Wild Man of the Woods (1870)

☞ The wild man has made his appearance in our midst, and the ghost which was wont to travel at night, and devour costly meals in one of our dwellings has departed. Last week one of our village officials was notified that a wild man—that a veritable gorilla—a patent, iron-bound, brass-chested and silver kneed devil was prowling about the hills. He at once departed to tame the monster, taking with him half a dozen Mexican muskets, four of Sharpe's rifles, and a barrel and a half of mixed and assorted powder and shot. When he reached the diamond rock he built a barricade of Autumn leaves and then, knowing that strategy was the heart of war, stole around the rock into a clump of woods, where he discovered—what—a poor half-idiotic and harmless individual almost naked, devouring a pound of Switzer cheese and a half barrel of Fox's farinas. The official has returned. We heard him muttering to himself last night:"Bury me by the river sideWhere willows weepeth—And wild men cometh not."Lansingburgh Gazette. December 8, 1870: 3 col 4.☞ LANSINGBURGH—THE WILD MAN OF THE WOODS—WHO IS HE?—Directly East of Rensselaer Park, in the bosom of the hills, is a deep gorge down which dashes and leaps the stream which forms the outlet to the lakes at Oakwood. Frowning over this gully is a shelving of rocks known as Table Rock, the whole forming a scene of picturesque and romantic beauty. This gulley extends back as far as the former Northern bounds of the Cemetery, and is just such a spot as would naturally be chosen as the retreat of gnomes and goblins. However, until within a few days the only attraction about the place was its picturesqueness; but it has suddenly become invested with a romance that is exciting enough to warrant our story. A few days since, the schoolboys who are constantly rambling about the hills came home breathless and with their hair on ends, and told of the singular appearance of some person whom they had met in the above locality, and whom they described as a “wild man.” The children were only laughed at for what was supposed to be their credulity; but they were positive in their story, and described the object as frightful in appearance and action. They admitted nothing supernatural, but said he appeared like a crazy man, and was in a semi-nude condition. They didn’t take a very long look at him, as at his appearance they were in something of a hurry to get home; they were not afraid, oh no! but—well they haven’t been on the hill since. Shortly after, their story was sufficiently substantiated by the appearance of the strange man near the old Bacon house, under the hill, where by the most hideous yells and grimaces he frightened the occupants nearly out of their senses. They at once reported the facts to the police, two of whom repaired to the spot, and after a while succeeded in obtaining a sight of the stranger. The police at once gave chase, but the pursued ran like a deer and disappeared, and they were unable to discover his whereabouts at that time. He has since been seen, sometimes in a state of nudity and at other times partially clothed, and with a large knife in his possession. A small fire supposed to be used by him has frequently been seen at the point about which he seems to wander. He is undoubtedly an escaped lunatic, whether from Marshall Infirmary or some private place of confinement we are at a loss to determine, as no such escape has been announced. His manner of subsistence has not been discovered, although some declare they have seen places dug out in the earth where he had apparently made his resting place. Certain it is, he has haunted the locality for a week or more, and it seems very singular that he has neither been captured nor discovered by his friends. The people at the Bacon place have added two or three male friends to their family, as they were too much frightened by the presence of their mad visitant to remain alone.—George Storms reports at the police station, that a small mare is hanging by the neck in the woods near the Bucklin farm. Her throat has been cut. He considers her to have been an animal in good condition, and worth from $100 to $150. Who is the owner? Perhaps she is the steed of the wild man.Troy Daily Times. December 10, 1870: 3 col 1.—The “wild man” was seen this morning near the upper entrance to the cemetery, and Capt. King, with a posse of men, went up to capture him if possible.“Lansingburgh.” Troy Daily Times. December 12, 1870: 3 col 4.—The “Wild Man” created quite a sensation yesterday. He made his appearance to the men engaged in the building of the cemetery fence. He was plainly seen by a large number of them, and was entirely nude. He had a bundle under his arm. The police force was notified, and immediately repaired to the locality, followed by a large number of men and boys, but on a close examination of the woods in the vicinity, no trace of the naked man could be discovered. There is no truth in the report of his having killed one of Mr. Buckley’s horses. The horse was seen in the marsh, dead, was taken there by his owners and killed, as it was found that he had a dangerous and incurable disease.“Lansingburgh.” Troy Daily Whig. December 13, 1870: 3 col 4.“THE WILD MAN IN THE WOODS.”—The wild man in the cemetery ravine, of whose singular conduct we gave an account on Monday, was seen yesterday morning. Some of the workmen employed in the cemetery entered a small building in which tools were stored, and upon opening the door was confronted by the wild man. He was entirely nude, but seemed to have a small bundle of clothes under his arm. With a whoop or rather a shriek and a bound he disappeared—the men being too frightened to follow him. We suggest that a party be formed to hunt out the strange object and secure him at all hazards.Troy Daily Times. December 13, 1870: 3 col 4.—The wild man in the cemetery has received the poetical soubriquet of the “Hermit of Diamond Rock.” It is not known who he is, but the police of the ‘burgh think he is a resident of that village who has a penchant for going up into the cemetery and then disrobing himself and dancing a breakdown. The report that the stranger is a well-known up-towner, formerly engaged in the liquor trade, is incorrect.“City Notes.” Troy Daily Times. December 15, 1870: 3 col 1.—A wild man has taken up his quarters in the Troy Cemetery. He was seen by some workmen Monday, but the men were too frightened to follow him. He was entirely nude."City and Vicinity." Albany Morning Express. December 14, 1870: 3 col 1.—That poor wild man, whom we noticed last week, it is said, went into a barn and eat up a pet mare. Poor fellow, he must have been very hungry when he eat Brunswick stock.Lansingburgh Gazette. December 15, 1870: 3 col 2.—There is a "wild man of the woods" haunting a ravine near Troy. He goes entirely nude, carrying his clothes under his arm. Some one ought to give him a trunk to put them in."News Gleanings; New York State." Syracuse Daily Standard. December 15, 1870: 2 col 4.—The wild man has been captured. He has located himself in Jimmy Adams’s show-window.Troy Daily Times. December 21, 1870: 3 col 2.—The Wild Man has not been caught yet."Waifs." Lansingburgh Gazette. December 22, 1870: 3 col 2.