The Opponents of Annexation.
About fifty citizens more or less interested in the defeat of the Greater Troy bill gathered in the parlors of the Phoenix Hotel last night to organize a plan of campaign for to-morrow's election and consider the best manner for the presentation to the Governor of what the anti-annexationists consider the sentiment of the taxpayers of Lansingburgh in regard to the bill.
Several speeches were made at the meeting. The principal point touched upon by all the speakers was the school question.
At 8:20 o'clock Joseph Bolton, jr., stated the purpose of the meeting and asked the further pleasure of the assembly. Mr. Bolton was made Chairman and Orville E. Bosca Secretary. After the officers had been made permanent the Secretary read a printed circular, copies of which have been distributed throughout the village.
There was a short pause in the proceedings, which was broken by a suggestion from some one that J. K. P. Pine address the meeting. Mr. Pine said he had made up his mind to take no part in the movement, but had been gradually drawn into it. He stated that he was opposed to annexation, and could not see how any good would come from it. He considered the part of the bill affecting the public schools the most important, and thought that it was designed to bring the schools ultimately under the control of Troy.
C. T. R. Smith, principal of the Lansingburgh Academy, seconded the remarks of Mr. Pine, and said that the schools of Lansingburgh were inferior to none. By annexation the village could gain nothing in school facilities, and would lose a great deal in efficiency of school work.
R. B. Stiles, Village Attorney, stated that the political advantages to be gained were not sufficient. From a practical standpoint he was opposed to any bill which would force the annexation of the village to Troy without the consent of the citizens.
George F. Sawyer, Superintendent of Schools, said that politics had never been mixed with the village schools, and they could never hope to be so free if the village were annexed to Troy.
Edward Van Schoonhoven moved that the Chairman appoint a finance committee. Mr. Van Schoonhoven was named treasurer of the committee, to which was added the names of William Shelliday, E. B. Hannah, George E. Skillman and O. E. Bosca.
A motion was carried that a committee on general management of the campaign be appointed, one from each ward. The following were named as members of this committee: F. H. Miter, H. C. Hearman, James Gillespie and Joseph Bolton, jr.
William Rochester moved the adoption of the circular, which was read at the opening of the meeting, and the motion was carried.
Mr. Pine raised the question of how the matter should be presented to the Governor in the most effective way. It was suggested that a delegation of citizens should accompany a committee from the Board of Trustees and from the Board of Education. It was also proposed that an attorney should be engaged. Mr. Stiles thereupon offered his services as Village Attorney. Mr. Shelliday moved that a committee be appointed to employ a lawyer to present the case. The chair named J. K. P. Pine and Edward Van Schoonhoven. A motion was also carried that this committee be empowered to interview the Governor and have him name a date for a hearing on the bill. George E. Skillman was added to this committee.
Troy Daily Times. April 10, 1900: 4 cols 3-4.