"Socialism and Suffrage" lecture at Lansing's Grove (1915)

An address on "Socialism and Suffrage," with a special discussion of some of the testimony given before the Federal Relations Commission and its relation to the "votes for women" propaganda, will be given by Mrs. Mary G. Schoenberg, woman's correspondent of the Socialist Party of the state of New York, at Lansing's Grove, Hudson and Lansing Avenues, Lansingburgh, Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Mrs. Schoenberg will speak in Watervliet at Broadway and Sixteenth Street this evening, and will talk at the corner of State and Third Streets, Troy, to-morrow evening. Her subject will be "The Working Class and the Vote.""City Notes." Troy Daily Times. August 20, 1915: 5 col 1.

It may or may not have had anything to do with the choice of Lansing's Grove as a place for a lecture, but several people from Lansingburgh ran as candidates of the Socialist Party of New York in 1914-1915:"Candidates Nominated by the Socialist Party." Troy Times. November 2, 1914: 12. (Image cropped from scan by fultonhistory.com)In 1915, Walter B. Corbin of 653 5th Avenue ran for State Senator, 29th District; and Alwin Page, Sr. of 757 River Street (Batestown) ran for County Treasurer."Candidates Nominated by the Socialist Party." Troy Times. November 1, 1915 (Image cropped from scan by fultonhistory.com)In 1915, Walter B. Corbin of 653 5th Avenue ran for Member of Assembly, 1st District; Miltford Baxter of 791 1st Avenue ran for State Comptroller; Alwin Page, Sr. of 757 River Street (Batestown) ran for State Treasurer, Carl F. Jensen of 566 4th Avenue ran for Assessor; and Morris Bickweat of 653 5th Avenue ran for Supervisor, 1st Ward.VETERAN — Milt Baxter [(1883-1984)], Troy sign painter, has painted the lettering on all the buses of the company since its establishment.  Calkins, Herbert A. "Troy Bus Firm Continues To Grow." Times Record. September 5, 1964: B3. (Photo by Gene Baxter.) (Cropped from scan by Fultonhistory.com)