The Oldest Lansingburgh Cemetery
Lansingburgh Village Burying Ground graph by Lansingburgh Historical Society
In the Troy Public Library's scrapbooks is a transcription by the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) of a number of headstones in the Lansingburgh Village Burial Ground. The handwritten notes are not organized by surname or date, but seem to be in groups of stones that were located relatively near each other. However, the groups of stones don't seem to be organized from front to back of the cemetery or in any other readily recognizable way. Lurenal Northrop's short obelisk is bit over half of the way east into the cemetery along the middle path, for example, yet is the first transcription on the list.There are many other headstones that were missed in the DAR's transcription work, and there are doubtless errors of transcription. However, as many of the headstones they did record are not possible to find at present, it is still a very useful compilation. Some of the features they mention, like sumac or iron rails, are not longer present in the cemetery.
“Lurenal, daughter of Richard and Katharine Northrop, Died Jan. 31, 1851, aged 18 yrs.” (monument fallen down)
“Luther Brown, died Mar. 1, 1821 aged 32 yrs.”
“Joseph McKenney, Sergt. Co. A. 30th N.Y. Inf.”
“James Wallace, died Sept. 3, 1822, aged 86yrs.” (Rev. soldier)
“Hannah, wife of [James Wallace], died Nov. 22, 1825, aged 89 yrs”4 marble posts, one at each corner, iron rail top of, knocked off, slab down
“Anthony P. Hamilton, died Aug. 14, 1851, aged 28 yrs.” (prominent)
“Nancy Kirkpatrick, wife of J. T. Slingerland, died Feb. 16, 1836 aged 28 yrs” (prominent) (husband not interred here)
“Robt. Kirkpatrick, son of John + Margaret Kirkpatrick, died May 21, 1832 aged 18 yrs, 9 mos. and 16 days.”
“Mary Ann, wife of Alex. W. King, died Mar. 17, 1849, aged 33 yrs, 11 mos., 13 days.” (atty. at law + prominent)
“Catharine, wife of Wm. Hatfield, died Nov. 28, 1841, aged 37 yrs, 5 mos., 25 days.” (prominent)
“Lester [sic], wife of Eldridge Rowley, died Oct. 1, 1847, aged 71 yrs.” [Hester]
“Eldridge Rowley, died Aug. 7, 1849, aged 74 yrs.” (Vet. of 1812) [Row 17N]
“Abigail G. wife of Andrew B. Myers, died May 14, 1837, aged 33 yrs.”
“Olef. Rorden of Hamburg, Germany, born in 1792, died Dec. 29, 1847, aged 55 yrs”
“Sarah, wife of Chas. Tann, died Apr. 11, 1847, aged 30 yrs.” (prominent)
“Wm. Gilmore, died Aug. 28, 1852, aged 66 yrs.” (prominent) [Row 15N
]“Alida, his wife, died May 16, 1865, aged 75 yrs, 11 mos.”
“Michael Smith Jr. died Sept. 4, 1860, aged 50 yrs.”
“Sally A., his wife, died May 3, 1865, aged 50 yrs.”
“Cornelius L. Smith”—so old + obliterated, all one can make out of inscription on marble slab, besides name, is—“186- 71”+that is all
“Rosanna Colton, wife of Henry Swartwout, died May 15, 1842, aged 19 yrs. 6 mos. 5 days.”
“Solomon Mosher, died July 10, 1833, aged 20 yrs 7 mos. (prominent)
“Sarah Maria, daughter of Solomon + Catharine Mosher”
“Catharine, [daughter of Solomon + Catharine Mosher]”
(Mrs. Catharine Mosher, the wife, is not interred herein)
“Arnold Cole, died Oct. 9, 1842, aged 58 yrs.”
“Nancy, his wife, died Nov. 26, 1839, aged 54 yrs.”
“Amelia Adaline, wife of Anthony P. Hamilton Jr.” (prominent)
These are all in one lot.
“Helen Curran, died May 21, 1817, aged 15 yrs.” (prominent people)
“Emeline [Curran] died Dec. 20, 1841 aged 13 [yrs]” (No father nor mother interred herein)
“John Erwin, died Dec. 19, 1841, aged 32 yrs. 10 mos.” (His wife is not interred herein)
, died Apr. 25, 1865, aged 79 yrs 19 days”“Nancy, wife of [Peter C. Blasdell], died Apr. 25, 1875, aged 76 yrs 19 days.”
“Jabez F. Parmelee, died Apr. 23, 1849, aged 52 yrs.” (very prominent merchant and politician of Lansingburgh)“
Died Oct. 21, 1855, aged 52 yrs. 6 mos.”(then on monument“Catharine C.Edward K.Sarah M.CharlesEliasEddie andCatharine, children of Wm. + Catharine C. Wright.”(All in one lot + hence relatives.)
“Amanda Louisa, daughter of Nicholas + Phebe Weaver, aged 2 yrs”“
, died June 29 1878, aged 79 yrs” (very prom)“Catharine [Weaver], died July 2, 1836, [aged] 27 [yrs], 8 mos.”“
, died Apr. 2, 1862” [Row 8N]“
, wife of [Lewis Weaver], aged 92 yrs, 2 mos.” (no date of death) [Row 8N]
“Sarah Amelia, daughter S. B. + Vianna Comstock, died Sept. 14, ‘42” (No father nor mother interred here—very prom. people)
“Edward P. Smith, drowned June 23, 1851, aged 29 yrs” (all alone)
“Henry Rowley, aged 69 yrs.” no date of birth or death.“
, 169 Rgt. Co. K. N.Y. S. V. Killed at Fort Fisher, Feb. 15, 1865, aged 28 yrs.” [Row 18N & Row 19N]“
[Row 19N]
[Row 19N]
+ [Row 19N]
, children of Silas H.” [Row 19N] (mother’s name not given)
“Hannah Matilda, daughter of Rev. Ebenezer D. + Mary A. Maltbie, Died Sept. 5, 1840, aged 5 mos. 20 days.” (all alone, very prom.)
, born Nov. 28, 1768, died May 21, 1849.” [Row 17N]“
, wife of [Alex. Van Pelt], born June 21, 1765, Died May 28, 1852.” (very prom) [Row 17N]
, wife of the late Samuel Armstrong, died Doct. 30, 1857, aged 60 yrs. 11 days.” (husband not here – prom. people) [Row 17N]
“Eli Judson, died Sept. 30, 1821, aged 51 yrs. 13d.” (from merchant) [Maybe Row 30E?]“
, died Nov. 9, 1803 [aged] 62.” [Row 30E]“Parnel Crittenden, formerly of Guildford, Conn., died Aug. 17, 1828, aged 72 yrs.” (all in one lot-very prom.) (Rev. soldier)
, died Jan. 1, 1820 at Troy, aged 61 yrs. 1 mo and 8 days.” (prom) [Row 31E]
, died Mar. 23, 1850, aged 77 yrs.” (prom. politician + merchant) [Row 31E]
“Parker Weaver, died Oct. 28, 1807, aged 65 yrs. 7 mos” (Rev. soldier + merchant)
died Oct. 7, 1821, aged 73.” Relative
(Schuylerville) + Revo. soldier.
, consort of” (obliterated) “Oct. 10, 1810, aged 30 yrs.” (Husband prom. Lans merchant)
, died May 25, 1825, aged 71 yrs” (Rev. soldier) [Row 29E]“
, [died] Dec. 20, 1846, [aged] 71 yrs.” (prom. merchant) [Row 28E]“
, [died] March 26, 1838, [aged] 53 yrs.” [Row 28E]“Reuben Willard [died] July 13, 1821 [aged] 66 yrs.” (Relative, Troy Chief of Police Willard)
, wife of Wm. Bell, died Jan. 21, 1796, 35 yrs. 1 mo. 2d.”
, Nov. 16th, 1787, aged 22.” [Row 32E]“
, Sr. May 29, 1794, aged 79” (Capt. in Rev. war) [Row 32E]“
, son of Ezra + Eliza Hickok, Dec. 30, 1797, aged 30 yrs.” [Row 32E]“
, consort of Capt. Ezra Hickok, Aug. 24, 1807, 68 yrs.” [Row 32E]“
, died Apr. 22, 1807, aged 70 yrs.” [Row 32E](First settlers, Rev. soldiers, prom. families + merchants of Lans.)
, daughter of
, died Apr. 27, 1791, aged 14 mos. 27 days.” (sister of man who laid corner stone of present City Hall G. M. Tibbits [Row 31E]
, amiable consort of
, died June 4, 1794, aged 40.” (prom. people)
, May 14, 1823, 66 yrs.” (prom.) [Row 32E]
died Feb. 21, 1836, aged 73” (1st Capt. of old No. 1, Lans. Rev. soldier)
, died Sept. 3, 1836, aged 86 yrs.” (Rev. soldier)
, died Wed. Apr. 18, 1821, aged 69 yrs.” (1st Chief Eng. Fire Dept. in Lans or Troy. prom. merchant.) [Row 23N/22E]
, died July 13, 1820, aged 56 yrs. 9 mos.” (prom. politician) [Row 20N]
, died Dec. 3, 1856, aged 79 yrs. 10 mos.” (Vet. war 1812) [Row 22N/21E]
, wife of
, died July 22, 1833, aged 49 yrs. 2 mos. 22 days.” (very prom.)
, died May 26, 1819, aged 88 yrs.” (Battle Bemis Height) [Row 24N/23E]
“Peter Nelson, died July 19, 1839, aged 58 yrs.”
, died Aug. 12, 1815, aged 64 yrs.” [Row 28E]
“James Giles, died Oct. 7, 1811, aged 25 yrs.”
“James Maullin, died July 2, 1805, aged 60 yrs.” (prom.) [Row 25E]
, died Sept. 25, 1818, aged 51 yrs.” [Row 30E]
“Moses Maullin, died Apr. 20, 1830, aged 27 yrs.” (prom.) [This possibly should have been
Harriet, Wife of Moses Maullin
: maybe Row 30E?]
“James W. Tilson, died Sept. 28, 1847, aged 28 yrs.” (brown stone)
“James Hamilton, died July 1787, aged 75 yrs. 8 mos. (Rev. war)
, died Feb. 22, 1823, aged 64 yrs.” (Rev. soldier + merchant) [Row 32E]“
, [died] Aug. 30, 1787 [aged] 17 yrs.” son of Elijah [Row32E]“
, [died] Aug. 18, 1828, [aged] 55 yrs. [Row32E]
, died Nov. 5, 1821, aged 71 yrs” (Rev. soldier) [Row 31E]
, daughter of James Dole and amiable consort of Mr. Richard P. Hart of Cambridge. She died at her father’s house in the village of Troy on the 2nd of July, 1805, aged 21 yrs.” (Richard P. Hart, in 1837, was Mayor of Troy)
, killed by accidental discharge of a gun, Aug. 24, 1790, aged 37. Distinguished as an officer, a citizen, a friend and a Christian for true patriotism, strict integrity, and able manners and all the social virtues, he lived much beloved and died greatly lamented by a large and respectable circle of relatives and friends.” (Rev. soldier + prom. merchant of Lans.)
Gershom F. Holmes, died Feb. 13, 1852, aged 69 yrs.” (prom. mechant of Lans.)
, died Oct. 26, 1826, aged 52 yrs.” (very prom.) [Row 30E]
, died Oct. 13, 1843, aged 47 yrs. [Row 34E]“
, [died] May 7, 1846, aged 75 [yrs] 7 mos. 5 days.” [Row 34E]
, native of Portugal, died July 3, 1806, aged 39 yrs.” [Row 36E]
, died Jan. 27, 1806, aged 23 yrs. 8 mos.” [Should be ISAAC JOHNSON who died Janry 27th 1801 aged 23 years & 8 months] [Row 36E]
, died Apr. 11, 1850, aged 72 yrs. 6 mos.” (vet of 1812) [Row 35E]“Robt. Montgomery, [died] Oct 22, 1822, aged 73 yrs.” (Rev. soldier)
, consort of Joshua Burnham, died Aug. 1, 1795, aged 28 yrs, 1 mo. 12 days.” (Husband was prom. merchant of Lans. but he is not here) [Row 35E]“
, died Nov. 23, 1833, aged 28 yrs, 8 mos. 17 days.” (very prom.)
, wife of Dr. Abel Bugbey, died Aug. 4, 1805, aged 39 yrs.”
, merchant from Providence, died Aug. 6, 1789, aged 32 yrs.”“
of Rhode Island, died Dec. 17, 1815, aged 87 yrs.” (Rev. soldier) [Row 35E]
, consort of John C. Jacobs of New Orleans, died Sept. 11, 1822, aged 27 yrs.” [Row 34E]
, born Feb. 1803, died Mar. 23, 1841.” [Row 32E]“Thos. S. Walsh, Mar. 1770 died June 28, 1843.” (Vet. of 1812)“Wm. Walsh, died May 1, 1828, aged 50 yrs.”“Alex. Walsh, died Nov. 14, 1820, [aged] 83 yrs.” (prom. hotel keeper + merchant of Lans. vet. war 1776)
, wife of Jno. Cable, died Oct. 18, 1788, aged 35 yrs.”
, daughter of John and Rebecca Clark. Died Dec. 5, 1825 aged 21 yrs, 7 mos. 12 days.” (The whole of this lot covered with sumac + tall weeds.) Original name Baucus
“Joseph Sturges, died June 25, 1851, aged 83 yrs.”also
, his wife, [died] Apr. 26, 1848 [aged] 77 yrs. [Row 36E]also “
” (another wife so covered with grape vines that rendered it impossible for me to cut my way thro’) [Row 36E]“
, died Sept. 12, 1793, 56 yrs.” [Row 38E]“
, died July 18, 1825, aged 64 yrs.”“
, his wife } no date of death“William [Haggarty], son”} [no date of death]“Guam Tanner, died July 9, 1852, aged 96 yrs.” (Lans Gazette says he was soldier of Rev)“Charity, wife of [Guam Tanner], [died] Aug. 24, 1850, [aged] 85 yrs.”“
, died July 11, 1824, aged 64 yrs. {In war 1776 [In war] 1812}also
, his wife, [died] Aug. 23, 1804, [aged] 32 yrs.”“
, Co. I, 2 Regt. N.Y.S. Vol. died Nov. 6, 1865 aged 22 yrs 9 mos.” [Row 39E]“Polly, wife of John Eastwood, a pious professor of religion in the Baptist connection who died Sept. 20, 1810, aged 31 yrs, and son John, 2 yrs. 3 mos.” (husband not here)“Wm. H. Brown, Private H. Co., 8th Regt. Cavalry, died Aug. 1, 1884, aged 53 yrs.”“Adalina F. Baxter, wife of John Kennedy, died Feb. 3, 1842, aged 23 yrs. 4 mos. 11 days and daughter Adaline.” (Kennedy, the father, is not here. He was a prom. fireman + business man)“Thos. Baxter Jr. son of Thos. Baxter, died Oct. 11, 1835 aged 24 yrs.”“Sarah Ann, wife of Edward Janes, died Oct. 24, 1841 aged 35 years.”“Wm. A. Bonker, died Feb. 24, 1842, aged 33 yrs.”“John Weaver, died May 7, 1816, aged 21 yrs. 3 mos. 24d.”“
, drowned at Castleton, July 13, 1837, aged 15 yrs 6 mos.”“Harriet, daughter of David and Anne Smith, died Nov. 15, 1796, aged 1 yr. 5 mos. 17d.” (small brown stone)“
of Cornish, New Hampshire, died in Schaghticoke, June 28, 1813, aged 22 yrs.” [Row 38E]Jno. C. Choate, died Feb. 23, 1817, aged 83 yrs.” (Rev. soldier)“
, worthy member of Baptist church, died Oct. 1, 1810, aged 55 yrs.” (prom. people) [Row 40E]“
, wife of Jno. Powers, died Aug. 16, 1833, aged 39 yrs.” (prom. people)“
, died Apr. 1839, aged 84 yrs.”“
, his wife, died March 1832, aged 64 yrs.”(These graves are in S.E. corner. Old rubbers on top. tall trees by it.)
, died May 1809, aged 85 yrs.” (Rev. war) [Row 27E]“Elijah Hanson, died Mar. 8, 1811, [aged] 66 yrs.”“Jane Ann, daughter of Ishmael G. and Fanny Smith, died July 18, 1839, aged 3 yrs. 2 mos.”“
, son of above, died Apr. 19 aged 6 mos. 4d.” (does not state year)“
, wife of James McMurray, died Nov. 24, 1839 aged 58 yrs.” (prom. family – he is not here.) [Row 25E]“Mary Ann, wife of John Felshaw, died Apr. 11, 1852, aged 42 yrs. 1 mo. 18d.” (He is not here)“Simon Van Kleeck, died May 26, 1859, aged 69 yrs, 3 mos.” (no wife here)“
, Co. C. 2nd N.Y.S.V. died July 15, 1892, aged 48 yrs.” (no wife here) [Row 19E; Row 30E?]“
, Co. K. 22 N.Y.S.V. died Apr. 4, 1899, aged 54 yrs.” (no wife here) [Row 19E]“William, son of Sarah and John Heacock, born Jan. 21, 1824, died Feb. 15, 1833” (no one else here)“
, died Aug. 28, 1828, aged 27 yrs. (no wife here.)“Eli D. Ford, died June 9, 1840, aged 55 yrs.” (no wife)“Wm. T. Lake, died Aug. 12, 1850, aged 25 yrs (no wife)“
, of Scotland, killed by a fall of bank on ground Aug. 13, 1855, aged 22 yrs.”“
, Co. I. 102 N.Y. Inf.” (no age) [Row 20E]“John McClure, died Sept. 11, 1831, aged 23 yrs.”“Miss N. Eldridge, died Feb. 15, 1868, aged 74 yrs.”“David Penman, of Scotland, died Mar. 16, 1816, aged 25 yrs, 9 mos, 17d” (no wife here)“
, wife of Benj. B. Goewey, died Jan. 19, 1855, aged 39 yrs, 7 mo, 15d.” (prom. people) [Row 19N]“
, died Jan. 10, 1853, aged 59 yrs, 10 mos. 19d.” [Row 20N/20E]“
wife of K. Lewis Burns, died May 29, 1885, aged 31 years.” [Row 7N]“
son of
+ H. E. Houghton, died Apr. 8, 1865, aged 23 yrs. 6 mos.” (prom. people) [Row 6N]“
, wife of Jared Vanderkar, died May 25, 1846, aged 19 yrs, 4 mos.” (prom people) [Row 6N]“
, wife of Jared Vanderkar, died May 21, 1838, aged 25 yrs, 5 mos.”“Elizabeth Payne, died Apr. 16, 1857, aged 70 yrs.”“
, [died] Jan. 24, 1851 [aged] 22 yrs.” [Row 6N]“
, wife of Sylvanus West, died Sept. 22, 1851, aged 39 yrs.”“Sylvanus West, died July 30, 1843, aged 38 yrs.”
, died Aug. 10, 1856, aged 75 yrs. also Mary, his wife.” (no date when born nor died.) (prom. people) [Row 6N]“
, wife of Lemuel H. Tupper, died Mar. 8, 1838, aged 36 yrs.”“
, died Feb. 7, 1833, aged 70 yrs.” (Rev. helper + vet of 1812) [Row 6N]“
, his wife +
, a daughter, also buried here. [Row 6N]“
, died June 8, 1838, aged 66 yrs, 11 mos. + 17d.” (prom. merchant, fireman + politician)“
, died Nov. 30, 1852, aged 59 yrs.”“
, his wife.” (on monument)“
, wife of Adam Millis, died Jan. 2, 1835, aged 50 yrs.” (no wife herein) (husband?)“Oren Sage, died June 17, 1842 aged 54 yrs.”“
, died Nov. 2, 1834, aged 81 yrs. 1 mo. 5 days.” (Rev. soldier)
, died Apr. 28, 1842, aged 60 yrs. (all alone in lot)“
, wife of Peter Dihm, died Oct. 16, 1818 aged 55 yrs.” (all alone)“
, daughter of Joseph and Sarah Beddoe, died Sept. 1, 1859, aged 7 yrs 5 days.” (all alone)“Sarah H. wife of Jesse Tallman, died Aug. 29, 1842, aged 33 yrs.” (very prom. man)“Wm. T. Cooper, Bristol, England, born May 27, 1808, died Nov. 8, 1874.” [Row 3N]“
Co. A. 30th N.Y. Infantry.” (no age) [Row 3N]“Eleanor, daughter of Thos. and Mary Abrams, died Dec. 29, 1851, aged 22 yrs.”“
, died March 7, 1858, aged 31 years.” [Row 2N]“Nathan Morey, died July 26, 1837 aged 53 yrs. 7 mos.”“Thos. Morey, died Jan 30, 1837, [aged] 49 yrs.”“Martha, wife of Thos. Morey, died Aug. 30, 1860 aged 68 yrs.”“Nathan, son of Thos. + Martha Morey, died Nov. 13, 1843, aged 33 yrs.”“Rebecca Morey Marble died Feb. 24, 1848, aged 25 yrs.”“Mary, wife of Nathan Morey, died May 26, 1836, aged 51 yrs.”“Thos. Paine, son of John + Delinda Morey, born Jan. 29, 1819 died Nov. 12, 1849.”“Nathan Douglass, son of John and Delinda Morey drowned in vat in Tan Valley, Sunday A. M. July 9, 1837, aged 1 yur. 8 mos. 24 days.”“
, wife of John Carter, born Apr. 1, 1812, died July 25, 1847.” (all alone)“
, wife of John Drake, died Sept. 16, 1845, aged 88 yr” (Rev. matron) all alone
“Martha, wife of Elijah Chichester, died Jan. 19, 1849 aged 53 yrs”“Rev. Elijah Chichester, died Aug. 21, 1855, aged 78 yrs.” (Vet. of 1812)“
, died Oct. 5, 1843, aged 42 yrs.”“
, died Oct. 8, 1817 aged 37 yrs” [Row 7N]“The wife of Divelle Cole, Elvira Preston, born Feb. 23, 1821 died Apr. 12, 1842, aged 21 yrs. 1 mo. 1 day.” [Row 15N]“Hiram, son of Divelle and Elvira Cole.” (no age given) (Cole is not here) [Row 15N]“
daughter Allen and Amily Clark, born Feb. 12, 1840 died Jan. 10, 1843.”“
, daughter of Luther and Ann Peck, Jan. 26, 1844 (no age as stone is sunk too far down in ground)“
, died Aug. 30, 1865 aged 65 yrs.”Infant son of John B. and Mary E. Smith died June 6, 1848, aged 3 yrs. 20 days.” (John B. is not here)“
, died Jan. 8, 1849 aged 46 yrs 7 mos.”“Margaret, wife of [Marvill Hawkins], died July 6, 1852 aged 60 [yrs], 5 [mos], 3 days.”“William S. [Hawkins] [died] Apr. 19, 1867 [aged] 26 yrs.” [Row 6S]“
, died Apr. 14, 1841 aged 14 yrs, 8 mos. 16 days.“Sarah, wife of Andrew Follett, died Nov. 24, 1855 aged 73 yrs 10 mos. 30 days.”“Chauncey D. son of Joseph B. and Mary Ann Follett, died Apr. 17, 1846, aged 3 yrs. 9 mos. 4 days.” (prom. people)“Sally Ann, wife of Nathaniel Jacocks, died June 4, 1845, aged 23 yrs.”“
, wife of [Nathaniel Jacocks], died Sept. 22, 1840, aged 24 yrs. 8 days.” (very prom. people he is not here)“Robert, son of Peter and Louisa Waggoner, died Mar. 25, 1845, aged 1 year.”“Sarah Jane, daughter of [Peter and Louisa Waggoner], aged 2 yrs.” [Row 7S]“
, son of [Peter and Louisa Waggoner], 3 yrs. 10 mos. [Row 7S]“
, wife of Peter Waggoner, 1814-1892.” [Row 7S]“Robert D. Waggoner, their son, 1846-1887.”“Peter Waggoner, died July 7, 1854, aged 49 yrs.”“Caroline, wife of Peter Waggoner, died Mar. 30, 1849, aged 31 yrs 7 mos. 28 days.” (very prom. people)“John M. Caswell, died Sept. 4, 1857, aged 80 yrs. 2 days.”“Eunice, wife of [John M. Caswell] July 1, 1862, [aged] 83 urs. 5 mos. 19 days.”“
, daughter of [John M. Caswell] (no dates) (very prom)“
, wife of Asa L. Caswell, died May 4, 1864 aged 82 yrs 7 mos.” [Row 8S]“
, born Woodstock, Conn., Sept. 22, 1770, died at Troy, June 10, 1850.” (very prom. people) [Row 8S]“
Co. I. 21st N.Y. Cav.” (no age – all alone)
“Penelope, wife of Myndert De Groff, died Oct. 31, 1839, aged 66 yrs.”“James De Groff, died Aug. 26, 1844, aged 50 yrs.”“Chas. son of Ebenezer C. and Harriet Barton, born Aug. 1, 1832, died Feb. 23, 1842.”“
, born May 24, 1796 died Aug. 13, 1873.”“Louisa Barton, died Jan. 12, 1864, aged 60 yrs.”“Prudence Barton, born at Warren, Rhode Island, Oct. 22, 1753, died in Lansingburg, Nov. 29, 1845.”“Floris Bancker Van Vleck -1801 – 1891.”“Eliza, wife of [Floris Bancker Van Vleck], died Nov. 20, 1851, aged 53 yrs 3 mos 15 days.”“Emily M. daughter of above} no age nor date given“Margaret Maria, [daughter of above]} [no age nor date given]“F. Abbott, son [of above]} [no age nor date given]“Josiah Kellogg, son [of above]} [no age nor date given]“Luther Peck, died Aug. 4, 1851, aged 62 yrs.”“
, wife of Andrew Mark, died Nov. 30, 1849, aged 22 yrs.” (all alone)“Richard Alexander, son of James and Ellen Cross, aged 8 mos.” (no one else)“
, wife of David Ferguson, died Apr. 22, 1865, aged 22 yrs. 6 mos.” (all alone)“John Moss, died Aug. 4, 1847, aged 33 yrs. 11 mos. 22 days.”“Phebe Isabella, a daughter.” (no date given)“
wife of John Moss” (no date given)“
, died Apr. 6, 1849, aged 34 yrs.” (all alone)“Mrs. Anna Snedeker, wife of the late Isaac Snedeker, died Mar. 8/46, aged 49 yrs. 6 mos. 8 days.” (he is not here)“
, wife of Daniel Osborn, died Nov. 24, 1842, aged 40 yrs.”“
” (this is all – 2 small stones)“Harriet M. Ward, died Oct. 28, 1841, aged 15 yrs. 10 mos. 12 days” (all alone)“Chas. Edgar, son of Elijah and Margaret Wickware, died Nov. 15, 1838, aged 1 yr. 5 mos. 10 days.” (all alone)(Elijah Wickware was a soldier of Rev., politician, merchant + wealthy“
, May 17, 1841 aged 72 years.” (all alone) (Vet. of 1812) [Should be DAVID TUTTLE]“Lewis Peets, died Sept. 17, 1812 aged 74 years.” (all stone) (Rev. soldier, merchant in Lans. + politician)“Mary Pitts, died Sept. 27, 1835 aged 25 yrs.” (all alone)
, wife of Chas. B. Heimstreet, died Dec. 6, 1860 aged 48 yrs. 5 mos. 18d.” (all alone) One of 1st settlers of Lans. merchant – husband was twice as old as wife. See Lans Gaz. [Row 14S]“
son of Chas. and Nancy Clute, died Sept. 4, 1850, aged 19 yrs.”“Matthew Clute, died Feb. 6, 1860 aged 20 yrs. 5 mos. 22 days.” (prom. family-now in Cohoes)“
, died Oct. 6, 1834, agd 64 yrs.”“Isaac Tinslar, died Feb. 27, 1848 [aged] 53 yrs.”“Lydia Lane, wife of Isaac Tinslar, died Apr. 11, 1831, aged 21 yrs.”“Catharine S. daughter of Jeremiah and Elizabeth Michael died Mar. 25, 1834, aged 30 yrs 2 mos 11 days.’ (all alone)“Jeremiah Michael, died Nov. 16, 1841 aged 68 years.” (One of oldest Lans. families) (Vet. of 1812. Dr. in service)“
, died Feb. 11, 1834, aged 50 yrs.” (monument fallen over. 8 ft. long-flat. 1 of oldest Lans. families) [Row 15S]“John Bennett, died Oct. 17, 1848, aged 43 yrs 10 mos 14d” (alone)“Philip Wickware, died Jan. 30, 1855 aged 78 yrs.” (Vet. of 1812“Eleanor, wife of [Philip Wickware] Mar. 1, 1855, [aged] 62 yrs.”(One of oldest Lans. families)“
, wife of Braddock Stockin, died Oct. 25, 1867, aged 67 yrs.” [Row 17S]“Mary and Sarah, daughter of [Braddock Stockin], (no date nor age) [Row 17S]“Angell Reed, daughter of Michael and Sally Reed, died March 7, 1843, aged 24 years.” (prom. family of Lans.)“Huldah Bishop, died March 7, 1845, aged 27 years.”“Joanna Warren, wife of Kitchell Reed, died Nov. 8, 1862, aged 81 years.”“Kitchell Reed, died June 29, 1867, aged 85 yrs.” (Vet. of 1812)“Sally Reed, wife of Kitchell Reed, died Mar. 24, 1830, aged 43 yrs.”“Eli J. son of [Kitchell Reed] + Sally [Reed], [died] [Mar] 19, 1830, aged 3 yrs 10d” (distinguished Lans. family)“John Lamley, died Mar. 2, 1841, aged 33 yrs.” (alone)“
, died Aug. 21, 1830, aged 57 yrs.” [Row 25E]“William, son of [Joseph Golden], (no date of death), [aged] 36 yrs.”“
, [son of Joseph Golden], ([no date of death]), [aged] 30 yrs.” [Row 25E]“
, wife of [Joseph Golden], ([no date of death]), [aged] 60 yrs.” [Row 25E]“John, son of Stephen and Sarah DeGroff, died Feb. 6, 1843, aged 3 yrs. 4 days.”“
, died Apr. 22, 1835, aged 11 mos. 24d”“
, - - - - - - - - - - [aged] 2 yrs 5 mos.”“
, died Sept. 14, 1829, [aged] 11 mos. 8d.”(another distinguished Lans. family)
, wife of Zebulon Neal, died Apr. 6, 1826, aged 70 yrs.” [Row 23E]“
, born in Stratham, N.H. died Apr. 11, 1850, aged 77 yrs.” (Rev. soldier-old family of Lans.) [Row 23E]“Laura, wife of Chas. Neal, died Feb. 16, 1836, aged 19 yrs.” [Row 23E]“Miriam, wife of Abel B. Eaton, born Westford, Mass. died July 29, 1841, aged 34 yrs.”“John Dink, died Apr. 22, 1852 aged 41 yrs.”“Sophia, wife of Emmons Caswell, died June 16, 1856, aged 59 yrs. 5 mos. 13 days.”“Emeline A. Woodworth, died Nov. 27, 1844, aged 21 yrs 4 mos” (alone)“Eliza M. wife of B. Fancher, born Feb. 2, 1863, died Nov. 28, 1884.” (alone + broken down column)“
, died July 3, 1849, aged 58 yrs.” (alone)(prom.) [Row 9S]“
, died Apr. 29, 1857, aged 29 yrs. 4 mos.”“
wife of James Taylor and daughter of Wm. H. and Catharine Hatfield, born Oct. 24, 1830, died Nov. 9, 1866.” [Row 9S](These 2, altho’ no relation, are side by side-only 6 inches separate two stones)“Stephen DeGroff, born Jan. 24, 1801, died July 8, 1874.”“Sarah [DeGroff], [born] Oct. 2, 1801. [died] Oct. 2, 1874.”“Adelaide” also“
” daughters of Jason and Rebecca Ellis,” (covered up to that extent by lilacs, as to compel the use of a knife to get near them) [Row 9S]“Eliza, wife of Wm. Vanderkar, died Feb. 23, 1841, aged 27 yrs.” (alone in lot + stone down)“
, died Apr. 25, 1849, aged 44 yrs 8 mos 6 days” (alone)“L. Adaline, daughter of Joshua S. and Mary Lewis died May 25, 1860, aged 5 yrs 7 mos” (alone)“
, wife of Jared A. Benjamin, died Jan. 7, 1847, aged 31 yrs” (people of prominence) [Row 10S]“
, 1st Lieut. Co. C., 125th N.Y. Vol. died Nov. 22, 1880, aged 52 years.” [Row 10S]“Lemuel Kennedy, died Nov. 4, 1879, aged 94 years.” (Rev. soldier of 1812, merchant + politician of Lans.)“
, son of Lemuel” (no date of birth nor death) [Row 11S]“
, [son of Lemuel], ([no date of birth nor death]) [Stone seems to have J MINROE KENNEDY] [Row 11S]“
, died May 18, 1845, aged 72 yrs 7 mos” (Rev. war 1812) [Row 12S]“
daughter of Chas. and Elizabeth Rowland, died Feb. 17, 1837, aged 14 yrs 10 mos.” [Row 12S]
, daughter of Jesse C. and Loesea Young, died June 29, 1849, aged 25 yrs 3 mos. 3d.”“Henrietta Young, died Aug. 12, 1844, aged 16 yrs 16yrs 8 mos. 11d”“
, Private Co. I., 61 N.Y.S.V. died July 29, 1885, aged 64 yrs.” (alone) [Row 10S]“
, infant son of John D. and Mary A. Dale, died July 21, 1844, aged 2 yrs 1 mo. 18d.”(why does it lay alongside of Saunders?) (The Dales are from people in Lans.)“
wife of E. C. H. Foster, born May 23, 1824, died June 21, 1850” (alone) [Row 10S]“
, wife of David Dale, died Feb. 11, 1829, aged 36 yrs. 6 mos.” (alone)“Catharine, wife of Elisha Saunders, died Sept. 10, 1830 aged 32 yrs.”“
, wife of Elisha Saunders and daughter of Robert Armstrong, died Sept. 12, 1833, aged 30 yrs. 3 mos. 18d. [Row 11S]“Amos Brest, Mar. 20, 1816 – May 17, 1854”“Sarah E. Eycleshiner, wife of Amos Brest, Nov. 13, 1827-Mar. 27, 1852.”“Lucius, son of [Ecycleshiner], aged 5 years.”“
son of Nathan and Ann Stratton.”“
daughter of [Nathan and Ann Stratton]” (no date death nor age)“
son of [Nathan and Ann Stratton]” [(no date death nor age)]“William, [son of Nathan and Ann Stratton] [(no date death nor age)](no father nor mother here)“Reuben Saunders, died Aug. 20, 1829, aged 36 yrs.”(His wife Sophia is not here-why?)“Ann Louisa, only child of the
, died Mar. 4, 1840, aged 4 yrs. 7 mos.” (alone)“Wm. Ely, son of R. E., and M. E. Gorton, died March 8, 1842, aged 17 mos. 4d.”“
, wife of John Cooke and daughter of Matthew Gillespie, died Aug. 21, 1838, aged 39 yrs.”“
, July 4, 1806-Apr. 1, 1855.”“Matthew Gillespie, died Dec. 25, 1839, aged 67 yrs.” (Vet. of 1812) 1st. families of Lans.
[Notes in parenthesis are by the DAR. Notes in square brackets by CKP]