Manumissions 1808-1812

Not many of the early village or town records of Lansingburgh survive. A book of Town of Lansingburgh records covering April 7, 1807 to April 7, 1812 does, however, and in it are a few mentions of early African-American residents of Lansingburgh. Birth records were generally not created at the time, so the reason for some being given here would seem to be the Act For The Gradual Abolition Of Slavery of 1799. In relevant part, "any child born of a slave within this state after the fourth day of July next shall be deemed and adjudged to be born free: Provided nevertheless. That such child shall be the servant of the legal proprietor of his or her mother until such servant, if a male, shall arrive at the age of twenty-eight years, and if a female, at the age of twenty-five years." Thus, for example, Nancy born January 30, 1808 would be "free" with the not-so-free catch of being forced to be an indentured servant until 1833 (unless Mary Mabbett in this case subsequently legally provided otherwise). Any help locating later records documenting what became of Nancy, Pender, Cate, Peg, Almira, Luke Rich, Joseph Garrison, and Dick would be most welcome!

I Mary Mabbett Executrix of the last will + testament of Joseph S. Mabbett deceased do hereby certify that the estate of the said Joseph S. owns a negro woman slave, and that she on the thirtieth day of January last was delivered of a Female child and that the said child is named Nancy — Dated this 22d day of March 1808 — Lansingburgh —Recorded this 22d day ⎱ Mary Mabbett Executrixof March 1808 — ⎰E. W. Walbridge T. ClerkWe David Henry + James Adams Overseers of the poor of the Town of Lansingburgh above named, do hereby certify that the above named Pender negro woman slave appears on examination by us to be under the age of fifty years + of sufficient ability to provide for + maintain herself, according to the Form of the Statute in that case made and provided — Witness our hands this 22d March 1808Recorded this 22d day of March ⎱ David Henry ⎱ Overseers of the1808. E. W. Walbridge T. Clerk ⎰ James Adams ⎰ poor —I hereby certify that I am the owner of Cate a negro woman, slave, and that she is the mother of a Female child named [Dina?] aged eight months and twenty days_ Lansingburgh November 17th 1808. Levinus LansingI hereby certify that I am the owner of Peg a negro woman, slave, and that she is the mother of a Female child, named Almira, aged seven months, fifteen Days –Lansingburgh January 14th 1812Jacob L. LansingFee [?] pd. Recorded this 14. day of Jany 1812E. W. Walbridge T. ClkWe the subscribers, Overseers of the Poor, of the Town of Lansingburgh, in the County of Rensselaer, & State of New York, do hereby certify, that we have examined a negro man, slave, named Luke Rich, the property of Timothy Leonard of the Town, County + State aforesaid, and that such slave appears to us to be under the age of fifty years, and of sufficient abilities to provide for himself Given under our hands at Lansingburgh this 27th day of December 1809.David Henry ⎫ Overseers⎬ of theFees 1/paid — Shubael Gorham ⎭ PoorRecorded this 27 day of —December 1809 —E. W. Walbridge Town ClerkWe the subscribers, overseers of the poor of the Town of Lansingburgh in the County of Rensselaer + State of New York, do hereby certify, that We have examined a negro man slave, named Joseph Garrison, the property of John Gaston, of the Town, County and State aforesaid, and that such slave appears to us to be under the age of fifty years, and of sufficient abilities to provide for himself—Given under our hands of Lansingburgh this 25th day of December 1810. —Shubael Gorham OverseersofDavid Henry the poorRecorded Dec 25 1810E. W. Walbridge Town ClerkFees 25 ChI John Gaston of the Village of Lansingburgh, in the County of Rensselaer and State of New York do, hereby, liberate, set free + manumit my negro man, slave, named Joseph Garrison + by this certificate, have liberated, set free + manumitted for ever, him the said Joseph Garrison from all and every kind of servitude to me my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, according to the true intent + meaning of the statute in such care made + provided — Dated at Lansingburgh this 25th day of December 1810 and given under my hand —John Gaston —Signed + delivered in the Dec 25 1810 bypresence of James Adams E. W. Walbridge T. ClerkWhereas I Isaac Becker of the Town of Brunswick, County of Rensselaer and State of New York Do own and am possessed of a Negro Slave named Dick, aged twenty one years. And Whereas I am determined to manumit my said slave Dick, according to the true intent + meaning of the Act in such case made + provided—Now then, I do hereby give, grant and release to my said slave Dick all the right title, property and claim I have to his person or services; to the intent that he may obtain his full and absolute liberty and freedom and be manumitted of and from all and all manner of servitude to me, my heirs or assigns forever — Signed, sealed andDelivered this third day of March in the year of our Lord, one thousand Eight hundred and seven —hisIn the presence of Isaac x Becker L. S.[Bernard?] [Romans?] markherRecorded this 27th day Elizabeth x Becker L. S.of September 1811 — markby me, E. W. Walbridge Town Clerk[The following April 10, 1812 entry for some reason was struck through and marked "error"]I hereby make free and manumit, my female negro child, called Almira, and do hereby for myself, my heirs, executors administrators forever, make free and manumit the said Almira to be forever as free as the air I breathe __Witness my hand + seal this 10th day of April 1812 —In presence of ⎱ Jacob L. Lansing L. S.E. W. Walbridge ⎰