"Village Improvements" (1851)

Village Improvements.
It is truly gratifying, during an evening ramble, to see with what rapidity our village is spreading in all directions. Nowhere can you turn your steps where neat and comfortable dwellings, in progress of erection will not meet your eye. In every direction is heard the sound of the carpenter's hammer. 'Adamsville' has about doubled its dwellings during the past spring, and its vacant lots are still rapidly filling up, while along our eastern borders, the entire length of the village may be seen neat and comfortable cottages springing up at every corner and turn.There cannot have been much short of one hundred and fifty new buildings erected in our village during the past year, besides a number of old ones re-built and repaired.The Repairs on the Academy building is progressing finely, and will be completed in a short time. We understand the desks are to be of cast Iron. This is certainly an improvement on the old ones, and one that should be recommended in every school.Mr. [Edward] Tracy's new Malthouses and Brewery are going up rapidly, and will be in full operation, it is supposed, in about eight weeks. These buildings will, it is estimated, give steady employment to fifty men. Mr. Tracy is one of our most enterprising citizens and is entitled to a full share of public patronage and support.The Tavern of Luke S. Reed [Butler House?], lately destroyed by fire is being re-built, and will in a short time be once more opened for the accommodation of the public. Mr. Reed was a favorite with the farmers and will, no doubt have an eye to their comfort in the re-construction of his house.Lansingburgh Gazette. August 19, 1851: 2 col 2.