The Whipple School was at the southeast corner of Fourth Avenue and 121st Street, putting it just inside the 2nd Ward of the Village of Lansingburgh, though it was generally described as being in Adamsville. The building remains and in recent years it has been used by the Commission on Economic Opportunity (CEO) Lansingburgh Family Resource Center.

☞ LANSINGBURGH ITEMS. [...] —At the school meeting held on Tuesday evening, the Trustees reported the village school in a flourishing condition—children numbering over two thousand in the district, arranged in five departments, one senior, one junior, one mixed junior and primary, and one of colored children. About one thousand four hundred children have attended school the past year, during some portion of the time; the average daily attendance being about five hundred. Thirteen teachers have been employed, a new school-house built in Adamsville, and a superior school established therein. The schools have been graded so that a nine years course gives a thorough commercial education. Samuel Brooks was elected Trustee; H. A. Caswell, Collector; E. Hyatt, District Clerk; and J. C. Comstock, Librarian. The following resolutions were adopted:
Resolved, That in consideration of the liberal donation made by Mrs. D. Powers to this district some years since, the primary school in the central building be known as the Powers' Primary School No. 1.
Resolved, That in consideration of the liberal donation made by Hon. J. E. Whipple towards the erection of the Adamsville school-house, the school in that part of the district be known as the Whipple Primary School No. 2.
Troy Daily Whig. October 13, 1866: 4 col 1.☞ LANSINGBURGH.—A Christmas celebration came off at the Whipple Primary School, in Adamsville, last Thursday afternoon. Three Christmas trees laden with gifts were displayed to the wondering gaze of the pupils. The idea was conceived by Miss Mary E. Benson, Principal of the school and executed by her and Miss Josey Cobb. The labor performed by these ladies in the preparation of this affair was truly wonderful, and entitled them to the highest praise. Nearly two hundred pupils to provide gifts for; each had a large well filled cornicopia made and fastened on the trees by those ladies out of school hours, and in addition to these, books and toys in abundance. The school room was brilliantly lighted and the trees were studded with burning tapers. It was a fairy scene, and parents and friends crowded all the available space. Mr. Comstock, the Superintendent of schools for Lansingburgh distributed the presents and closed the affair by giving the teachers beautiful and costly gifts furnished by the patrons of the school. He thanked Miss Benson on behalf of the district, for her successful efforts in the cause of Primary education, assuring her that she had done more for the Primary schools of the village than any teacher that had ever preceded her. This school was established and graded by Miss Benson, and we very much question if its superior can be found in Eastern New York. The schools are closed until January 4th, 1869.
Troy Daily Whig. December 29, 1868: 3 col 2.
AT LANSINGBURGH.The roof of the Whipple school house was blown off.
Troy Daily Times. February 2, 1876: 3 col 2.
Lansingburgh.POLICE—WIND—PERSONAL.[...] —The gale and rain about 6 o'clock this morning were fearful, and aroused people from their beds who are not usually early risers. Broken boughs, blinds and signs sailed through the air to the terror of pedestrians, and to cap the climax, the fire alarm run out from box 4. It was not a fire, fortunately, but was caused by the crash made by the falling of the roof of the Whipple school house.
Troy Daily Times. February 2, 1876: 3 col 4.
Lansingburgh.STORM—WEATHER—SUNDRIES.From all parts of the village come reports of damage from the storm of yesterday. In addition to the loss reported yesterday, great damage was done to the
malt house of E. Tracy, both in the buildings and grain. The loss was reported on the street last night at $10,000. After the roofs were blown off, great quantities of grain were blows away. The balcony of the
San Souci club house was blown away, the roof of the
American House damaged, Mr. Barney's house on Congress street, Prof. Behen's house on the turnpike damaged, Joe Campbell's saloon unroofed, the front doors of the First Presbyterian church blow in, Allen's coal yard damaged, and a chimney on the roof of J. G. McMurray's house is reported down. It will cost $200 to repair the Whipple school house.
Troy Daily Times. February 3, 1876: 4 col 5.
Lansingburgh.SCHOOL MEETING [...]The school trustees find themselves without a school house, and with no means to repair the Whipple building. Not wishing to assume any unauthorized liabilities, they have appealed to the people for instructions. They have called the meeting at
Firemen's Hall for next Thursday evening at 7 1/2 o'clock. Some desire the present opportunity to build another story on the Whipple school. A new roof must be built any way. This appeal to the people is a wise one, and should be adopted in all cases where a liability has to be incurred.
Troy Daily Times. February 6, 1876: 2 col 5.
Lansingburgh.SCHOOL MATTERS [...]Yesterday afternoon the monthly meeting of the teachers was held at the grammar school room. There was a full attendance. Two officers of the school board were present. Superintendent Beattie of Troy spoke at length on the subject of "Methods," relating mainly to reading and geography. He had a very attentive audience, as well as a satisfied one. The board met in the evening and consulted and examined plans for the Whipple schoolhouse, to be presented to the people at the school meeting Thursday evening. The school house has been temporarily repaired, sufficient at least to keep out the weather, and school was resumed this morning.
Troy Daily Times. February 8, 1876: 3 col 2.—The school trustees of the public schools were in session Tuesday evening. The north wall of the Whipple school house was found out of line some two inches, and it has been pronounced unsafe by the architect. It was ordered taken down. Several repairs were ordered made during the vacation. Some method of ventilating the rooms of the Market street building will be adopted."Village Notes."
Lansingburgh Courier. June 30, 1876: 3 col 1.
Lansingburgh.QUINCY SYSTEM [...]The Quincy system has been introduced at the Whipple school in Adamsville, with Miss Nellie Comstock as teacher. it is working satisfactorily.
Troy Daily Times. April 23, 1880: 3 col 3.—The Isaac Dubridge residence, adjoining the Whipple school building on John street, was sold to John Mann on Monday for $2,000."Real Estate Changes."
Lansingburgh Courier. April 22, 1882: 2 col 2.—At the annual school meeting to be held next Tuesday evening the school trustees will recommend the building of an addition to the Whipple school building to relieve the crowded condition of that school and also of the Market street grammar school. The proposed addition will accommodate 100 pupils, and the estimated cost is $8,750."Lansingburgh."
Troy Daily Times. October 7, 1882: 2 col 5.
Lansingburgh.A large gathering of taxpayers, including many ladies, was present at Firemen's hall last evening at the annual school meeting. [...] The trustees asked that $8,748 be appropriated for an addition to the Whipple school, to provide for 150 additional pupils and add another commodious recitation room. The board was directed to proceed with the work, and to borrow not exceeding $4,000 for the expense. The meeting directed that this sum be raised in a manner to be decided at the next annual school meeting. The trustees were also authorized to expend a sum not exceeding $100 for fences at the Whipple school, the funds to be raised in the same manner as the above. It is proposed to add an A grammar grade and perhaps a B grammar grade at the Whipple school when the new addition is completed, to relieve the crowded condition of the Market street school, and the trustees will provide fifty new desks at the Whipple school at an expense of not more than $125.
Troy Daily Times. October 11, 1882: 2 col 6.—The contract for building out-houses at the Whipple school has been awarded to Martin Lilley.
Lansingburgh Gazette. November 4, 1882: 2 col 1.
The School Trustees.President R. C. Haskell was the only absentee at the meeting of the School Commission last evening.In honor of the late Dr. F. B. Leonard it was decided to change the name of the Diamond Street School to the
Leonard School. The deceased was a member of the School Commission a number of years.Architect Loth of Troy submitted preliminary plans for the proposed changes to the Whipple and Leonard School buildings. Several minor changes were suggested in an informal discussion of the plans and the architect was directed to prepare plans and specifications in accordance with the views of the board. A special meeting of taxpayers will be called at the
Comstock School the evening of May 24 for the purpose of voting on the proposition to raise $24,000 or as much of the same as may be needed to make the proposed changes. The proposed alterations to the Whipple School will necessitate tearing down the old part of the present building and increasing its capacity to ten rooms. It is intended to increase the Leonard School building by six rooms by an addition in front of the present structure. Each addition will be two stories high.
Troy Daily Times. April 27, 1897: 4 col 4.—The School Board will meet to-night. Plans for enlarging the Leonard and Whipple schools will be submitted by architect Loth."Lansingburgh."
Troy Daily Times. May 4, 1897: 4 col 2.—Many inquiries are being made about the new additions to the Whipple and Leonard schools, and it is likely that the number of bidders will be large."Lansingburgh."
Troy Daily Times. July 10, 1897: 4 col 2.
LANSINGBURGH.—Special Meeting of School Board—Contracts for Improving Schools Awarded [...]A special meeting of the School Board was held last night will all the members present except Messrs. Knight and Hull. Bids for the improvements of the Whipple and Leonard schools were opened and the contracts for the work awarded. Sixty-four bids were received.The contract for the mason work on the Leonard school was not awarded, as changes in the specifications are necessary.The bids on the Whipple school were as follows: [...]The contracts were awarded as follows: Carpenter work, M. T. Nial; mason work, James Dollard; plumbing, Gray & Temple; roofing and tinning, Lowrie, Young & Co.; painting, C. D. Clark.
Troy Daily Times. July 20, 1897: 4 col 2—A special meeting of the Village Trustees will be held this evening at 5 o'clock to take action upon the matter of removing the gravel from the excavation to be made at the Whipple school."Lansingburgh."
Troy Daily Times. July 22, 1897: 4 col 3.The School Board has secured Bolton hall for school purposes. Pupils of the Whipple and Leonard schools will attend sessions of school at the hall while the repairs to the school buildings are in progress. The lease of the hall extends from August 15, 1897, to April 1, 1898."Lansingburgh."
Troy Daily Times. July 23, 1897: 4 col 3.—Contractor Nial has commenced the work of razing the portion of the Whipple school which is to be rebuilt. [...]—The contracts for the work of improving the Whipple and Leonard schools were signed yesterday with the exception of the contract for heating, which has not yet been awarded."Lansingburgh."
Troy Daily Times. July 24, 1897: 4 col 3.—Contractors Patrick O'Neil and George Wood are at work digging the cellars of the Whipple and Leonard schools respectively. A complaint was made to the police yesterday of the action of children who congregated in the vicinity of the Whipple school. it is alleged that they throw stones and mud, causing annoyance to residents of the vicinity."Lansingburgh."
Troy Daily Times. July 28, 1897: 4 col 2.—The furniture and supplies in the Whipple school are being removed to Bolton hall. Partitions are also being erected to accommodate the various classes."Lansingburgh."
Troy Daily Times. August 14, 1897: 4 col 3.—The Leonard and Whipple schools are to be partly lighted by electricity. The basements and hallways are now being wired, and the incandescent lamps will soon be attached."Lansingburgh."
Troy Daily Times. 4 col 3.
For a Public Playground.At a parents' meeting held a few weeks ago at the Whipple School the subject of a public playground for the children during the summer vacation was suggested by Miss Cairns and was discussed with interest. The Superintendent was requested to present the matter to the School Board. The plan is to secure a suitable lot for the purpose and have it fitted up with swings, croquet, tennis courts, etc., where the children may go during the vacation. The Superintendent approved the plan."Upper Troy."
Troy Daily Times. February 6, 1901: 4 col 3.—There will be a parents' meeting at the Whipple School this evening. The subject of the summer playground will be discussed. All interested are invited to be present."Upper Troy."
Troy Daily Times. June 11, 1901: 4 col 2.—The new public playground at the Whipple School will be opened Monday morning."Upper Troy."
Troy Daily Times. June 29, 1901: 4 col 3.—Officers of the Fourth Precinct police station have been directed to prohibit ball playing on the lot near the Whipple School. Complaint had been made by residents in the vicinity."Upper Troy."
Troy Times. May 16, 1907: 6 col 2.

Old Lansingburgh Academy To House Whipple ClassesThe old
Lansingburgh Academy building, erected 140 years ago, will once again be used to house classes of the Whipple School, according to an announcement last night by Howard E. VerGow, superintendent.The Lansingburgh Board of Education approved the action last night, specifying that two fifth grade classes and an elementary special class would utilize three rooms of the historic two-story brick building at 4th avenue and 114th street beginning this September. [...]
Times Record. July 28, 1960: 20 cols 1-2.