Van Schaick Island
Van Schaick Island in the City of Cohoes is one of Lansingburgh's neighboring places.
To Contractors.SEALED proposals will be received until the 16th instant, at 1 o'clock P.M., for excavating the Erie Canal to the Mohawk river, and a point in the White Sprout above its Dam, to be build in said sprout to the entrance of the Canal into the Pond of the State Dam across the Hudson,—also, for excavating two Lock Pits,—also, for constructing two wooden Locks, in such manner as to serve the purpose of Lift Locks and Guard Locks,—also, for constructing one Dam from Green Island to the state land, about 370 feet long, about five feet above the level of the water,—also, a Dam from Van Schaick's Island to Green Island, about 424 feet long, about six and a half feet above the present level of the water—the Dams to the warranted for three years. All the above works to be executed according to plans to be furnished by the Engineer. The proposals for excavation must state the price per yard for earth and the price per yard for rock excavation. The Locks and excavation to be completed by the 1st of September, the Dams by the 1st of October.The Executive Committee [of the Junction Canal Company] will meet at J. C. Lansing's office in Lansingburgh on the 16th inst., at 1 P.M. to open and decide on the proposals offered. June 12th, 1832.J. M. CASWELL, Superintendent.Lansingburgh Gazette. June 12, 1832: 2 col 6.—George Cushing, Jr., of Waterford, has been appointed by the Cohoes Bridge Company as engineer for the new bridge over the Hudson from Lansingburgh to Van Schaick Island."Personal Mention." Daily Saratogian. November 14, 1879: 3 col 2.The canal boat loaded with cabbages, frozen in the ice at Van Schaick island, was released by the owner Saturday and removed to a safe place at the foot of [One Hundred] Fourteenth street. A channel was cut through the ice to the Lansingburgh shore."Lansingburgh." Troy Daily Times. December 13, 1886: 3 col 5.—Nines representing the Lansingburgh and Cohoes young men's Christian associations played a game of baseball on Van Schaick Island yesterday. At the end of the sixth inning a dispute arose, the score standing 8 to 6 in favor of Lansingburgh. The umpire finally gave the game to Cohoes by a score of 9 to 0."Points from the Diamond." Troy Daily Times. August 4, 1888: 3 col 2.—Yesterday afternoon smoke was seen issuing from an icehouse on Van Schaick island, owned by Daniel Aitken of Cohoes, by members of the Lansingburgh fire department, and word was telephoned to The Rensselaer Manufacturing Company, whose plant is located near the icehouse. Part of the office force of The Rensselaer Company was dispatched to the scene of the flames with chemical fire extinguished, and after a half hour's work the flames were extinguished. Had the fire started at night the building and other icehouses adjoining would probably have been destroyed."Lansingburgh." Troy Daily Times. October 6, 1899: 4 col 2.