A Handful of Coffin Nails

A gentleman at Lansingburg, N. Y. has discovered that tobacco can be so cultivated there as to be equal to the best cultivated in Cuba for segars, simply by pulling off the leaves when only partly grown.The Genius of Liberty [Leesburg, VA]. March 20, 1830: 4 col 2.

For Tobacco Lovers.—(Read it,—Read it,then HEED it.)—
Chewing in the parlor,Smoking in the street,Choking with cigar smoke,Every one you meet,Spitting on the pavement,Spitting on the floor,Is there such enslavement?Is there such a bore?In hotel and groceryTobacco juice and smokeDefile the floor and air,And sicken us or choke,How we do detest it,How we do deplore,On your vest to see the spit,Trickle down before.Your head a little back,When you go to speak,Will keep the channels dryBetween the chin and cheek,In halls where ladies sit,Silk and tissue skirt,Wipe up vile tobacco spit,Mingled with the dirt.Foetid breath forever,Saturated clothes,Would that we'd been neverCreated with a nose.Ladles with their long dress,Sweeping down the street,Gather up the nasty mess,Smear it round their feet.Declare the thing a curse,And when gents come to woo,You "pop the question" first—"Sir, do you smoke or chew?"Mark well each word or look,And if they don't say no,Just cross them off your book,And tell them why you do.Some gents will carry spice,Some cinnamon or cloves,Make good use of your eyes,And good use of your nose.For when the wedding's o'er,Perfumes they throw away,They spit upon the floor,They smoke and chew all day.Does a lover promiseTo quit the weed for you?See he has a firm bump,And is conscientious too.If you're no Phrenologist,Let time the truth make clear.And wait until he resistsTemptation for a year.Lansingburgh Democrat. December 4, 1856: 1 col 2. [Appeared previously, with one additional stanza, in The Water-Cure Journal and Herald of Reforms 22(1). July 1856. 16.]ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW.—Mr. Thos. Mills our enterprising Confectioner is always introducing something new in the Burgh. Mr. M. has just received a supply of Cigarettos, a cigar which is smoked by many of the first Class in New York and our other large cities. They are of a superior quality of the finest Turkish tobacco, imported direct. Lovers of the weed give him a call.Semi-Weekly Chronicle [Lansingburgh, NY]. August 13, 1864: 3 col 2.A Lansingburg horse chews tobacco. The beast!"Tea-Table Chat." Hudson Evening Register. February 12, 1872: 2 col 5.
The Clark Fire.
The barn and cigar factory of Thomas R. Clark, in the rear of his residence, No. 617 State street [Second Avenue], was discovered on fire at 11:30 on Monday night. An alarm from box 5 was promptly responded to by the fire department, and the flames were kept in the portion of the building in which they originated. A peddlers' wagon, two sets of harness, also several robes and blankets were entirely destroyed. A horse valued at $200 was so badly damaged by fire and smoke that it died on the following day. A quantity of tobacco and cigars were so damaged by smoke that they will be of but little value. Mr. Clark estimates his loss at about $1000. The property destroyed is fully covered by insurance with the exception of the wagon and harnesses. These are valued at $275, while the insurance is only $100. I. G. Flack and Theo. B. Walsh represent the companies holding the risks. Mr. A. Follett sustained damage by the fire to the extent of $50, which is fully insured with Mr. Walsh in the Westchester. The origin of the fire is a mystery, but is supposed to be the work of an incendiary. It was started in a part of the barn distant from the hay, and, curiously enough, that is not burned at all. The place is surrounded with frame dwellings and barns, and the prompt action of the fire department alone prevented an extensive fire. Much difficulty was experienced by the firemen in wading about the alley in two feet of mud and filth, and the authorities are called upon to investigate and have the place cleaned out.Lansingburgh Courier. April 28, 1876: 3 col 3.—A slight fire occurred at the residence of Mr. C. G. Bell, cigar manufacturer, No. 670 State st. [Second Avenue], Saturday Evening. The cause was the upsetting of a lighted lamp. No alarm was sounded.Lansingburgh Courier. May 19, 1876: 3 col 1.—Peckover, the famous glove cleaner and dyer, has for sale a beautiful case of birds. They can be seen at the cigar store of Mrs. Bell, State street [Second Avenue].Lansingburgh Courier. November 17, 1876: 3 col 1.Alfred Shumway, a well-known young man, whose home is in Lansingburg, is seriously ill from the effects of cigarette smoking."Local Jottings; City and Vicinity News in Brief." Albany Times. November 14, 1889: 4 col 6.