"Troy and Lansingburgh-A Comparison" (1868)

☞TROY AND LANSINGBURGH—A COMPARISON.—Some people believe that "comparisons are odious." To their attention we commend the following excessively modest paragraph: "A movement is made to secure a new charter for Troy. The charter must necessarily define the boundaries of the city and wards. It seems to be conceded that the city under the new charter, will divide several of its larger wards—those which reach 5,000 population and over. There is yet but little said about changing the boundaries of the city, but the subject will doubtless come up before the matter is wholly disposed of. There is a universal tendency to consolidate near communities under one local government. Within a few years, Buffalo has taken in a large adjacent territory and population [the Town of Black Rock]; Syracuse has swallowed the old village of Salina; Brooklyn has absorbed Williamsburg; Boston, Roxbury; Pittsburgh, Alleghany city; and so on. There is a quiet belief entertained in Lansingburgh and Troy that the two places will sooner or later be known as one. The question whether Lansingburgh shall take in Troy, or vice versa, is of course yet a mooted one. Troy has the largest population; Lansingburgh the most inviting territory. Troy has the most capital; Lansingburgh the best newspapers. In manufactures, Troy has the most iron, but Lansingburgh beats her to death on oil-cloth and brushes. Troy has many old and highly respectable families; but most of them really originated at an early period of their existence in Lansingburgh, while there is no native Trojan who can be compared in wit, powers of gab, or breadth of shirt collar, to our Cyrus Jones Esq. [penname and humorous orator persona of Rev. Cornelius Leighton Twing (1836-1905)]. Troy has waterworks, a gas factory and a Board of Trade; Lansingburgh has the Van Rensselaer Trotting Park, Skating Park, the best part of Vail Avenue, and the Regatta Course. Troy is the largest flour market, but Lansingburgh makes the most crackers. Troy is the largest meat market, but Lansingburgh has the youngest veal. Troy has the most churches, but Lansingburgh the most piety. In fact, the two places have a pretty even thing of it on merits. When the time arrives when it is to be decided which is to swallow the other, the smartest town will win, and of course Lansingburgh will triumph."It is something in this light that our citizens are discussing the subject of "annexation." The matter will be early discussed by our village debating society, and will doubtless enter to a considerable extent into the spring election. [Lansingburgh Town] Supervisor [James] Dougrey has already prepared a very handsome map of 'The City of Lansingburgh,' on which what is now the city of Troy, is set down as the First Ward. Copies of the map will be sent to the Troy Common Council, for their approval. Squire D. has unfolded his banner of 'annexation' on this plan, and such will be his platform for the spring election."—'Burgh Gazette.Troy Daily Whig. February 7, 1868: 5 col 1.