New York State Military Census in Lansingburgh (1917)

Work Progressing Slowly But Surely—Many Responses From Women Willing to Help at Headquarters—The Work in Lansingburgh.The state military census is progressing slowly but surely. To-day 2,000 registration papers were shipped to state headquarters, making a total of more than 5,000 to date. There have been many responses from women anxious to "do their bit" by assisting in the tabulation of the blanks at local headquarters. More are needed, however. Director Philip H. Draper and Assistant Director William A. Dunne state that complaints still continue to come in that men are failing to sign their names to the registration blanks. This necessitates a second trip by the census taker to the house and much time is lost. It was announced this morning by A. A. Armitage that the census of the Lansingburgh district will be completed to-night.Troy Semi-Weekly Times. June 15, 1917: 5 col 4.
All residents of the State of New York from the ages of 16 to 50 were required to fill out the questionnaire. When the work was first planned it was expected that the State would be asked to give a list of the men available for the draft, and accordingly one set of blanks covered men from 21 to 30 years of age, and was printed in red, in order that it might be readily segregated from the others. The Federal draft, however, made this work unnecessary.The Questionnaire for not write in this marginElection District Subdivision Town or City CountySTATE OF NEW YORKTHE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICEMILITARY CENSUS BUREAUALBANYCensus and Inventory of the Military Resources of the State under Chapter 103, Laws of 1917, and Acts Supplementary Thereto, and Enrollment of Persons Liable to Service in the Militia under Chapter 41, Laws of 1909, and Acts Amendatory Thereof (Military Law) by Order and Direction of the GovernorForm for Males 16 to 50 Years of Age Inclusive. Use Pen and Ink. Sign Personally. Do Not Fold1. How old are you? (a) When were you born? (year) (month) (day)2. What is your full name?3. In what city, town or village do you live? (a) On what street, road or avenue?(b) On what rural free delivery route? (c) House number?4. Were you born in the United States?5. In what country were you born?6. Are you white or colored?7. How long have you lived in the United States? -8. How long have you lived in the State of New York?-_9. Are you a citizen of the United States? (a) By birth or by naturalization?(b) When were you naturalized?10. If not a citizen, have you taken out your first papers?11. Of what country are you a citizen or subject?12. In what country was your father born?13. In what country was your mother born? _14. Are you married? - (a) Is your wife living? _15. How many persons, including only mother, father, wife, or child, sister or brother under 12 years of age are dependent upon you for their entire support?.—16. Have you attended elementary school? (a) High school? _(b) Technical school?.- (c) College?.- —17. Do you speak English? (a) What other language do you speak?(b) Have you ever acted as interpreter of any foreign language? (c) If so, what language?18. Do you hold any public office or position under the National or State Government?(a) If so, what?.-19. In what industry, or business are you engaged? _(a) In what capacity or position?.— (b) Exactly what work do you do?20. Have you a trade or profession? (a) If so, what is it?(b) If not, what work do you do for a living?21. In what other kind of work have you had most experience? _22. Are you particularly skillful in any line of mechanical work?(a) If so, what line?23. Are you in business for yourself?24. If not, what is the name of your present employer?(a) What Ls your employer's business? (b) What is your employer's business address?25. Have you ever acted as agent or otherwise for any foreign country, manufacturer, dealer, or merchant? ;26. Have you ever been in the military or naval service, or had military or naval training at school, college, camp or cruise?(a) In what organizations?(b) Date of enlistment?(c) Date of discharge?(d) In what grade?27. Are you now in the military or naval service? .._ (a) In what organization?28. Do you claim exemption from military service? (a) If so, upon what ground?29. Do you desire to enlist in the United States Army? (a) The United States Navy?(b) The U. S. Marine Corps?._ (c) The New York National Guard?(d) The New York Naval Militia? „30. For what particular arm or branch of the military service do you believe yourself to be best fitted?31. Can you operate: (a) An automobile? (b) A motorcycle?.-(c) A power boat? (d) An aeroplane?(e) A telegraph instrument?. (f) A wireless outfit?(g) A stationary steam engine? (h) A steam locomotive? -32. Have you ever been employed in shipbuilding? (a) In what capacity?..33. Are you a licensed pilot? (a) Navigator?—34. Do you own any of the following? If so, how many of each?PROPERTY How manyAutomobilesHeavy wagons or trucksAuto trucksWireless outfitsMotor launchesDraft horsesPower boatsSaddle horsesRiflesMulesVansI hereby declare that the foregoing answers are true,[Sign here name in full][Do not fill in]Enrollment taken and card issued by(First name) (Middle name) (Last name)Agent, Military CensusThe Questionnaire for not write in this marginElection District Subdivision Town or City CountySTATE OF NEW YORKTHE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICEMILITARY CENSUS BUREAUALBANYCensus and Inventory of the Military Resources of the State under Chapter 103, Laws of 1917, and Acts Supplementary Thereto, and Enrollment of Persons Liable to Service in the Militia under Chapter 41, Laws of 1909, and Acts Amendatory Thereof (Military Law) by Order and Direction of the GovernorForm for Females 16 to 50 Years of Age Inclusive. Use Pen and ink. Sign Personally. Do Not Fold1. How old are you? _ (a) When were you born? (year) (month) (day)2. What is your full name?3. In what city, town or village do you live? (a) On what street, road or avenue?(b) On what rural free delivery route? (c) House number?— _.4. Were you born in the United States?5. In what county were you born? _6. Are you white or colored?7. How long have you lived in the United States?8. How long have you lived in the State of New York?9. Are you a citizen of the United States? (a) By birth or by naturalization?—(b) When were you naturalized?10. If not a citizen, have you taken out your first papers?11. Of what country are you a citizen or subject?12. In what country was your father born?13. In what country was your mother born? _14. Are you married? (a) Is your husband living?— _.(b) What is your husband's full name? _.15. In what country was your husband born? (a) Is he a citizen of the United States?(b) Of what country is he a citizen or subject? _16. How many children have you?17. How many persons, including only mother, father, or child, sister or brother under 12 years of age are dependent upon you for their entire support? _18. Have you attended elementary school? _ (a) High school?(b) Technical school?— (c) College? _19. Do you speak English? (a) What other language do you speak?(b) Have you ever acted as interpreter of any foreign language? (c) If so, what language?..—20. Do you hold any public office or position under the National or State Government?,(a) If so, what? _21. Are you employed in any industry or business?(a) In what capacity or position? (b) Exactly what work do you do?._221 In what other kind of work have you had most experience?23. Are you in business for yourself?24. If not, what is the name of your present employer?(a) What is your employer's business?- (b) What is your employer's business address?..25. Are you a registered trained nurse?. (a) A practical nurse?(b) Have you had any experience in surgical cases? (c) Have you completed a course of training in First Aid?(d) Have you worked under the Red Cross (e) Have you made hospital supplies?26. Can you:(a) Drive an automobile? (e) Operate a typewriter?(b) Operate telegraph instrument? (f) Do general clerical work?(c) Operate a telephone switchboard? (g) Do general agricultural work?(d) Take shorthand? (h) Make garments?- _ _27. Do you own any of the following? If so, how many of each?PROPERTY How manyAutomobilesAuto trucksHeavy wagons or trucksMotor launchesPower boatsSaddle horsesMulesVansI hereby declare that the foregoing answers are true,[Sign here name in full][Do not fill in]Enrollment taken and card issued by(First name)(Middle name) (Last name)Agent, Military Census.The New York State Military Census and Inventory: A Report to Hon. Charles S. Whitman, Governor of the State of New York, 1917. Albany, NY: J.B. Lyon Co., 1918. 14-17.

Uncategorized1917, census, WWI