Lansingburgh building boom (1872)

LANSINGBURGH.—Number of Buildings Erected in the 'burgh during 1871—Cost of Construction—Whom Owned by.Below we published a full report of all buildings erected in the village of Lansingburgh during the year 1871; by whom owned, and the estimated cost as near as we can ascertain. We have several excellent reasons for publishing this report just at the present. First, for the benefit of our friends down at Sturgeondom [Albany], who claim that the 'burgh was finished and fenced in a long time ago. Second, because we always make it a practice to publish what will be of interest to our readers. By computing the cost of the buildings we find it has required an expenditure of $260,000—in the erection of the total number of 84 buildings—all dwellings with the exception of three. Our reporter possibly has unintentionally omitted some buildings. However, it has required considerable time in the preparation of the report, as we publish it to-day. The reporter visited the buildings as follows, and learned that the most expensive one was that of David Judson, brick mansion, corner River and Grove streets [First Avenue and 118th Street], cost $30,000.—David Judson, double frame dwelling on Congress street, near Canal [Third Avenue and 120th Street], cost $12,000.—S. H. Noyes, brick dwelling on State street near Jay [State Avenue and 119th Street], cost $15,000.—Thomas Rourk, improvements on dwelling on State near Richard, cost $8,000. Thomas Moss, brick dwelling on State near Market, cost $9,000.—George Brooker, brick dwelling on State near Market, cost $9,000.—John McEwen, double brick dwelling, Whipple avenue near Market, cost $6,000—Mr. Mallard, brick dwelling on Hill corner Canal street, cost $6,000.—William O'Brien, brick store and dwelling, corner Whipple avenue and Clinton street, cost $5,000.—Godfrey Wampt, brick dwelling west side of State street near Vail, cost $1,600.—public school building, Vail avenue, cost $8,000.—Henry McChesney, frame dwelling, Whipple avenue, near Mill street, cost $2,500.—Wm. Connor, frame dwelling, John street, near Mill, cost $1,100.—Dennis Cochoran, frame dwelling, on East near Catherine streets, cost $800.—Jones, frame dwelling, cor. John and George (or Vail) street, cost $5,000.—John Duke, frame dwelling, John street near Vail, cost $1,500.—P. Hutton, frame dwelling, Vail avenue near Fair Grounds, cost $5,000.—Mr. Martin, frame dwelling, near the above, cost $3,000.—Mr. Winkleman, frame dwelling, Congress street near South, cost $1,600.—Mrs. Cronk, frame dwelling, Congress near Hoosick street, cost $2,000.—Mrs. Rafter, frame house, Lansing near Whipple aveue, cost $1,400.—H. Bebernitz, frame store and dwelling, cor. Whipple avenue, near North street, cost $2,000.—Mrs. Boyd, frame dwelling, Ann near Hoosic street, cost $1,600.—Jos. Ravany, dwelling and store, cor. Ann and Lansing streets, cost $1,100.—Jos. Dignan, frame dwelling, Ann near Lansing, cost $1,800. C. Winkleman, frame dwelling, corner Ann and South streets, cost $1,200.—Dennis Cochoran, three dwellings on John near Hoosick street, cost $4,000.—Samuel Bolton, brick building (brewery) State near George street, cost $7,000.—Joseph Kesler, "Kesler's Row," nine dwellings on John near Catherine street, cost $9,000.—Joseph Bolton, frame dwelling, State near George street, cost $1,000.—George Still, frame dwelling, Hoosick near John street, cost $2,000.—James H. Spotton, frame dwelling, John near South street, cost $2,000.—George Still, frame dwelling, John, near South street, cost $2,000.—Joseph Kesler, three cottages on John, near Catherine street, cost $3,000.—James Spotten (second) frame dwelling, John near South street, cost $2,000.—Stevens' frame dwelling, John, near South street, cost $2,000.—Hester frame dwelling, Vail avenue, opposite fair ground, cost $3,000.—Laura Marsh, brick dwelling, Vail avenue, opposite fair grounds, cost $3,500.—Perry Wilson, frame dwelling, Vail avenue, near fair grounds, cost $3,500.—W. H. Draper, frame dwelling, State street near Chamberlin's, cost $3,500.—John Murray, store and dwelling, State near Vail street, cost $2,000.—Eugue Demers, frame dwelling, State near Vail street, cost $1,800.—A. Seaman, frame dwelling, Whipple aveue near North street, cost $1,500.—John Miller, frame house, corner John and Clinton streets, cost $2,000.—Frank McCabe, frame dwelling, Congress near Mercer street, cost $3,000.— - — Miller, two cottages on Hill, near Washington (near T. & B. R. R.) cost $4,000.Owner unknown, house corner Mercer street and Whipple avenue, cost $1,000.—John Lewis, frame dwelling, Whipple avenue near Canal street, cost $1,500.—John Flinton, frame cottage, corner Whipple avenue and Canal street, cost $500.—John Mann, frame cottage, John street near Canal, cost $1,200.—Owner unknown, house corner Hill and Jay streets, cost $860.—John Daly, frame house, Ann near Canal street, cost $1,000.—Morrison, frame dwelling on old turnpike, cost $2,000.—Peter Dion, brick dwelling on Ann, near Elizabeth street, cost $2,000.—There has been erected on the block between South and Catharine streets, and Ann and Hill, ten cottages, cost probably $4,000; owners unknown.—Battershall's works, opposite the fair grounds, cost $3,500.—Henry Martin, frame dwelling, Vail avenue, near Fair Grounds, cost $3,000.—R. Haskell, two-story brick, corner State and South streets, cost about $22,000.—Mrs. Haskell, two-story frame, corner Lansing and State [112th Street and Second Avenue], cost about $15,000.....Fox steamer No. 2, held the second of a series of socials at their house last evening. The affair was gotten up in a manner that cannot be excelled. The whole arrangements were under the superintendence of the ladies of the First ward. The most casual observers could not do otherwise than remark that the whole affair exceeded their expectations. Lansingburgh can well boast of handsome girls, for such they are. It is astounding what terrific damage can be done to the Fox's suppers, especially when catered by the ladies. When our reporter left, the happier admirers of Terpsichore were tripping the light fantastic toe in the most sociable and happy manner it has ever been our lot to witness. May their next social be as enjoyable.Troy Daily Whig. February 1, 1872: 3 col 4.