Powers family gardens opposite Powers Park

In Spite of Drought or Frost Flowers Remain—The Powers Group of Gardens.Lansingburgh is noted for its beautiful lawns and well-kept gardens. They are the pride of its residents and it may be mentioned that there are many of these gardens. All along Second Avenue as well as in the back streets are pretty gardens, which even now, following two frosts and the effects of decidedly fall weather, excite the admiration of visitors in the section. The gardens along Second Avenue are more generally praised, not perhaps because they are any prettier than those owned by residents of other streets but because they are more frequently seen throughout the summer months by people passing in the cars.
Pretty Gardens.
Conspicuous among Second Avenue gardens are the Powers gardens opposite Powers Park. Properly speaking all the gardens in this block are not those of the Powers estate, but they are known as such by most Lansingburghers. Here may be seen great beds of asters, salvias and other fall lowers, a blanket of bright colors. The little fences are faced by rows of old-fashioned hardy flowers and hollyhocks, flowers little seen in strictly modern gardens. There are beds and hedges of foliage plants. By careful selection and rotation of the seasonable flowering plants the beauty of the gardens is noticeable all summer long. From the time the first crocuses peep from the snow-covered ground there are flowers and many flowers in these gardens. On the corner of [One Hundred] Eleventh Street and Second Avenue is located William P. Dauchy’s residence, formerly the residence of the late Albert E. Powers. The present owner is as much interested in flowers as was his predecessor, and the older residents say the gardens have suffered no lessening in beauty because of the change in proprietorship. In the centre of the lawn is a big bed of giant cannas that are Mr. Dauchy’s pride. A summer’s drought and the toll of frost have not markedly affected the majesty of this bed of foliage. The several beds of salvia, crimson red, lend a dash of brilliance to the plats of bedding flowers about the premises. Two big beds of cannas are admired by all visitors. Nathan Dauchy, Mr. Dauchy’s father, who has been a guest at his home during the summer, takes a great delight in showing interested persons about the garden. He well remembers the days when the late Albert E. Powers took delight in the gardens and says they are of greater beauty than in the years gone by. Next south of the Dauchy place are Joseph Powers’ house and gardens. Further south are the Albert Powers property and gardens. The Nathaniel Powers estate and gardens lie just north of the site of the old D. Powers & Sons’ oilcloth factory. A friendly spirit of rivalry prompts the gardeners cultivating the gardens of one of the residences to outdo the gardeners working in other parts of the short block and passersby therefore are enabled to see a panorama of unusual beauty.Troy Times. September 25, 1913: 13 col 4.
Garden Fete Is Given By Troy Woman’s Club
Many Troy clubwomen, who are spending July in town and a number who are passing the summer at nearby resorts, were attracted to the garden fete which the Troy Woman’s Club sponsored this afternoon on the adjoining lawns of Mrs. Joseph Allen Powers’ and Mrs. Albert Powers’ homes in Lansingburgh.The guests entered through the south gate of Mrs. Joseph Allen Powers’ garden and were greeted by Mrs. Harold H. Tice, the President of the club; Mrs. Charles W. Hamm, who was General Chairman of the garden fete, and both the Mrs. Powers.The food table, which was located near the entrance, was gaily decorated with summer flowers, and offered many attractive fruits, jellies, cakes, preserves and delishes for sale. Assisting Mrs. Merton J. Timmerman, who was in charge of the sale of foods, were Mrs. Angus W. Pabst, Mrs. William F. Seber, Mrs. LeRoy W. Clark, Mrs. John D. Gray, Mrs. Frank A. Broderick, Mrs. Daniel D. Gardiner, Mrs. James E. Dwyer, Mrs. Edna H. Peck and Mrs. Lucius W. Arms.Card tables were arranged on the shady lawns which slope down toward the river. The awards for high score at each of the many tables in play were a set of six crystal plates wrapped and tied with colored ribbons. The chairs and tables for the players were arranged by Mrs. George C. Lecomte assisted by Mrs. Arthur H. Ellis, Mrs. Henry E. Rickman and Mrs. William Jarvis, Mrs. Herman B. Gaffers selected the attractive awards.Iced tea was served from a refreshment table placed on the back lawn of Mrs. Albert W. Powers’ home facing the river. A summer bouquet of snapdragons, delphinium and gypsophilia formed the table and centerpiece. Assisting the Chairman, Mrs. Robert G. Lemmon, in serving the guests were Mrs. Charles E. Smart, Mrs. Grace Baucus, Mrs. Albert J. Reed, Miss Jeanette Smart, Miss Jane Deal and the members of the Executive Board, which is composed of the officers and Directors of the club.Bouquets of delphinium, hydrangeas and other garden flowers decorate the lawns. Mrs. Rutherford Hayner, State Press Chairman, was in charge of the publicity for the party. The Reservations Committee was composed of Mrs. Warren St. John, Chairman; Mrs. F. W. Hill, Mrs. Frank P. Himes, Mrs. F. James Lessels, Mrs. James H. Donnelly and Mrs. Reuben H. Irish.Troy Times. July 20, 1932: 6 col 5.