Shade and Ornamental Trees
The Village of Lansingburgh long accorded value to shade trees for lining streets and for filling parks, partly the reason for Lansingburgh's nickname "The Garden."
A GOOD LAW.—In Buffalo a man is fined twenty five dollars, if he erects a building without setting shade trees in front of it.
Lansingburgh Democrat. May 2, 1848: 2 col 4.
☞ OPINIONS ABROAD.—The Troy Budget speaks in the highest terms of the good appearance and flourishing condition of Lansingburgh. We fully condone its statements. The regularity of our streets, ornamented with fine shade trees, most of them now in full bloom, and the general air of business they exhibit, cannot fail to impress the mind of the beholder with the surpassing beauty of our village. We are glad to see that some of our back streets have undergone thorough repairs the present Spring, under the inspection of John M. Caswell, whose energy in enforcing the village laws in relation to cleaning out the gutters and alleys by the respective owners, has been spoken of with great satisfaction.
Lansingburgh Democrat. May 25, 1848: 2 col 2.
☞ What would more beautify the road between this place and Troy, than to line both sides of it with shade tree? The expense would not be very muh, while it would render it one of the most delightful thoroughfares in the world. With this improvement, our Plank Road would be rendered still more attractive, while the value of property lying adjacent to it would become enhanced. A row of Elms upon the river side, would tend very much to preserve the bank, which is being worn away by every drenching rain. We doubt not the company would find it to their advantage to set out the trees. At the proper season of the year for transplanting, they can be procured for 2s. apiece, and by the quantity, probably at a less price. In Prussia they have a special statute, requiring the parent, upon the birth of each child into his family, to plant a tree by the road-side; the consequence is that for miles in that country the roads are covered with beautiful arches of everygreen, shading the traveller from the sun's rays in summer, and protecting him from the beating storms of winter. If any person is desirous of seeing a highway thus decorated, let him take his stand in the middle of Congress street, at this vernal season of the year, and gaze upon the intertwining branches, that cover it for nearly a mile. If the Plank Road company cannot afford the expense, it can be paid by a subscription among our citizens. We have referred to this matter now, believing that the public will more readily perceive its advantages at this time, than when the trees are divested of their verdure.
Lansingburgh Democrat. August 31, 1848: 2 col 3.
Tapping Shade Trees.The boys are tapping our beautiful shade trees in all parts of the Village and the Police take no notice of them. A stop should be put to this at once, otherwise we will have no shade trees remaining. It requires a respectable lifetime to grow a shade tree, and yet the boys are allowed to destroy them. When they are gone Lansingburgh loses all its beauty. Those noble teees arond the Methodist church are bored like an old sieve, and the sap lies in pools about the roots. In other villages, a heavy fine is imposed for posting bills on trees, which is no injury compared with tapping them.
Lansingburgh Democrat. April 1, 1858: 2 col 3.
☞ SHADE TREES.—The people of Burlington have subscribed $600, to be expended in the purchase of shade trees, to set out in different portions of their town. Future generations will applaud the wisdom of this step. Nothing more truly beautifies a town, or increases its healthfulness and salubrity, than an abundance of shade trees. There is not in this State a more lovely little village than Lansingburgh; and it owes its romantic appearance to the abundance of beautiful trees which line its thoroughfares, and the extent of gardening on most of them, more than to any other cause. It is one of the strangest and most painful features of our growth in cities, that when we have such a broad and beautiful Continent to build upon, and every advantage of favoring soil and climate, we crowd ourselves into narrow parallels of brick and mortar, banish the beauties of Nature from our threshholds, and are content with the contemplation of hard walks and graveled yards, unrelieved by a single patch of green or variegated color.
Troy Daily Times. May 22, 1860: 3 col 4
.☞ MILITARY HOSPITAL.—The buildings at the fair-grounds are being fitted up for use as a United States hospital, and beds have arrived for the use of patients. A correspondent suggests that our citizens should see that shade trees are planted in the grounds.
Troy Daily Times. July 30, 1864: 3 col 4.
TRUSTEE'S PROCEEDINGS.Regular Meeting, May 25, 1868.Present—Wm. Allin, Jr., President, and Trustees Spicer, Weaver, Lansing, Eddy and Higgins.Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. [...]Trustee Spicer moved that the following ordinance be accepted after being published according to law,—Carried.
AN ordinance to prevent the destruction or injury of shade and ornamental trees and shrubbery, within the village of Lansingburgh. Passed May 25, 1868.The Trustees of the village of Lansingburgh do enact as follows:—§ I. Any person who shall willfully injure, mutilate or destroy any shade or ornamental tree growing upon any sidewalk or Avenue, or upon the Public Square of said Village of Lansingburgh, shall for each and every such offense, forfeit and become liable to pay a penalty of ten dollars and cost of suit, to be sued for and recovered by, and in the nature of, and for the use of said village.§ II. No person shall hitch or fasten any horse or mule to any tree growing upon any sidewalk, avenue or the public square, within said village. Whoever shall violate the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay the sum of ten dollars, and cost of suit, to be sued for and recovered, by and in the name of and for the use of said village.
WM. ALLIN Jr., President.
Lansingburgh Gazette. May 28, 1868
—An unusual number of shade trees are being set out this spring. This is a good idea. Every man should set out a tree this centennial year."Lansingburgh."
Troy Daily Times. April 25, 1875: col 5.
Communication from J. B. Hoag to furnish shade and ornamental tree and shrubbery for the park. Received and referred to park committee."Trustee Proceedings."
Lansingburgh Courier. February 13, 1885: 2 col 2.
—The trees have now clad the village in its most charming garb."Notes About Town."
Lansingburgh Courier. June 9, 1888: 3 col 2.
About the Shade Trees.
Several trees in front of the Lion collar factory were cut down yesterday, and this calls to mind the condition of the shade trees throughout the village. Most of them, it appears, have existed a long time without feeling the pruning shears or saw. The trees are desirable for shade purposes and beautiful to look at, but when it comes to walking or driving in underbrush it would seem to be time to see that a few at least of the lower branches be cropped off. On Third avenue yesterday a lady not exceptionally tall was embarrassed by having the foliage of her hat securely caught in the overhanging branches, and any one who measures six feet must "duck" in places on many streets. In conversation on this point a resident called attention to the trouble experienced on Second avenue in dodging under awnings, many of which are hardly more than five feet from the walk. Nicely trimmed trees will improve the appearance of any street and raising the awnings a trifle on Second avenue would be appreciated by pedestrians."Lansingburgh."
Troy Daily Times. May 23, 1896: 4 col 2.
The Trustees' Meeting.The Village Trustees will meet to-morrow evening, when the vote of the special election will be canvassed and the Water Board officially notified of the result. The Water Board will take the necessary steps for the increase in the water works at the meeting Thursday night. Among other matters to come before the trustees' meeting will be the shade tree question and Second avenue sprinkling."Lansingburgh."
Troy Daily Times. July 12, 1896: 4 col 2.
—Lansingburgh trees are beginning to present a problem of more than ordinary seriousness. Two trees are to be cut down to-day on Fifth Avenue, between [One Hundred] Eighteenth and Nineteenth Streets, and one on Second Avenue, between the same streets. There are five dead trees on the west side of Second Avenue between [One Hundred] Eighteenth and Nineteenth Streets. It is generally agreed that this loss is caused almost entirely by the electric wires. The city has condemned several trees which are in great danger of falling, but property owners seem unwilling to have them taken down."Lansingburgh."
Troy Times. August 5, 1910: 6 col 1.
Hundreds of elm leaf beetles, an insect which resembles a caterpillar and is about half an inch long, are ravaging a number of beautiful shade trees in the Lansingburgh section and unless some preventative measures are taken the blight will spread and will destroy the beautiful elm trees which line the thoroughfares in this section of the city.These beetles travel in hordes and unless they are exterminated when they first attack the trees will eat their way through a section, destroying every tree in their path. The remedy for the insects, suggested by the New York State Conservation Department, is a careful spraying of the affected trees with a solution of arsenate of lead, one pound of the mixture to 50 gallons of water.Among the trees affected in the Lansingburgh section are several fine elms at 121st Street and Fifth Avenue, and several more elms on Third Avenue between 121st and 122d Streets. The trees in the latter group are the more severely affected.
Troy Times. July 7, 1930: 7 col 4.
See also Arbor Day