—Dr. Scott's Electric Hair Brush is the imposing heading for an ad. in Puck this week. The brush is sold by Geo. A. Scott, of New York, a native of this village, and a son of the brush manufacturer, Geo. Scott. The "Dr." part of the business is as yet shrouded in mystery. It is said that the nobility of Murray Hill, and all of England's titled personages have gone absolutely wild over "Doctor" Scott's remarkable invention. The "Dr." has the best wishes of the boys.Lansingburgh Courier. June 4, 1880: 3 col 2.—Geo. A. Scott, son of Geo. Scott, the brush manufacturer of this village, is advertising his "Electric Hair Brush" far and wide. They are made in New York.Lansingburgh Courier. December 3, 1880: 3 col 3.
See also Mrs. Doctress Susan A. Nolan