The Leonard School was at the southeast corner of Fourth Avenue and 109th Street. It had formerly been called the Diamond Street School. The building, recognizable as a former school, now houses apartments.

—The school board decided not to close the Diamond street school house on account of the small pox. 'Twas a wise decide."Village Notes." Lansingburgh Courier. October 22, 1880: 3 col 1.—The crosswalks in the vicinity of the Diamond street school house, which have been so long needed, are nearly completed."Village Notes." Lansingburgh Courier. November 18, 1882: 5 col 2.
A Special School Meeting will be held at Fireman's hall, February 16, 1866. Notice is hereby given by the Board of Education of Union Free School District No. 1 of the town of Lansingburgh that a special meeting of the inhabitants of this district, entitled to vote at such meeting, will be held at Fireman's hall on Tuesday evening, February 16, 1886, at half-past 7 o'clock.The purpose for which this meeting is called is to determine whether the inhabitants will authorize the Board of Education to build an addition to the Diamond Street school house and furnish it. And to make a partial re-arrangement of the rooms on the first floor of the Fourth ward school house, and whether they will vote the necessary tax to pay for the same, and whether the amount shall be levied in one sum or by installments.At said meeting the Board will recommend that an addition 35x55 feet and 3 stories high be huilt on the West front of the Diamond street school house, giving sittings for 250 pupils. The estimated cost of such building is $7,500 and for furnishing, $1,500. The estimated cost of the changes proposed at the Fourth ward School house is $500.The board will also recommend that the tax to cover said estimated cost be levied in installments of $1,000 per year with the annual school tax, beginning with the present year.ROBERT C. HASKELL, President,GEO. H. MALLORY, Clerk.Lansingburgh, Feb. 2, 1886.Lansingburgh Courier. February 6, 1886: 3 col 2.During her long and active business life in this village Mrs. Powers was always greatly interested in the public schools. In 1853 an addition to the Market street school was built and Mrs. Powers paid for it. A few years later she presented the Whipple school with a piano, and when the Diamond street school-house was built she bought and presented the district with an additional lot for a children's play-ground.Lansingburgh Courier. June 4, 1891: 3 col 4.
The School Trustees.
President R. C. Haskell was the only absentee at the meeting of the School Commission last evening.In honor of the late Dr. F. B. Leonard it was decided to change the name of the Diamond Street School to the Leonard School. The deceased was a member of the School Commission a number of years.Architect Loth of Troy submitted preliminary plans for the proposed changes to the Whipple and Leonard School buildings. Several minor changes were suggested in an informal discussion of the plans and the architect was directed to prepare plans and specifications in accordance with the views of the board. A special meeting of taxpayers will be called at the Comstock School the evening of May 24 for the purpose of voting on the proposition to raise $24,000 or as much of the same as may be needed to make the proposed changes. The proposed alterations to the Whipple School will necessitate tearing down the old part of the present building and increasing its capacity to ten rooms. It is intended to increase the Leonard School building by six rooms by an addition in front of the present structure. Each addition will be two stories high.Troy Daily Times. April 27, 1897: 4 col 4.