Fair Warning on Fair Use

☞ If the Gazette continues to copy Lansingburgh Items from the Troy Times, its editor will wake up some morning and find himself famous. The last Gazette contained more local news obtained from that source, than has appeared in its columns for the last three months. About all the items alluded to appeared in the Democrat of last week, and were copied into the Times, that paper giving the proper credit, which was omitted in the Gazette. We would recommend the Gazette editor, when he wants to serve up things rich racy and rare, that he obtain them direct from the fountain of truth, and not through such a roundabout channel as the Troy Times. Charity induces us to announce that next week we shall serve up a variety of local items which may be copied by our contemporary without credit, for we do not like to see any set of readers kept upon cold victuals so much of the time. Hence our generosity.Lansingburgh Democrat. April 2, 1857: 2 col 5.