—Miss Sarah Tracy will remove her school next Spring, to the building now being used as a Catholic parsonage on the corner of Market and Congress streets."Jottings About Town." Lansingburgh Gazette. January 11, 1873: 3 col 1.MISS SARA C. TRACY resumed her French classes in Troy September 13. Particular attention paid to French conversation. Applications by letter to Miss SARA C. TRACY, Lansingburgh, will receive prompt attention."French Classes." Troy Daily Times. September 24, 1887: 3 col 7.The translation of the French novel 'Tiomane,' recently published by Rand, McNally & Co., is the painstaking work of Miss Sara C. Tracey [sic] of Lansingburgh."Lansingburgh." Troy Daily Times. October 5, 1892: 3 col 3.—Miss Sara C. Tracy, who came to Lansingburgh with the remains of her brother, Edward Tracy, returned to her home in New York city yesterday."Personal." Troy Daily Times. February 22, 1898: 2 col 3.—Miss Sara C. Tracy, who is traveling abroad with a companion, arrived at Gibraltar March 7 and at Naples four days later. From Naples she went to Genoa, and, arriving at Pompeii March 16, she met a congenial party of Americans."Lansingburgh; Personal." Troy Daily Times. April 11, 1899: 4 col 2.Ground was broken in Oakwood Cemetery yesterday for the mausoleum to be erected by miss Sarah C. Tracy of New York, the only surviving sister of Edward Tracy. It will cost several thousand dollars. It was designed by James Englis of this city. It will be forty feet [...]"Tracy Memorial." Troy Daily Times. April 26, 1902: 8 col 3.—Miss Sara C. Tracy, sister of the late Edward Tracy, died yesterday at her home in New York city after a short illness. She was the last member of the Tracy family, which was one of the old families of Lansingburgh. For fifty years she resided in the old Tracy homestead on Second Avenue, above [One Hundred] Eighteenth Street, and she had many friends in this city. Miss Tracy was a French scholar of ability, and for a number of years gave lessons in the village."Obituary." Troy Times. November 7, 1904: 3The funeral of Miss Sara C. Tracy was held this morning from the Church of the Blessed Redeemer, New York. The remains arrived in Troy this afternoon and were placed in the family mausoleum at Oakwood Cemetery."Obituary." Troy Times. November 9, 1904: 6 col 4.

Miss Sarah C. Tracy, Formerly of Upper Troy, Leaves Her Money to Charity—Almost a Million Dollars for Church Institutions.Miss Sara C. Tracy, a former resident of Lansingburgh, who died November 6 in New York, left almost a million dollars to charity. She was a resident of Lansingburgh for many years, but a few years ago left to travel in Europe. On her return to this country she settled in New York, where she died. She executed a will April 9, 1904, in which she appointed as executors Charles E. Dusenberry of this city and John Foley of Saratoga Springs.
Provisions of the Will.
Miss Tracy leaves to Ella B. Eden, now at Rome, Italy, $5,000; $1,000 to Mary E. Saterlee of Saratoga Springs; $5,000 to Charles E. Dusenberry, one of the executors, and $5,000 to Alma A. Munger of Albany. Margaret Weiss, her cook, receives $5,000, in addition to a gold watch, and Patrick McMahon, her coachman, $1,000. A bequest of $1,000 is left to St. Francis Xavier Church in West Sixteenth Street, New York city, and a similar amount to Bishop McDonnell of Brooklyn. To St. John's College, Fordham, a bequest of $5,000 is made, the income to be devoted to aiding some young man in obtaining an education for the Roman Catholic priesthood. To the Missionary Society of St. Paul the Apostle $10,000 is left.
For Charity.
She gives absolutely to Bishop Donahue the entire residuary estate, to erect and maintain in the ciocese of Wheeling, W. Va., an industrial school for the unfortunate poor, in memory of her grandfather, Keating Rawson; an orphan asylum for boys and and orphan asylum for girls, in memory of her deceased brother, Edward Tracy. In the event of the death of Bishop Donahue, Archbishop Farley is to act in his stead.
An Interesting Clause.
Attached to her will is the following peculiar provision: "Whereas, I am informed that there are several persons named O'Connor and several persons named Teson, residing in the city of Troy, N.Y., who claim they are second cousins of mine. Whether they are relatives or not, they have no claims upon me, moral, legal or otherwise, and I did not and do not want them to lay any claim to my estate; so I mention this, as I have heard that they might claim they are next of kin."Miss Tracy was the sister of Edward Tracy, the multimillionaire Lansingburgh maltster, who died a few years ago in New York.Troy Times. November 19, 1904: 11 col 3."Sara Tracy Hall." Wheeling Jesuit University. https://www.wju.edu/about/history/buildings/tracy.html