"An Old Safe Removed" (1907)

An Old Safe Removed.An old safe which for more than a quarter of a century had stoof in the corner of a room in the upper floor of fire headquarters on Fifteenth Street [115th Street] was removed to-day by James T. Murray, who recently purchased it from the city. The safe was a relic of the old days of the village of Lansingburgh, having been used for years by the Trustees, who held their meetings in the rooms. In a way it was historical, as many of the most important documents of the village were stored away within its iron sides for safety. Since the day the safe was placed in the room it has never been moved, and it lost its place in village affairs only when the Greater Troy act removed Lansingburgh from the map. Since that time the rooms have been used by the Mason Hose Company. Weatherworn and rusty, on the front of the safe is the words "Lillie safe manufacturer, 1851." Weighing about five tons, the removal of the safe required the use of large timbers, chains, pulleys and the services of five men, and it was no easy task to get it to the street. Mr. Murray will probably use the safe in his office.Troy Times. September 24, 1907: 5 col 1.