […]HIGH SCHOOL HONOR ROLL.—
Adelphian Society Makes Presentation a Framed List of Seventy-five Graduates Who Served in World War—At General Assembly—A Sophomore Party—First Basketball Game.At the general assembly of the Lansingburgh High School this morning Miss Emelia Lambertsen, President of the Adelphian Society, presented to the school an honor roll which was given by the members of last year’s Adelphian Society, Miss Lambersen said in part:“I have to present to the school this morning on behalf of the Adelphian Society of 1919, an honor roll. This roll of honor contains the names of seventy-nine of the boys who have graduated from this school and who have served in the World War. Some of these boys have made the supreme sacrifice. These names are arranged in classes in the order they were graduated. This honor roll will be placed in the corridor on the main floor where every student will be able to see it and be proud that this school has given such a quota for the great cause, that democracy might triumph over autocracy.”The names on this roll are:1904—Howard E. Millington; 1905—Walter Clayton Fox; 1906—William B. Agan; 1908—C. Earl May; 1909—Valentin R. Gray, Ralph W. Hewes, Lester Millington; 1910—Paul W. Loudon, Richard E. Pritchard, H. Ray Shinaman, Walter Snyder, jr., George W. Walker, Bertram C. Wood; 1911—John V. Carroll, Louis E. Doring, Clarence B. Icke, C. Howard Maurinus, Philip H. Pelletier, jr., Howard B. Swan, Alida Winkleman; 1912—Frank A. Berger, C. Leslie Campbell, W. Earl Goodrich, T. Earl Ives, Cornelius R. Johnson, Paul Knox, John A. Magee, John A. Pelletier, George N. Ransley, Frank V. Whitehouse; 1913—Clarence W. Arthur, Mott D. Brown, jr., Miles S. Buck, W. Bradford Burleigh, C. Herbert Lee, Walter T. McCauley, Thomas M. Nial, Eldorus H. Palmer, D. Clark Shinaman, Eugene R. Wiseman; 1914—Herbert C. Blake, George R. Cooley, Alfred Duerschner, M. Stuart Duffield, Charles E. Harbordt, George C. Hillman, Omer H. Norton, Gregorio O. Porrall, Howard B. Ranken, Cliford A. Read, Ralph E. Weed; 1915—Douglas B. Barry, Walter U. Bubie, William H. Demers, Howard W. Dormandy, William Dormandy, Allen R. Horton, George F. McIntosh, Raymond A. Palmer, James S. Pelletier, Thomas C. Plumb, Theron LeG. Reynolds, T. Lester Sherman, Harold T. Tilly; 1916—Frank E. Conlin, Leland H. Ives, Wendell W. King, H. Kenneth Lavin, Louis A. O’Brien, Brainerd S. Pidgeon, Kinsley D. Roemer, Henry M. Schmidt, Arthur W. Zahn; 1917—John D. Adams, Sidney W. Campbell, Vaughn Norton, Kenneth N. Palmer, William E. Robbins, jr. Griffith R. Wood.Troy Times. November 17, 1919: 6 col 3.