Lansingburgh Halloweens 1900s-1970s

LANSINGBURGH.—[...] Halloween Parties [...]—A masquerade will be held at Powers' Opera House to-morrow evening by members of the N. E. H. Club. The affair is in charge of the Misses Willard, Brady, Lettrick and Hayner. [...]—A reception took place last evening at the rooms of the Eagle Athletic Club on Sixth Avenue, when members of the club entertained a number of their friends at a Halloween party. The rooms were decorated in keeping with the spirit of Halloween. A pleasant evening was spent listening to musical and literary selections and dancing was enjoyed. Anton Jensen, Chairman; Francis Rokjer and Taft Whitman were the Committee of Arrangements.—Halloween was fittingly celebrated last evening at Hedding Methodist Church by the members of the Epworth League in the Sunday School rooms, which were gayly decorated with jack-o'-lanterns, cornstalks and autumn leaves. An orchestra under the leadership of William A. Lawrence discoursed music during the evening. Following is the program of the evening's entertainment: Soprano solor, Miss Amelia Spenard; bariton solor, Fred Macrea; reading, Miss Addie Taylor; selections by quartets composed of Misses Bessie Marinius, Clara Woodin, Naomi Rankin and Gretchen Hermans; prophecy, Miss Helen Welch; forrtune teller, Miss Alice Coonley.Troy Times. October 30, 1908: 6 col 2.LANSINGBURGH. [...]Sophomore's Halloween.The sophomore class of the Lansingburgh High School held a Halloween party in the school gymnasium Saturday night. Including friends, about fifty persons were present. The guests were arrayed in masquerade costumes and Halloween games were enjoyed. A musical program, in which the class took part, was also carried out. A buffet luncheon was afterward served. The class officers were in charge of the affair.Troy Times. November 2, 1914: 9 col 2.Student Nurses To Have FairThe student nurses of the Leonard Hospital are completing elaborate plans for the bazaar to be held Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings at the Knights of Columbus Hall on Second Avenue, Lansingburgh. The hall will be attractively decorated in Halloween colors of orange and black, which will be blended with the autumnal shades of brown and tan.Thursday evening the bazaar will be opened by Mayor Clinton, who will be introduced by Corporation Counsel Filley. Mayor Clinton will make a short address. On Friday evening Dr. J. H. F. Coughlin will be the speaker at the bazaar and will be introduced by John J. Ma[digital scan of microfilm cut off right side of page]. The fair will open each evening at 8 o'clock. Many attractive [?] have been planned and there will be a splendid display of fancy [articles] including linen luncheon sets, [?], dining table cloths, silk and embroidered lingerie and many other articles too numerous to mention. In addition to the fancy work, there will be a dandy booth, where all kinds of home-made candies will be sold. It is the plan of the nurses to have a musical program by an orchestra each evening, and [?] other interesting novelties [will be] introduced each evening in [hopes?] the spectators will be delighted. [The] booths will be in charge of the nurses.It is expected that there will be a large attendance each evening [?] the many friends of the nurses [will] attend as well as all those in the [?] who are interested in the work [that] these young women are doing, [?] will be especially interested [?] novelties which will be offered.Troy Times. October 6, 1926: 5 col 7-8.LANSINGBURGH—Masonic Club to Sponsor Halloween Dance October 31 [...]TO CONDUCT DANCE.—Lansingburgh Masonic Club To Sponsor Halloween Social in Temple Wednesday Evening, October 31.A Halloween dance will be conducted under the auspices of the Lansingburgh Masonic Club Wednesday evening, October 31, at the Lansingburgh Masonic Temple. Plans for the social were outlined last evening at a meeting of the committees in charge.Round and square dances will be enjoyed with music being furnished by Frank Morrison's Orchestra. A program will also be presented by the Hansbury Trio.John Filkins is General Chairman of the committee in charge. He is being assisted by the following committee Chairmen: Music, Earl Rose; Entertainment, Clarence Slade; Reception, Earl Sherman; Ticket, Joseph Whinnery, and Decorations, Fred Smith.Troy Times. October 12, 1934: 3 col 1.ENTERTAINS CLUB MEMBERS AT HOME.Members of the Saturday Night Club were the guests of Mrs. William H. Crogan at her home on Fifth Avenue, Lansingburgh, last evening for a Halloween party.Prizes for cards went to Mrs. Frank J. Therrien, Mrs. Florence Malo and Mrs. Jessie B. Slade. Mrs. Guy P. Walker sang and Mrs. Mary Daley gave a reading. Mrs. Jack Slattery was assistant hostess.Times Record. November 1, 1941: 13 col 6.Lansingburgh Boys Club Has PartyOrganized confusion that extended from the cellar of the Lansingburgh Boys Club basement in the outdoor basketball court heralded the Halloween season last night for 235 members of the club at the organization's 15th annual Halloween party.Weird experiences offered by the "chamber of horrors" catered to the adventurous spirit of the fun-makers who ranged in age from 7 to 13. Some were a bit reluctant to enter the basement chamber—equipped with snarling faces of monsters outlined in luminescent paint on rubber basketballs, cardboard skeletons and manufactured cob webs.But nearly all of them wanted to pass through the chamber a second time, particularly after they had weathered the sight of a human being "hanged" at the basketball court on their way out of the chamber. Victim of the "hanging" was Anthony Patalino, club leader.A panorama of Halloween horrors was offered in the grand march in which the frolicking youngsters - paraded their Halloween costumes before the judges in the contest that offered prizes for the outstanding "getups."Edward Cavanaugh claimed the most original costume prize while the "best girl" costume was worn by Donald Morgan. David Wubbenhorst sported the "best hobo" costume while Donald Galarneau appeared as the "most grotesque" figure in the grand march. The award for the funniest costume went to Charles Bleibtrey and the door award went to George Stulze.Rev. John Wubbenhorst, pastor of Millis Memorial Baptist Church, William Hayner, William Galbraith and Clement Ketterson served as judges. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Alfred Cunningham, Mrs. Ketterson, Miss Patricia Benardo and Miss Sally Searle.Director Thomas Rafferty made arrangements for the party. He was assisted by Alfred Cunningham and members of the leaders corps.Healthiest appetites were apparent in the actions of Donlin Sheppherd, who won the pie-eating contest, and David Hart, champion apple eater.The program was rounded out with a series of games that included "spin the bottle", a clothespin relay race, balloon busting contest and a cracker breaking contest. All boys attending the party shared the cider, doughnuts, cookies, candy and apples. Refreshments and prizes were donated by merchants and friends of the club.Times Record. October 30, 1954: 5 col 1.25 Lansingburgh Children Will Collect For UNICEF.A joint effort on behalf of UNICEF will be conducted by 25 Church School children from five Lansingburgh churches tomorrow (Halloween) afternoon. The children, ranging from first graders to high school age, will canvas the Lansingburgh area between 3:30 and 4:30 p.m. as a substitute for Halloween "trick or treat" demands.Each child will be identified by a UNICEF tag and each of the milk containers which are being used for the donations will be labeled with an orange sticker. UNICEF (United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund) is a U.N. operated organization which has been set up to benefit children in countries throughout the world.The area to be covered will include 101st to 104th streets, and 110th to 120th streets. The participating children come from Church School classes of St. Mark's Methodist, Trinity Episcopal, Immanuel Lutheran, Redeemer Lutheran and Our Saviour's Lutheran churches.All the youngsters will return to their respective churches with collections which will then be turned over to the fund.Times Record. October 30, 1961: 6 cols 1-2.Council plans partyThe Lansingburgh Citizens Council is planning a Halloween Party Saturday at 7 p.m. in St. Augustine's Hall on Fourth Avenue in Lansingburgh.The council recently elected officers. Mrs. Arlene Cahill was elected chairman; David Wos, vice-chairman; Daniel Barrett, treasurer; and Mrs. Shirley Kelly, secretary.The next meeting is planned for next Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at Germania Hall on Third Avenue in Lansingburgh.Times Record. October 27, 1976: 5 col 1.See also Halloween in the 1890s