At a meeting of the Cottage Prayer Meeting Group, held recently at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Pease, Belgrade Avenue, the following Trustees were elected: Fred Witherell, Herbert Pease and Norman Frazee. The Trustees will receive two lots on Seminole Street, the gift of John V. Warner as the site of a community chapel. Other officers named include Mrs. Edgar Fisher, Secretary, and William Fisher, Treasurer. The next meeting will be held Friday evening at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Whitbeck, Turnpike Road.Troy Times. March 8, 1932: 3 col 8.A special meeting was held Tuesday evening at the home of Walter Fisk of the Executive Board of the Community Gospel Chapel group. Plans were made to petition the Town Board to open and repair Seminole Street, the street where they will build their chapel."Pleasantdale." Troy Times. April 7, 1932: 14 col 8.
A cottage prayer meeting will be held tomorrow evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Frazee.Transfer of two lots on Seminole Street, given by John V. Warner to the Community Gospel Chapel Committee, has been completed.Troy Times. April 14, 1932: 14 col 8.Work of excavating for the new Community Gospel Chapel is progressing."Pleasantdale." Troy Times. May 24, 1932: 14 col 4.
Several local residents who are unemployed gave their services to the Community Gospel Chapel group last week and started excavating for the foundation of a chapel. Many persons will work on the project Thursday and a covered-dish luncheon will be served at noon.Troy Times. June 15, 1932: 3 col 5.Pleasantdale Chapel Incorporates.The Pleasantdale Community Chapel has been incorporated as the Pleasantdale Community Church, a non-denominational organization, as disclosed in a certificate filed at the County Clerk's Office.Incorporated under the Religious Corporations Law, the church will have three trustees and the first annual election of trustees will be held Jan. 18.The initial trustees are Walter Bethel, who will hold office until Jan. 18 of this year; Clayton DeWitt, who will serve until Jan. 18, 1957, and Richard DeBell, who will continue until Jan. 18, 1958. Filley & Decatur were the attorneys in the incorporation proceedings.Times Record. January 7, 1956: 2 col 1.