Emilie C. Adam (1853 - 1935)
LOCAL POSTSCRIPT.—FROM THE FAIRS.— The Last Day of the Rensselaer County Fair
[…]The attendance at the Rensselaer county fair yesterday afternoon was large. The weather was delightful. The halls were filled all the afternoon with interested visitors. The committees were busy making the awards and placing the blue and red ribbons and cards on the articles deemed worthy of prizes. Few, if any, of the articles that have been exhibited were removed last night, and the exhibition is still in progress to-day.
The list of the money-prizes is given below, except those published in yesterday’s Times.
H. Buckland of Troy was the judge in the art department. The awards were as follows […] best work done by pupils under fourteen years, first premium, $6, Emilie C. Adams, Lansingburgh
Troy Daily Times. September 25, 1886: col 3.
Mrs. Hamblin’s Select School for Girls, 47 FOURTH STREET. Fall term begins WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 10, 1890.
Miss Lucie Staude, teacher of Mathematics, Latin and German. Miss Emilie Adams, Drawing and Crayon. No extra charge for Drawing or German.
Troy Daily Times. September 6, 1890: 3 col 6.
—Miss Emilie C. Adams, principal of the Emma Willard School of Art, returned Saturday after attending the fourth annual exhibition of the Brooklyn Society of Mineral Painters, held in the Pouch mansion in Brooklyn last week. Miss Adams is a member of the society, which has a membership of thirty-two, of which number twenty-nine exhibited. She contributed to the display choice specimens of Watteau figure painting and chine plate decoration, also showing “The Triumph of Love” and “The Friar in the Wine Cellar,” the masterly figure paintings on porcelain, which have attracted widespread attention among artists and are pronounced to be among the finest work of the kind in this country. The paintings formed a specially attractive feature of the exhibit. During the two days in which the exhibition was in progress it was visited by about 5,000 persons. Miss Adams was unfortunate in losing a feather boa and a garnet pin at the exhibit. She fastened the boa with the pin inside a cape, and when she secured her cape from the cloak room the articles were missing.
Troy Daily Times. March 9, 1896: 3 col 3.
Art School Notes.
Some additions will be made to the list of teachers and courses of instruction at the Emma Willard Art School this year. The faculty includes: Miss Emilie C. Adams, Director; mineral painting, Miss Adams, Mrs. Mary B. Comstock, Mrs. Viola G. Pope and Mrs. Ida Grant Wolf; cast drawing, Mrs. Samantha L. Huntley and Miss Ellen H. Durant; water color, Miss Clara Cowee; oil portraiture and still life, Mrs. Huntley; oil painting, landscapes and marines, Mrs. Minnie L. Fitcham; glass decoration, Mrs. Anne Stoddard Hill; wood carving, pyrography and Venetian iron work, Miss Bessie H. Pine; decorative designing, Mrs. Huntley; cut leather work, Miss Adams; sketch classes and lectures in anatomy, Mrs. Huntley; tapestry painting, Miss Ida J. Munn; life class, Mrs. Huntley; miniatures on porcelain and ivory, Miss Adams; crayon portraiture and pastel, H. Buckland; art embroidery, Isa Nagahama. The course in cut leather is a new one this year, introduced on account of the increasing use of the ornamental leather in decoration and the demand for instruction in the art. Cut leather is a very beautiful and durable material for use in furniture upholstery, screens and in small articles, such as belts and purses. Miss Adams studied the art in the Dresden and Berlin factories, where some of the finest work in the world is done. She learned the whole process, including the cutting, staining, polishing and filling for high relief effects. The leather and tools can be purchased at the school.Basketry will be taught at the school this year by a teacher familiar with all branches of basket weaving.During the summer Miss Pine has been doing wood carving, and will exhibit several handsome pieces at the November exhibition.The Designers and Art Workers’ Guild will soon begin meeting. An exhibition of the work of the members of the Guild will be held in October. During the winter a course of lectures will be given under the auspices of the Guild.The new catalogue of the Art School is illustrated with several photographs of the classes at work and of work done in the school. The pictures of specimens of work include a lace design by Miss Clara Cowee, posters by Miss Inex Tinslar and Miss Martha Hess and sketches by Miss Florence Cargill, Miss Marguerite Enos, Miss Ruth Crandall and Miss Lillian Fox.
Troy Daily Times. September 7, 1894: 5 col 5.
—Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Pine and daughters, Miss Bessie and Louise Pine, accompanied by Miss Emilie C. Adams and Miss Clara M. Clum, left to-day to spend some time at Mr. Pine’s farm at Lake Bomoseen. Miss Adams returned a few days ago from Dresden, Germany, where she had pursued studies in art painting for several months.“Personal.”
Troy Daily Times. August 17, 1897: 4 col 5.
Black and white image of bearded old man with pipe, seated, in hunting outfit.
THE Eighth Annual Exhibition of the New York Society of Keramic Arts will be held at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel November 20th, 21st, and 22d. As The Art Amateur goes to press before the pieces are gathered together, our review of the exhibition as a whole must be reserved until the January issue. We have, however, secured some photographs of several notable pieces from the studios of prominent members of the club. [...] Among the figure painters are Miss Emilie C. Adams, who has charge of the Emma Willard Art School; Mrs. Martha J. Shaw, of New York, and Mrs. Annabelle M. Hutchinson. The latter has had her studio in Paris until recently, but is now in New York. The group we reproduce is exceedingly well handled and fills the space perfectly. Mrs. Hutchinson is also a most expert worker of figures in enamel. Besides this she de— votes much time to painting in color and enamel on copper. From Mrs. M. J. Shaw’s exhibit we have chosen an ideal head, which is the decoration of a bonbonniére cover. The original work is surrounded by paste and gold, and the base of the box is in green lustre. “The Hunter,” by Miss Emilie C. Adams, shows most careful finish and drawing. Miss Adams received her training some years ago in both the Sevres and Dresden potteries, and is in consequence a thoroughly practical worker.
The Art Amateur 42(1). December 1899. 18.
—The ladies of the Book and Thimble Guild of the first Presbyterian Church yesterday afternoon instituted an Easter sale at the studio of Miss Emilie C. Adams in the Troy Carriage Works building, which will be continued this afternoon and evening. The sale is well patronized, and among the articles displayed are pretty Easter novelties, pieces of china painted by members of the guild, delicious home-made candy and many other articles both useful and ornamental. Tea will be served at the studio this afternoon between 4 and 6 o’clock.
“Upper Troy.” Troy Daily Times. March 26, 1906: col 3.
School of Arts and Crafts.
The Troy School of Arts and Crafts will be the name of the new school to be opened in the fall by Miss Emilie C. Adams and an able corps of assistants. The school will open September 16 in the Hannibal Green building on Broadway and regular sessions will begin October 1. The faculty will include Miss Adams, for twelve years Director of the Emma Willard Art School; Mrs. Viola G. Pope of Albany, Bessie H. Pine, Miss Ellen H. Durant, Miss Ruth Crandall and Miss Mary Agnes Pomeroy of Montreal. The faculty will be assisted in the art school work by members of the Designers and Art Workers’ Guild. With these teachers the artistic success of the school is assured. The school will stand for the best ideals in craftsmanship, the Director and faculty being thoroughly familiar and in sympathy with the best and newest methods in this subject, which is attaining such wide interest and attention at the present time.The rooms of the school will be on the second and third floors of the Hannibal Green building. On the second floor, directly off the entrance from Broadway, will be the office, where business will be transacted and supplies kept. There will be also on the second floor three studios devoted to mineral painting, wood carving and practice work. Stairs from the office will lead to the third floor, where a large room, about forty by forty feet, will be divided by partial partitions into rooms for cast drawing and costumed model study. Miss Adams will have as her private studio the room occupied for so many years as a studio by W. R. Tyler. The rooms on the third floor are so arranged that when an exhibition is given they can be thrown open and all used. The studios will be lighted by electricity and heated by steam.The classes will be instructed as follows: Miniature, mineral painting and cut leather work, Miss Adams; mineral painting, Mrs. Pope; wood carving, pyrography and Venetian iron work, Miss Pine; cast drawing, weaving dyeing and basketry, Miss Durant; jewel and metal work, Miss Ruth Crandall; cast drawing, illustration, nature study, water color and oil painting, clay modeling and decorative designing, Miss Pomeroy. Of Miss Pomeroy the Director said for the school: “We are most fortunate in procuring for a teacher of cast drawing, illustration, nature study, water color and oil painting, clay modeling and decorative designing, Miss Mary Agnes Pomeroy of Montreal. Miss Pomeroy has enjoyed exceptional advantages. Her fine natural ability has been developed by years of study with the best masters of France and Holland. She spent two years in the Julian Academy in Paris under such masters as M. Jules Lefebvre, M. Tony, M. Robert-Fleury, M. Emile Cornelier and M. Peuch. Miss Pomeroy also holds certificates from the Art School of the New England Conservatory, Boston, and the Art School of H. F. Speed, Chicago. Miss Pomeroy comes prepared to give a thorough tutoring in the essential points of construction and composition with anatomy charts and notes form the beaux arts lectures by M. Cuyer. She has exhibited in the Paris Salon, as well as in New York, Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Montreal and Toronto. She is not only an artist of great ability, but also has a wonderful facility for interesting and instructing her pupils. All of her testimonials say that she has never failed to get and to keep the interest and attention of her pupils, and speak of her splendid ability as teacher and artist in bringing out the individuality of each pupil and in giving them thorough knowledge of form and color. Miss Pomeroy has also taught the history of art for many years and is well prepared to teach it in the new school.”
Troy Daily Times. July 24, 1907: 10 cols 5-6.
—Charles L. Hinton, the art critic from New York, will be at the Troy School of Arts and Crafts, of which Miss Emilie C. Adams is Director, all day Saturday. Mr. Hinton is critic for the Fine Arts Department of the school.
“City Notes.” Troy Daily Times. January 12, 1912: 5. col 1.
COME to Emily C. Adams’ Studio, 745 Third Ave., North Troy, and see the art novelties and antiques in glass, china and furniture suitable for Christmas gifts. Open from November 17 to 24.
“Announcements.” Troy Times. November 18, 1927: 20 col 1.
Miss Emilie C. Adams Honored At Reception
Miss Emilie C. Adams, who was instrumental in organizing the Emma Willard Art School and the Troy School of arts and Crafts, was honored at a reception given in the Troy Public Library this afternoon by former students of the school. The reception was in the form of a reunion and an exhibit of the work of several of the former students who have won recognized places in the art world.A scroll, printed and illuminated by Mrs. Edna Webb Hinkleman and bearing the following message of appreciation, was signed by all the former pupils who were present during the afternoon:“We, the former pupils of the Emma Willard Art School and of the Troy School of Arts and Crafts, hereby express to Miss Emilie C. Adams, director of both schools, our loving gratitude and our appreciation of her untiring effort in providing for us the opportunity to acquire a thorough foundation in the principles of art.“She chose excellent instructors, provided necessary equipment and spared nothing of herself at all, giving most generously of her strength, influence, affection, encouragement and even of her personal means. The result of her inspiration and influence is widespread in that the schools have sent out into various parts of the country teachers, workers in the crafts, sculptors, portrait and landscape painters and designers who bear witness to her good work.” […]The critics and instructors in the regular art course under Miss Adams were John H. Twachtman, Mrs. Samantha Littlefield Huntley, William St. John Harper, A. N. A.; Mary Agnes Pomeroy, Charles Louis Hinton, N. A.; Ann Brainerd (Mrs. Bruce Crane), Henry J. Albright and Ellen H. Durant.
Troy Times. May 10, 1930: 7 col 4.
Troy Times. December 19, 1930: 27 col 4.
See also